410 CLYDE-BUILT AMERICAN YACHT. The fast steam yacht Winchester, constructed for an American owner by 'Messrs. Yarrow of Glasgow, passed her trials last week in the Firth of the Clyde, and will leave Glasgow for New York in the course of a few days. She will be towed. across the Atlantic, She is built on torpedo boat lines, and her dimensions are as _ follows: Length, 165 feet; beam, 15 feet 6 inches. Her estimated speed was 26 knots, and the mean speed obtained on a two hours trial was 26.7 knots. - The propelling machinery consists of three 'turbines of Parsons' type (con- structed by Messrs. Yarrow) with three shafts, one propeller on each shaft. The port shaft is actuated by a high pres- sure turbine, the center shaft by a low pressure turbine in which is in- corporated an astern turbine, and the starboard shaft by a middle pressure turbine. . ae Steam to the turbines is supplied by Yarrow. watertube boilers, constructed for burning oil fuel exclusively. TAE Marine REVIEW TRIALS OF THE JAPANESE AR- -MORED CRUISER -IBUKI. The Japanese armored cruiser Ibuki has recently completed a series of very successful steaming trials at the. Kure navy yard in Japan. . This vessel .is equipped with Curtis marine reversible turbines built by the Fore River Ship Building Co., of Quincy, Mass. U. S. A, which were shipped to Japan and installed in the vessel at the Kure yard. The turbines drive twin screws, are of 12 ft. pitch diameter, 7-stage type, and were guaranteed to deliver 21,600 BB. H i The following table gives the results obtained on the various trials: the general th October, 1909 as were used in going ahead. The tur- bines ran reversed at 186.3 revolutions and developed 11,035 B. H. P. Also maneuvering qualities of the vessel were excellent. The Fore River Ship Building Co. have also supplied Curtis turbines for the battleship Aki, and Japanese yards are building Curtis turbines for two other battleships and three scout cruis- ers; two of the latter were ordered as a result of the successful outcome of the Ibuki trials. Each of the turbines of the Ibuki has seven ahead wheels and two re- verse wheels, all in one casing, and each in a compartment formed by diaphragms inside the casing. The first ahead wheel and each of the re- verse wheels has four rows of mov- Duration of trial, houts. 2.04555 6.6. - 8 Steam "chest press, cage... . 4. tit. 22k Quality of steam: 1... .:2........... Bee Sat. Exhaust shell vacuum, inches..... es 28.1 eM ee eae ee a a 15152 ee Pee es area ene 5,077 Water per hour for main turbines...... 108,021 Water Gate per: Bev Bos me ce. 21.27 Available Bi TU: in steam... 02.5... . 348 Efficiency of turbines, per cent.......... 34.3 Water rate corrected to contract conditions. . Paes Guaranteed water 'rate ........ 2.4.00. . Y% power. % power. 34 power. 4% power. Full power. So 24 6 6 228 230 240 239 "Sat. = 35° Sup. 28° Sup. 53°. Sup. 2758 Bice 26.4 25.57. -189.1. - 215.7 235.5 250.5 10,077 15,730 20,978 27 142 - 183,083 256 910 330,339 407,987 18:17 - "16:39 15.73 15,03 2 ood . 341.5 329 325.8 2 AA OS: 4555 <2 49.2 52 16.76 ~ Ra ete wales 13.88 17 ae ee 15 THE Crype-Buitt AMERICAN YACHT WINCHESTER. The accommodation for the 'owner, which is below deck abaft the machinery space ang very commodious and hand- somely d€corated, 'consists- of a double Stateroom, two single staterooms, draw- ing room, bath room and toilet rooms. There is a teak deck house forward 25 ft. long, containing dining room, -cap-- tain's cabin, and pantry. The quarters for the officers and crew, and the galley are below the main deck forward. The vessel has a complete electric light installation and is heated by steam. The contract guarantees were made on a basis of 250 lb. steam pressure, and 28 in. vacuum at 200 revolutions for two-fifths power, and 255 revolu- tions at full power. The actual trial 'conditions were somewhat under these. and the corrected water rates in the table are to allow for the differences. The reversing power of the: turbines was tested at the end of the four-fifths power run by running astern for 15 minutes, keeping the same firing inter- val and conditions in the boiler room ing buckets, while the remaining wheels have three rows each. The steam leav- ing any wheel is directed through noz- zles in the diaphragms onto the buck- ets of the next wheel. The turbines are reversed by simply shutting off steam from the ahead steam chest and opening the valve to the astern steam chest. The above turbines of the Ibuki are similar to those on the United States scout cruiser Salem, except their pitch diameter is 2 ft. greater.