Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), January 1910, p. 27

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January, 1910 AVERAGE LAKE FREIGHT RATE. There is appended herewith the usual annual summary of lake freight rates for the season of 1909. It presents but slight change from 1908, which was the poorest of many years, but had the ad- TAE Marine REVIEW AVERAGE FREIGHT RATE ON IRON ORE PER GROSS TON FROM PORTS NAMED TO OHIO PORTS-- TABLE COVERING WILD AND CONTRACT RATES FOR 20 YEARS PAST. Ashland and other ports at the head of Escanaba. Marquette. Lake Superior. Wild Con- Wild Con- Wild Con- or daily tract or daily tract or daily tract vantage of keeping the vessels busier. iss a rate. rate. 'rate. rate. rate. The soft coal rate to Lake Michigan 1g91 ..0.94 Ae we feo a one orts was shav 1 q sero LOO Aa Osa 1,00 0.98 dbs es15 1.25 Fe haved 5 cents at the begin- 3353 "ps6 085 0.71. 1.00 077 '1.00 ning of the year, and the lumber rate to 1894 ..046 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.78 0.80 the head of the lake works out at a eae ee ee ie ee co ape little less figure, 'but the avera ore 1897 ..0.45 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.57 0.70 2 Se OFS 1808051 045 060 060 Gen oe and grain rates are a trifle better than 1899 ..0.95 0.50 1.08 0.60 1.2934 0.60 : : : ' : 1900 ..0.69%4 1.00 0.78% 1.10 0.84% 1:25 in 1908. The opening rate on grain 199; '9/64' 0.60 0.79 0.70 0.89 0.80 from the head of the lakes was 134 1902 ..0.59 0.60 0.66 0.70 0.77 0.75 z bS037 2 0.61 0:65 -0,72 0.75 0.81 0.85 cents, and from Chicago 13g cents. A 1904 ..0.53% 0.55 0.62 0.60 0.70 0.70 ; : 1905 0.61 0.60 0.70 0.70 20:77 0.75 general advance in the ore rate of 10 1996 *'o:69 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.7555 0.75 cents is predicted for [910.. Following 1907 2..060.. 060.070 . 070 075 -- 075 coca hs 1908 =2..0550 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.65 0.65 Bente ort ye 1909 ...0.52 0:50: 06! -- O60. 0:60. . 0.65 AVERAGE DAILY RATES OF FREIGHT ON THE GREAT LAKES. 1907. 1908. 1909. Cents. Cents. Cents. tron: ore;> Escanaba to. Ohio ports; gross ton. :.5. 0 seen 60,00 50.00 B73 Tron ore, head of Lake Superior to Ohio ports, gross ton.... 73.00 65.00 66.41 Tron: ore, Marquette' to Ohio. ports; 'gross tom... 31... ..50- 70.00 60.00 61.41 Wheat. Chicago "te" Bufialo, bun: Ge ee 1.5796 1,005. 1.5641 Wheat: Duluth: to. «Buflalo.= bie sse5 ae 1.8639 1,2299 1.9587 Soft coal, Qhio= ports: to-- Milwaukee, net "ton. 2..5 4 40.00 40.00 36.75 Soft coal, Ohio* ports'-to. Duluth, set) ton... eee 30.00 30.00 31.30 Sort coal, Ohio ports) to.,Portage, net ton... 6. 53s ee 50.00 30.00 31.25 Soft toal, Ohio= ports to Manitowoc, net tone.2) 3... 000s 35.00 35.00 31.29 Soft coal, Ohio« ports to 'Sheboygan;. net ton ..455...:2.<.1- 09.00 35.00 3125 Soft: coal, Qhio ports. to. Green: Bay, net ton. 7.3.8 se 35.00 35.00 32,59 Soft coal, Ohio ports: to" Escanaba, net: tone. .7 42.5. e sa 35.00 35.00 31:25 Hard coal, "Buffalo to Milwattkee, net tom. /..;5..2..u0e5 ae 41.062 40.00 41.80 Hard 'coal, 'Buffalo to Chicago: net: ton. (02.5 ee eee 40.777 40.00 40.99 Hard coal;. Buffalo: to: Duluthiomet tone «43 oes eS 315256 30.00 31.98 Lumber, head "of the lakes to Ohio ports... 3). 005. - 258.549 261.08 240.08 AVERAGE DAILY FREIGHT RATFS., WITH 1909. 