October, 1909 exhaustive tests, which they did, in order to satisfy themselves and their engineers. As a result of their tests and examination, the Italian govern- ment recognizes the porhydrometer as TAe MarRINE Review shipowning firms were represented, whilst others connected with the coal shipping business were also present. It was agreed by those present that the best way of testing the instru- "HAEER RIT) < THe RecorpINGc INSTRUMENT. an official weighing machine. They have decreed that ships fitted with the invention shall be recognized by the customs, and that the weight of cargo registered 'by the porhydrometer shall be accepted as correct by the customs authorities. Naturally enough, special interest at- taches to the definite series of tests which, a few days ago, were carried out at Cardiff, on the cargo steamer Procida, which loaded a cargo of coal for Genoa. The Procida is a 7,000- ton carrier of the ordinary cargo type. At the demonstration about a dozen ment was to take four wagon loads of coal--each wagon holding exactly 10 tons--and tip them one by one into the Procida's hold. The porhydro- meter with which the Procida is fitted is situated in the engine room, and it followed, therefore, that those who were watching the steel-yard of the instrument did not know how much coal the ship had taken on board, ex- cept so far as it was recorded by the instrument. As wagons one, two and three were tipped into the hold the porhydrometer correctly registered 10, 20 and 30 tons respectively. Then the 389 fourth wagon was discharged into the vessel and immediately the porhydro- meter, instead of registering 40 tons as was to be expected, registered 4234. This was a surprise to those who were watching the instrument, until a satisfactory explanation was forth- coming. And _ here is how the error ALOSE, StcNor EmiILio DE LoRENZI, THE INVENT- OR OF THE PORHYDROMETER, Those who were superintending the tipping of the coal were anxious that the fourth 'wagon should tbe tipped well over the starboard, and to do 408 '0000 00 sh 8400 ; eee : S000 i $200 voee ic om Zens Displacement. Ss a oa | (ene ay 1 | aero Ales ps | rena lee ioe nel oie ne ely | ao Sin 14 ae Seer eet | eecleten | ei Open oe | ; ase 7, 790 1400 Spuare Metres Walerline Area. Draft said erate ' WateriMe ROR UH BDH 40 Fons per (nek Sonpmers ion, Draft. nig 18000 000 BB oo. feck i s : ' 1 --4 | | | ( ' i bE oo { ! a = | E25 > ' { cs st ' | ' ' % cas | | ' 1 ' 2h aha ' ! ; 287 { i pad + 1 ' -- 1 ' s Be ts eae Le 2 ' By (Nis | ' i 5 = } ' r% 20 ' | EC t se com ' ' -/9 Zs . ' os -- 3, 1 1 5 [8 a 5 a Curve of Waterline Areat arrestee vie Ee oJ | ; ce -- Y 2. : ¥ EZ Zo : Pe, ' : Fe a v: Re, ' 1 re . t mee 1 r= A = ' 3 'ot Cirenonference 1 | hece ke 4 x - mite 2g a x EY 5. is x of Atrometer || Aeroniteot ad ve Vas ok i ---- sal ' ! th "wo ; ; , oe a x ; : EAS. x. a 4 . ' t i x ' ' "Ee L, Z 4 v ' an 4 ; Curve of Centres of Displacement : w/e uw s pens ! \ F_ 4 '| > pe ee Lt Waterline -- S tH F 0 LAD ee yv N* > Ceerve of Centres of Watertine Areas. 1 i ae S d ee : Ee 25 j { ' a : \ ' ee: 4&4 Ny : i E a : 1 ; rz. Za 8) i} 5 ' i' Sigue oh Half Zerg th Loon fore enc { of Serer Apariecre fo Aira | Far pan lien ar, pre { E x fr. 5 1 N 5 Sanches, Aeremeter Diagram, r Zs - 6 Feo Forward of Bm jf 4 fe DISPLACEMENT CURVES OF A 7,000-Ton Carco STEAMER.