296 STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR OPEN-HEARTH BOIL- ER PLATE AND RIVET STEEL. 1. Steel shall be made by the open- hearth process. _ 2. There shall be three classes of open- hearth boiler plate steel; mamely, flange 'steel, fire box steel and extra soft steel, which shall conform to the following limits in ehemical ad physical properties: a : THe Marine REVIEW (d) 'The homogeneity test is made as fol- lows: A portion of the broken oe oe specimen is either nicked with a et grooved on a machine, transversely en 'inch deep in three places about 2 oe The. first groove should be oe ae one side, 2 inches from the square en the specimen; the second, 2 inches oe on the opposite side; and the third, a ne se from the last, and on the opposite side tro it. The test specimen is then put in a sore with the first groove about 4 -inch e ae the jaws, care being taken to hold it firmly. The projecting end of the test specimen is Flange steel. {Acid 0.06 per cent Phosphorus shall not exceed...... 4 | Basic 0.04 per cent Sulphur shall not exceed......... 0.05 per cent WIA CaNESe yee a ese Ult. tensile strength, pounds per Square inch ..0 023, CP cean e 55,000--65,000 Yield point, in pounds per square inch, shall not be less than..... % Ult.: tens: str. Fire box steel. Extra soft steel. i .04 per cent aes is 0.04 per cent Basic 0.03 percent J 0.04 per cent 0.04 per cent 0.30 to 0.60 percent 0.30 to 0.50 percent 0.30 to 0.50 per cent 52,000--62,000 45,000 to 55,000 y% Ult. tens. str. y% Ult. tens. str. i 1,500,000 Elongation, per cent in 8 inches, 1,500,000 1,500,000 : Shall not be jess than... si... out ee Ult. tens. str. Ult. tens. str. Ult. tens. str. (but need not exceed 30 per cent) Woldehende oe a ' | '180% fat: 180° flat. 180° flat. ie ch bend soe ess se eavel bes ; (a) For the purposes of these specifica- then broken off by means of a hammer, a tions, the yield point shall be determined by the careful observation of the drop of the beam or halt in the gage of the testing machine. 3. Steel for boiler rivets shall be of the 'extra soft class, as specified in paragraph 2. 4. For material less than ;-inch and more than 34-inch in thickness, the following modifications shall be made in the require- ments for elongation. (b) For each increase of %-inch in thick- ness above %-inch a deduction of 1 shall be 'made from the specified percentage of elonga- tion, (ce) for ness below be made elongation. 5. In order to determine if the material conforms to the chemical limitations pre- scribed in paragraph 2 herein, analysis shall be made by the manufacturer from a test in- got taken at the time of the pouring of each melt of steel, and a correct copy of such analysis shall be furnished to the engineer or his inspector. A check analysis may be made by the purchaser or his representative, from a broken tensile test specimen repre- senting each heat of flange or extra soft steel on an order, and for each plate as rolled of fire box. steel, in which cases an excess of 25 per cent above the required lim- its in phosphorus and sulphur will be: allowed. 6. The standard tensile test specimen of 8-inch gaged length shall be used to deter- mine the physical properties specified in para- graphs 2 and 3. The standard shape of the tensile test specimen for sheared plates shall be as shown in Fig. 1, For other material the tensile test speci- men may be the same as for sheared plates, or it may be planed or turned parallel throughout its entire length and in all cases where possible two onposite sides of the test specimens shall be the rolled surfaces. Rivet rounds and small rolled bars shall be tested of full size as rolled. 7. The bending test specimen shall be 1% inches wide, if possible, and for all material %-inch or less in thickness the test speci- men shall have the natural rolled surface on each decrease of yg-inch in thick- te-inch, a deduction of 2% shall 'from the specified percentage of two opposite sides; but for material more than 34-inch thick, the bending test speci- men may be ¥%-inch thick. The sheared edges of bending test specimens shall be milled or planed. The bending test may be made by pressure or by blows. The cold bending test shall be made on the material in the condition in which it is to be used, and prior to. the quenched bending test, the specimen shall be heated to a light cherry red as seen in the dark and quenched in water, the temperature of which is between 80 de- grees and 90 degrees Fahr. Rivet rounds shall be tested of full size as_ rolled, 8. .For fire box steel a sample taken from a broken tensile test specimen. shall not show any single seam or cavity more than %-inch long, in either of the. three fractures obtained on the test for homogeneity, as described below: number of light blows being used, and the bending being away from the groove. The specimen is broken at the othef two grooves in the same way. The object of this treat- ment is to open and render visible to the eye any seams due to failure to weld up, or to foreign interposed matter, or cavities due to gas bubbles in the ingot. After rupture, one side of each fracture is examined, lens being used if necessary, of the seams and cavities is determined. 