10 YEARS, ENDING Cents. Iron ore, heat! of Lake Superior to Ohio ports; = gross tons ee Sa, ee ee 76 Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross LOM sy Se ees oer ts Cae cee ieee sea 69 Iron ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, gross COT cet. eee a ee 29 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net COM cece Pe eae Mee ee ne 45 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Duluth, net ton. 35 Hard coal, Buffalo: to Chicago, net ton.. 44 Hard coal, Buffalo to Duluth, net ton.... 34 Wheat, Chicago to: Buffalo. bu...) vs 1.50 Wheat; Duluth to «Buffalo, bute: 45... 1.91 Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio ports.254.00 AVERAGE OF DAILY LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON HARD COAL FROM BUFFALO TO CHICAGO, MIL- WAUKEE AND DULUTH DURING TEN. YEARS ° PAS". Chicago. Duluth. Year Cents. Cents. 190060 0 tee ee 43 39% 1901 oye ee ie 50 38 1902 eg oe ee ee 42 33 1903. Gee 48 38 1906, eo ee 43 34 1905 i ee ee 44 34 W906 ee eee 46 35 1907 eo ste es eee as 40 31 1908) 2228s rae oe ae eee ae 40 30 1909 05 as ns eae eae ee ee 41 32 Average. for 10 -years...4.-. 44 34 Rate to Milwaukee practically the same as to Chicago. © Hard coal is net tons and is handled without charge to vessel. AVERAGE OF DAILY RATES ON SOFT COAL FROM "OHIO PORTS TO MILWAUKEE, ESCANABA, DULUTH, GREEN BAY AND MANITOWOC, Mil- Esca- Green Mani- waukee. naba. Duluth. Bay. towoc. Year. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. £900 3. oes 45 40 40 45 43% 1901 oe 49 46 38 48% 48 190272... .. 46% 41% 34% 46% 42 1903405. 50% 45 41% 50% 46 1904 as 47 40 37 45% 47 1905 33 a. < 46% 41y 33% 42 41y 1906. 2.03. 46 2 35 42 42 1907. 2 cs 40 35 30 | (39 35 1908 ee 40 35 30 35 35 1909. . cy. 37 oo 31 32 31 Average for 10 years.. 45 40 35 42 41 Chicago rate about same as Milwaukee. Coal of all kinds shipped in net tons and handled without charge to vessel. Charge to vessels in 1909 for unloading iron ore was 20 cents per ton. The wooden vessels that required trimming paid an additional charge of about 3 cents per ton for that ser- ~ vice, Average ore rates for the entire period of 20 years: Escanaba, contract 65 cents, wild 62%4 cents; Marquette, contract 79 cents, wild 75 cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, contract 85 cents, wild 85 cents. Average for past 10 years: tract 62 cents, wild 59 cents; Marquette, con- tract 71% cents, wild 69 cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, con- tract 79 cents, wild 76 cents. LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON WHEAT, Escanaba, con- DULUTH TO BUFFALO. Rate, Rate, Near. Cents. Year. Cents. 1909 en ee 1.96 LGOS oe ee eee s 122 [907 eee as 1.86 19065 se re 2.19 L905 eee B35 $894). ccs 14%@3 T9045 eee a 1.81 SOS: eee os 14%@3% 190863 OSes 16 1892 sera, 2% @4 19020 a ee 1.9 TROT Seek 1%@9% 1L9OT Seek 2S LSSO.3 ace 2 @§ T9003 NG ee 2.0 PESO a. 2 @5 1899) A res 3.6 VESS2 ees 2 @5 TBOS See ees. 1.8 PBST ee ss os 2 @8 1897 2 eee. 1.75 TSS62 34% @8 1896.2 es Dlg 1895 ON ea. 9.50 Figures for 15 years past average of daily rates for full season; previous to 1895 rates given are highest and lowest of the year. AVERAGE RATES ON WHEAT PER BUSHEL BY LAKE FROM CHICAGO TO BUFFALO. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. PRE. oe: 9.89: 18/7000 3:72 - 1894... 