January, 1910 "TAE MarRINE. REVIEW COLLINGWOOD SHIP BUILDING CO., LTD., COLLINGWOOD, ONT. : Firebcx : Collingwood... Tug TSR | aon 15, 30 x 24 SOs 136 2 eee le 220 |Upper Ottawa Improvement Co., Ltd. : Steel hop- Double engine Steam oper- Ottawa, Canada Collingwood ..} per barge | 130]....]....] ... 8-in. x 8-in. Sting SORT ley ily ce ee 450 |Owen Sound Ddg. & « onst Co., Ltd. ; Steel hop- Double engine Steam oper- cu. yds Owen Sound, Ont. Collingwood..| per barge | 130]....]..../.... 8-in x 8-in. ating Pear | ea ee 450 |Canadian Dredging Co. Ltd. cu. yds TORONTO SHIPYARDS, TORONTO, ONT. Midland, Ont. 'TOronto ....3- Scow No. 3/103] .... Pass. Str. |204/196 6/43 6 10 | Toronto....... Heme wwe ee ewww eel eee eee tere neaeer 4-cy). comp. twin-screw Scotch Set ee cces sero est es 300 yds. Public Works Department, Canada . See. Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co., -- Montreal, Que. Merchant Work in Coast Yards The William Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Building Co., Phil- adelphia, Pa. Steel steamer Gen. George , H. Weeks, for the Quartermaster's De- partment, U, S. atiny.. 120. -it.- tons over all; 338.7 tons displacement; triple expansion, single screw en- gines of 550 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Valued at $79,000. Steel steamer Gen. S. B.. Holabird, for the (Quartermaster's Department, UO S aro 120° Tt jong over alls 338.7. tons displacement; triple ex- pansion, single screw engines of 550 H.-P. "one. Scotch. borer, - Val- ued at $79,000. Steel. steamer Gen. D. 5S. Stanley, for the Quartermaster's Department, U.S. army. , 120°.tt. Jong over all; 338.7. tons. displacement; triple ex- pansion, single screw engines. of 550 H. P.; one Scotch boiler. Val- ued at $79,000. One steel coal barge for the Pan- ama Railroad Co. 85 ft.-long over alls... capacity, . 250 < tons;.... Valued, .at $10,CO0. Fore River Ship Building Co.,, Quincy, Mass. Steam yacht Aloha, for A.C. James. 201 ft. long over all; 35 ft. beam, 21 ft. 4 in. deep; engine of 400 I. H. P. with cylinders 12, 19 and 30 in. di- ameter by 24 in. stroke; Yarrow water tube boilers. Sulphur steamer Herman Frasch, for the Union Sulphur Co. 361 ft. long over all; 48 ft. beam; 30 ft. deep; engine of 2,100 I. H. P. with cylinders 25, 41 and 68 in. diameter by 48 in. stroke; three Scotch boil- ers, 13° 4t.. 9° tm: in "diameter 'by 11 it. 10 in. Jong: Lighter Miguelito, for the Porto Rico Commercial Co. 130 ft. long over all; 29 ft. beam; 8 ft. deep; com- pound engines with cylinders 9 and 18 in. in diameter by 12 in. stroke; one Scotch boiler 10 ft. in diameter and 10 ft. long. Molasses barge Fifi, for the Cuba Distilling Co. 150 ft. long over all; 32 ft. beam, 9 ft. deep; one Scotch boiler 12 ft. 2%4 in. in diameter by Ott. Sing long: Molasses barge Graziela, for the Cuba Distilling Co. 150 ft. long over all; 32.6 "beami:= 9. at: «deep: one Scotch boiler 32 #2 2% in: am diam- éter by 6 Tt Sit tome. Molasses barge Santa Maria II, for the. Columbus Distilling Co: 115 ft, long over "all;- 26 tt. beams 11. Te deep. Maryland Steel Co., Sparrows Point, Md. Steel passenget steamer Three Rivers, for bay 'setvice, dor. the Maryland, Delaware & Virginia Rail- way Co. Baltimore, 187, 4h. . 10, a long over all; 900 gross tons; 1,000- H. P. beam sidewheel engines; two return tubular. boilers. Steel freight steamer Kentuckian, for the American-Hawaiian Steamship Co; New 'York: Gry. 429. it. 2 in. long over all; 6,100 gross tons; 3,000- H. P. quadruple expansion, -- single screw engines; three Scotch boilers and one donkey boiler. Steel freight steamer Georgian, for the American- Hawaiian Steamship Go. New "York City, 429" a2 an. long over all; 6,100 gross tons; 3,000- H. P. quadruple expansion, single screw engines; three Scotch boilers and one donkey boiler. Steel freight and passenger steamer Honolulan, for the American-Ha'waiian Steamship Co., New York City. 429 ft. 2 in. long over all; 6,100 gross tons; 4,000-H. P. quadruple expan- sion, single screw engines; three Scotch boilers and one donkey boiler. Steel freight steamer Ruth, forthe A. H. Buel Steamship Co. New York: City. $25" 3 mm. 'lone over all; 2,800 gross tons; 1,800-H. P. triple expansion, single screw engines; two Scotch boilers and one donkey boiler. C. V. Minot Jr., Phippsburg, Me. Has frame in stock for a _ four- masted schooner of 210 ft. keel, 43 ft. beam - and » 24 74, depth, -- Wat either build or sell, : The Moran Co., Seattle, Wash. Steel steam cargo vessel for the market. 252 ft. long over all; 1,838 gross tons; single screw, triple ex- pansion 'engine of 850 Hy? P.. two Scotch boilers. Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va. Steel freight and passenger steamer Wilhelmina, for the Matson Naviga- tion. Co., San: Francisco, Cal, 435 i long over all; 6,800 gross tons; sin- gle screw, triple expansion engines of 6,000 H. P.; six Scotch boilers. Steel freight and passenger steam- er Bear, for the San; Francicea @& Portland .Steamship Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal. 364 ff long. over ale 4,100 gross tons; single screw, triple expansion engines of 4,000 H. P.; six Scotch boilers. : Steel freight and passenger steam- er Beaver, for the San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co. San Fran- cisco, Cal: (364 ft. Jong over ai; 4,100 gross tons; single screw, triple expansion engines of. 4,000. H. 0P3 six Scotch boilers. Steel freight and passenger steam- er City of Montgomery, for the Ocean Steamship Co, of Savannah, Savannah, Ga. 378 ft. long over all; 5,600 gross tons; single screw, triple expansion engines of 2,500 H. P.; four Scotch boilers. Steel freight and passenger steam- er City of St. Louis, for the Ocean Steamship Co, of Savannah, Savan= nah, Ga. 378 ft. long over all; 5,600 gross tons; single screw, triple ex- pansion engines of 2,500 H. P.; four Scotch boilers. Steel oil tank steamer J. A. Chans- lor, for the Associated Oil Co., of San Francisco, 383 ft. long over all; 5,200 gross tons; single screw, triple expansion engines of 2,000 H. P.; four Scotch boilers. Four steel freight steamships, El Sol, El Mundo, El Oriente, El Occi- dente, for the Southern Pacific Co.,