9. Three test pieces shall be furnished from each plate as_ it is rolled; one for tension, one for cold bending and one for quench bending test. For rivet rods, two RS a < Parallel section not less than 9" jr -About-3"> = . eee = : ee oe ar x e a : e e of 3 ee ee = fea ee nee oe a ABOUt [| ae eee ere a Fie). tensile test specimens and two cold bending and two quench bending test specimens shall be furnished from each melt. In case any one of these develop flaws, or should a ten- sile test specimen break outside of the mid- dle third of its gaged length, it may be dis- carded and another test specimen substituted therefor. 10. A variation in cross-section or weight of each piece of steel of more than 2% per cent from that specified will be sufficient cause for rejection, except in case of sheared plates, which will be covered by the following a pocket © and the length -- August, 1909 WHEN ORDERED TO WEIGHT. Plates 12% heavier: : : (e) Up to 100 inches wide, 2% per cent above or below the prescribed weight. (f) 100 inches wide and over, 5 per cent above or below. Plates under 12% pounds per square foot: (g) Up to 75 inches wide, 2% per cent above or below, (h) 75 inches and up to 100 inches wide, 5 per cent above or 3 per cent below. '(i) 100 inches wide and over, 10 per cent above or 3 per cent below. WHEN ORDERED TO GAGE. pounds per square foot or Plates will be accepted if they measure not more than 0.01 inch below the ordered thickness. An excess over the nominal weight cor- responding to the dimensions on the order will be allowed for each plate, if not more than that shown in the following tables, one cubic inch of rolled steel being assumed to weigh 0.2833. pound. 11. Each plate shall be distinctly stamped with its heat or slab number, and with the name of the manufacturer, grade and lowest tensile strength specified. Each test speci- men shall be distinctly stamped with the heat or slab number which it represents. Rivet steel may be shipped in securely fast- ened bundles with the melt number stamped on a metal tag, attached. 12. All finished material shall be free from injurious surface defects and lamina- tions, and must have a workmanlike finish. 13. The inspector representing the pur- chaser shall have all reasonable facilities af- forded to him by the manufacturer to satis- fy him that the finished material is furnished in accordance with these specifications. All tests and inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture, prior to shipment. CADILLAC SUNK. The steamer Cadillac, of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.'s fleet, was sunk in collision with the steamer George L. Craig in St. Clair flats op- posite Bedore's hotel on Aug. 1. The collision appears to have been a three-cornere1 affair, the Mariposa of the Pittsburg Steamship Co.'s fleet endeavoring to pass the 'Cadillac, both up bound, and throwing the Cadillac's bow in the pathway of the Craig, down bound. The _Cad- illac, coal laden, sank at once. Capt. Harris W. Baker, the wrecker, was given the contract for raising the Cadillac. The Craig proceeded to Ashtabula where she unloaded her cargo of ore and then went to 'Cleve'and for repairs. Her injuries were all above the water line. The large and comfortable steamer City of St. Ignace is the special steamer of the D. & C. Mackinac division. This boat makes two trips weekly between Cleveland, Detroit and Mackinac, and with the two regular D. & C. steamers maintain a_ six-trips-a-week schedule to northern Michigan resorts. stop is made at Goderich, Ont,, once a week in each direction. The Lake Carriers' Association has appoint- ed John M. Mehrinzer, of 'Cleveland, ship- ping master at Lorain, and Capt. Sam Gould, who has been stationed there for some time, permissible variations, which are to apply to has gone upon a vacation prior to entering single plates. new duties. PLATES 4% INCH AND OVER IN THICKNESS. : Nominal Width of Plate. Thickness weights. ordered, Lbs. per © 2 75 in. and 100 in. and inches. Sq. ft. Up to 75 in. up to 100 in. up to 115 in. Over 115 in. YA 10.20 10 per cent 14 per cent 18 per cent ps 12.75 8 percent 12 per cent 16 per cent ¥% 15.30 7 per cent 10 percent 13. per cent 17 per cent 16 17.85 6 per cent 8 per cent 10 per cent 13 per cent (2 ee 5 per cent 7 'per cent 9 percent 12 per cent ts a 4% per cent 6% per cent 8% per cent 11 per cent s % -90 4 per cent 6 per cent 8 per cent 10 per cent ver % He 3% per cent 5 percent 6% per cent 9 per cent PLATES UNDER % INCH IN THICKNESS. Thickness i 1 ate. ordered, Nominal weights, AND of Plate : inches, Lbs. per sq. ft. Up to 50 in. 50 in. and up to 70 in, Over 70 in. i, s = i 3 aie tO. 6.37 10 percent 15 per cent 20 per cent s © Bu to 7.65 8% per cent 12% per cent 17 per cent A, -65 to 10.20 per cent 10 per cent 15 per cent