2. 127 18614... 14.53. S78. 3:07) 1895.0. e197 1862.62. 10:49 1879...... 474A T8906 3s 1.70 186300 5.. 751 - 188025 c. 5:75. 1897 a. 1.56 1864.22. O58: 188i yo 3:44 (18985203. 1:53 1365-652 O78 -- 1882. 5. S. 2.50° 1899.52. 2.71 1866.58.32 13:34: 2883... ¢ Sdd. 7 1900235. 1.79 £867; .2.. G67 1884. 23. CAB T90L. ses 1.42 1868.60. < 7:14 "1885.2... 20e - S902 45% 1.51 1869, 555 6.8! 1586.2... 3.68. 1903. 1.41 1870 227 =% SSS 1887 e, oo AAS 1904-27 8, 1:32 18715.2%. 7-62: 18882505. 2.56 1905. .¢.; 1.67 T8223. 41.46. 1859: 2. 251. 3906: .5;; 1.72 $S7 3 cue 7.02 (1890... 1.96: 1907.4... 157 1874-2055 4.03 1891 ....5. 2:38. 1908.2... 1.00 1B7555 Gs 3.42 18922 2.48: 1909... 2: 1.56 1876. 332. 290: 18952. .55 1.66 Average for 50 years, 4.25. Charges to vessels for shoveling, trimming ae and tallying weights of grain amounted to $4.12% per 1,000 bu. in 1909. AVERAGE LUMBER RATES, DULUTH TO LAKE ERIE PORTS Rate Rate © Year, per M. . Year per M. 1909s ee aes $2.40 19037. See ca S257 1908 nce as 2,601 1902 cs ae . 2.54 1907. See ee 2:58 1901 4 Ss eee "2.66 LIU Gi ease ee 2.74 L900 oie eee ae sy aieo L90SKs ees 2.45 1899s ceria 3.08 1904 oe 2.54 LAKE MICHIGAN ORE RE- CEIPTS. The growing importance of Lake Michigan's Lake Superior ore receiv- ing ports is proved by the receipts of 1909 when 6,929,831 tons were re- ceived. A few years ago the ore re- ceipts at Lake Michigan ports were insignificant, but during the past three years the development of steel plants along the southern shore of Lake Michigan has been rapid. Following are the receipts by ports: South Chicago, Tis. 23. 4,673,810 Milwaukee, Wis. 32 60s ae, : 178,720 Gaty< Ind. "ise tae Se rae sewee Lj921,818 Hast / Jordan; Mich:.:-.20.... 5 ' 18,623 Boyne City;* Michiv.... cs. ese ae 37,062 Elk (Rapids; Miche... a. 3. voces 46,037 Pruttport;:: Mich... cco... oe 53,761 Total oss. so 36 tte one en 6,929,831 It is announced from Buffalo that Congressman Alexander will ask for an appropriation for the survey of a fourth lock on the American side at Sault Ste. Marie. Work is now un- der way on a third lock to be ap- proximately 1,350 ft. long, but it is believed that by the time it is fin- ished a fourth lock will be urgent. In fact, this has been the history of the locks at the Sault; the Poe lock was no sooner finished than it proved inadequate. For while it was de- signed forever to lock through four vessels at a time, yet, before it was completed it was seen that it could lock through only two and now it. can lock through only one of the larger type of carrier at a time. There is a marked demand for coal in the northwest and shipments from docks to the interior are heavy, not- withstanding the weather. It is pre- | dicted that the docks will be practi- cally clean when navigation opens, and that the coal movement next year will be correspondingly heavy. COMMERCE OF SAULT STE. MARIE CANALS. The statement of lake commerce through the canals at Sault Ste. Marie for the season of 1909 has just been issued by Col: C. McD. Townsend. The total commerce for 1909 was 57,895,149 net tons as against 41,309,- 557 tons for 1908, an increase of 40 per cent. The 1909 movement comes within 322,065 tons of equaling the 1907 movement when 58217,214 tous. = were moved. During December 1,791,-

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