September, 1909 TAE Marine Review 'The Martin-Barriss Co. 654 Seneca Street CLEVELAND, OHIO IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF MAHOGANY W HITE MAHOGANY and all Native Cabinet Woods 'High Grades of Kiln Dried Woods for Cabin Work and Inside Trim GRADES BEST, U. S. NAVY and NAVY BOTH SPUN and UNSPUN ALSO PLUMBERS' SPUN OAKUM AND COTTON Established 1840 OUR MOTTO: "QUALITY, FIRST, LAST, ALWAYS" Nearly 70 years of active business made possible only by "Square Dealing"' W. 0. DAVEY & SONS Offices and Factory 164 Laidlaw Avenue JERSEY CITY, N.J. EKENBERG Powdered Milk in 10 Ib. cans, may be secured at the following lake supply stores: Hausheer & Sons Co. Cleveland, O. Cheney's Sons Ashtabula, O. Henry Beckmann & Son Erie, Pa. P. J. Gunn Buffalo, N. Y. Great Lake Supply Co. Buffalo & Duluth Graham Sons ' * Smith & Yendall Detroit, Mich. John N. Schlosser Milwaukee, Wis. Nic. Bur Green Bay, Wis. J. M. Sullivan Chicago, IIl. The Enterprise Sheboygan, Wis. Zepp Bros. Toledo, O. Schuette Bros. Co. Manitowoc, Wis. 'Tomlinson & Co. & Chicago Lumber Co's. Store Manistique, Mich. Atkins & Co. Escanaba, Mich. H. Bittner se Reagan & Gawn Lorain, O. Buckley & Douglass Manistee, Mich. Geo. Gougeon W. Bay City Walther Dept. Store Bay City EKENBERG MILK PRODUCTS CO. Cortland, N. Y. 359