January, 1910 TAE Marine REVIEW EpwIN TowWNSEND EVANS. father, Jacob Townsend,' was similarly prominent, in partnership with Sheldon Thompson and Alvin Bronson, mainly on Lake Ontario, from 1810, when he built his home on Lewiston Heights. The business career of Edwin T. Ev- ans, like those of his forbears, was long and without reproach. When only 22 years of age, in 1859, he had the con- fidence of: the local banks to a degree that enabled him to buy on credit several steamers tied up by the failure of the American Transportation Co., of which his father was secretary and treasurer. This was the beginning of the old lake forwarding firm of J. C. and E. T. Ev- ans, owners and managers of the Evans line of steamers, later known as the Erie & Western Transportation Co. (Anchor Line), which was bought by the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Co. some years later and has since been known as the Anchor Line. E. T. Evans was western manager of this company util 1903, when he was elected vice president of the company, an office which he held until it was abol- ished. He was succeeded as_ western manager by his son, James Carey Evans 2nd. E. T. Evans had the distinction of having built the first iron merchant steamer on the lakes, the Merchant, constructed in 1867. He retained until his death the pres- idency of the Connecting Terminal Rail- road Co., of Buffalo, and of the Western Warehousing Co., of Chicago. Mr. Ey- ans was long known as the dean of the Lake Carriers and his reputation as an efficient and careful manager was never impaired either with the shippers of the lake region or with his principals. He was long on intimate terms with the guiding spirits of the Pennsylvania rail- road and in important branches of its vast business his counsel was sought and prized. 33 With Frank J. Firth, formerly pres- ident of the Erie & Western Transporta- tion Co., Mr. Evans was one of the or- ganizers of the Lake Carriers' Associa- tion and for some years served as one of its directors. PITTSBURG STEAMSHIP CO,'s MASTERS AND MATES. The sixth annuak meeting of the officials and captains of the Pittsburg Steamship Co. was held at the Hol- lenden, Cleveland, on Jan, 5 6 and 7, President Harry Coulby presiding. These meetings have been held an- nually since Mr, Coulby assumed the management of this company and have resulted in much good. Repre- sentatives from both upper and lower lake ports are present and all differ- ences between the vessels and ship- ping and receiving docks that have de- veloped in the year are discussed and satisfactorily adjusted. President Coul- by emphasized the necessity of the master seeing that everyone aboard ship is treated fairly, saying that good results usually follow good treat- Mem, Hermon A. Kelley, counsel for the company, addressed the masters upon the 'rules of the road and lent espe- cial.importance to the observance of signals, as prescribed by law. Mr. Kelley viewed vessel signals not from the bridge but from the bench, and it is comforting when litigation arises that the vessel was navigating with due regard for the rules of the road. W. L. Varnum, who is in charge of the Cleveland hydrographic office, gave an instructive talk upon' the com- pass. The meeting, which was successful in every way, closed with a dinner at the Hollenden on Friday evening. Mr. Coulby acted as toastmaster and the speakers were W. P. Palmer, James H. Hoyt, H.-A: Kelley and Cape ©. Sullivan, of: Chicago. Mr. Coulby announced the following appointments of masters and mates for 1910: PITTSBURG STEAMSHIP. CO; Masters. Steamer. Master. Baker 22.903 33 7 iv George A. Bell. Buffington oe Richard Jollie. Cole eee ds organ Dankeyes ess ee ae ee W. J. Hunt: Leyneh ie ee GJ. Grant: Morgan. 020.) ce F. J. Crowley. Phipps... seve ep W. B. MacGregor. CAM. obi h oo es we es A. C. Chapman Rogers) es 8. C, Allen: Widener. 6.4555. Fred Hoffman COLCY oo) Aer es F. A. Bailey. Brith 05). cae ee C. Gegenheimer. Gary ee ee W. H. Moody. Perkins.:.2 3. 6 aie eee W. S. Hoag. Edenborn< 235 2. sa R. F. Humble. Ellw00d..4s.0 4 oes H. C. Cummings. Gates... 45 ee a ee James A. -Walsh. All ae ee eee A. J. Lalbot. Poe. ees W. C. Tiler. Morse... 0. ee ae .John Nahrstedt. Houghton. 722. J. #.. Parke. Cornell. cos stu a aes < W. H. Kilby. Harvard. 33. <3. Lessccasce K. Chamberig: