November, 1909 TARE MarINE REVIEW a 467 KEY HARBOR SAILING DI- x 3 aria | : RECTIONS. ~ Bis -- ~ Key dilet, "at the: northeasters ex- y ie = | tremity of Georgian bay, Lake Huron, asst ly wis has been selected by the Canadian \e : si, = Northern tailway as._a Great Lakes yee Re terminal. Ore loading and coal un- o SF loading plants have been constructed a2 . "8s at the port and the first cargo of = yee : : ore was shipped from the port about "3 ioe 2s : six weeks ago. Vessel masters are soy gd ee now seeking sailing directions to the we 2 ee fo - The sketch herewith published is 5 taken from a blue print issued by the 3 = oa Hydrographic Survey Office, Depart- * = : ment of Marine and Fisheries, Otta- n $ wa, and shows the entrance channel 8 ir leading into Key inlet as Swept to a = i 3 depth of 21 ft., together with buoys ae = ae I. and range beacons established to oy ate = mark the outlying dangers and lead 3 SS : me Mm in the deepest water. . ae SS , 2 The channel from the outer. or en-. ee trance buoy to the pier, at the port E : eN zehi consists of four principal courses or -- ae 2S ae es ! sections. The outer section of the = > SS channel is marked by a pair of range : Seu 5 eS 'beacons 2,110 ft. apart erected on . $ a <= Dead island; the second section by a sks : oe : pair of 'beacons 2,960 ft. apart on the [Ys 2 NUNN e tL Black Keefer islands; the third section by a pair of beacons 2,370 ft. - apart erected on Wedge island and an is- land east-north-eastward from it, and : the fourth section by a pair of bea- . cons 630 ft. apart erected on Dokis i island. These beacons -are all. of wood. The front one of each range is pyramidal in shape, about 12 ft. . high, and painted white; the rear one shows rectangular in the line of range above the front one, and is painted -white with a black stripe down the middle of its face. _ Six gas buoys, all painted red and showing intermittent white lights, have been moored at the turning points in the channel and should be~ left on the starboard side going in. Entrance gas buoy No. 2 is moored in 61%4 fathoms of water on the align- ment of Dead island 'beacons with the southern -tree on Bustard is- lands in one with Bustard Rocks Main light, and is 1% miles S. 33 deg. W. true (S. W. % S. mag.) from South East rock, Gull rocks. Approximate position: Latitude 45 deg. 51 min. 09 sec. N., Longitude 80 deg. 52 min. 46 sec. W. Directions--From a point about 2 miles eastward of Flowerpot island lighthouse, with Cove island light 'Q6) Red\spar buoy hx "bey KS, Murray Rock A MB°W YA : 5 nen pps Red Spar buoy as 24 2 on TYRLON aL] Moot ee ¢ SS a eve eek S « Vv © o cO 2 oe 33 spar buoy Me dINENO In aT No.9 Y) ° Black Uh 30 Murra iy Reef Ba HY ane 17. [/ Fed spar buoy Y, 40 f fe Frances Smith Shoal 3% South East Rock ENTRANCE TO | KEY. HARBOR gs house' just in sight, steer N. 40 deg. wee E. true (NE. 4% E. mag.) 44% miles ses to entrance buoy No. 2, passing % 4 * "a 6 ag mile northeastward of Bears Rump