44 | DATE. Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 spent. 30 Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct.. 10 Oct. 11 Oct. 12 Oct. 13 Oct. 13 DA A Anh. " Ao cy oO Oct; 13 Oct. 13 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 Oct. 14 ee eceeene eee eens Nov. 13 THE Marine REVIEW | January, 1910 NAME OF VESSEL. NATURE OF ACCIDENT. : oer ali ist LOCATION. Str Uranus iv cis eae -Collided with Str. Pontiac in heavy fog; lost an anchor; g ie rink atver ; damaged =... 0-- Ee es dete een uese ce ute er caine ses eas 1oke aces Str, Be Gary. iy is Broke down and had to be towed to Duluth by Str. H. C. Frick..Lake Superior. Bge M. B. Grover ........- .Struck a leak; 5 ft. of water in hold; badly damaged ....--+-> Fed Harbor Beach, Lake Huron, Str, DD: Ro Vanalien.s.4. as. < Picked up in disabled condition by Str. W. D. Rees and towe Nee ean i to Port -- Huron ..-. 4: buss swe es er ea ia ce ces eet cee Port Sanilac, Lake Huron, Sire --S0capa. 6 hee. ves Ran aground; released Oct. 5 after lightering 700 or 800 tons of coal.Detroit rivet Ste), -G. Munro. +2. ... +». ..Céllided with Str. Lyman C. Smith; four plates damaged on star-_ : board side; heavy fog ....-+++-- wy ete y eet Castes 6 be eeu river. Siz Lyman. C, Smith. ...>.- -Collided with Str. Munro; stem twisted to starboard; slight : damage done to plates on port bow; heavy fog «--sseeeeerees Sault river. Bit Mats = 2. aii ees Lost her shoe; towed to Lorain by tugs for repairS .+.+++-++ers+s . Ste Cherokee = «:.....-..- ...Lost her stern bearings; towed to Toledo for repairs.......2+--+-saginaw Bay. Str, "YOsemite sites. ses) s ..Hit overhead feed wires at Newburg & South Shore R. R. bridge and broke her topmast a ee eek boss oe ade dence Cleveland. Str: Ball" Bros; oo 5. oe ee occ .Ran aground; released Oct. 8 after cons:derable pulling ae me Ba is TiGerINg = oes cscs o's vies trae oes Ea os cs eh eae neice nt scnse ois Blanc Island, etroit river. Str. Prank ©. Ball... 3.43 Became disabled; stopped at Port Huron for repairs to her wheel..Detroit river. Str. Douglass Houghton..... -Hit the bank while swinging around to anchor in fog and dam- aged her rudde®; towed to the Sault for TEPAITS Bee. eee ++++Mud Lake. Str. City of Traverse... 5: ess Hit Wells st. bridge; part of cabin carried away as well as railing -- : : and upper works; upper deck damaged alsO7 236s le eeeees ee Chicago river. Str. Sinaloa, ..teeiasre tess Struck a rock; puncturing No. 4 tank on port side; stopped at . Duluth for repairs ...6..-cecvccececst cress rer eere eter eeseneee St. Mary's river. Str. J. H. Sheadle..........-- Grounded at south entrance; floated Oct. 19.........+++eeeee: .++-Buffalo harbor, Str. Wyoming ...-.....ss-e eee Ran ashore in storm; released Oct. 19; most of her cargo light- : ered; reached Chicago on 27th ....scceesseeseceesceeceeccseres Near Manitowoc. Str. Douglass Houghton ......Collided with her barge in heavy. weather; went to Ecorse a be St OCI FEPAWES ee oo as ee on es ln st em tie ween ence eee ts ete © ake St. air, Str. George Stone "o.oo. cen Struck hard on sand bar and was badly pounded by storm; hull sank: five of crew drowned; also caught fire; total loss; engine and "hoiler. recovered. . 2 bec ce io cc we seein es cleo teenie casein tere Off Pt, Pelee, Lake Erie. Str. jotn, B. . [revor....... 3... Ran ashore in storm; full of water and in bad shape; engine forced up 6 in. and air pipes driven through main deck 15 in.; bottom 'Se a damaged fulljlength of, vessel; stripped about Nov. a Be oe 2 oh and abandoned for the S#asoth |........+----+- Ro eee ieee sle Royal, Lake Superior. Bge. Chieftain ............... Picked up by Str. Shenandoah in storm; leaked badly .........++- Off Fairport, Lake Erie, Str. John Stanton ........... Struck while entering in storm; leaked ..........eeeeeceeeeeeere Lorain harbor, Ste, "Athabascad 036.6 eee ne Stranded on rocks in storm; released Oct. 17; forward part ef hull damaged; to be repaired at Collingwood; damage. $40.000.. Flower Pot island, Georgian Bay. Str. Shenandoah .............. Came to Cleveland for repairs after being out in storm; leaked;Lake Erie. : ; ..stern pipe broken; fenaired Oct. 15 «2... Lecce ce oe eee Str. A. C. Dinkey............ Slightly damaged by striking anchor lost by Str. City of Cleveland..Bar Point, Detroit river. Str. J. J. Hill................ Slightly damaged by striking anchor lost by Str. City of Cleveland..Bar Point, Detroit river, BOC. AVION occ s cute cs Broke away from Str. Maytham and crashed against piling in SEOUMN oe Seo oe Gare ee cit ohGie 6 alleles hee 6 clare e ncn ee sceie's 5 6/00 «miei ie ms Buffalo. Str. S.-M. Clement... 2... 2. +. Ran aground, practically blockading up and down-bound boats; released on 16th; two compartments full of water ............-- Lake St. Clair. Str. Western Star .........-- - (Grounded at: entrance; floated Oct. 19.25... tise e ccc cscs sere e® Buffalo harbor. Stree ugret sG@hiel "A. sky.) os caus Struck while entering port; rudder damaged .........0.eseeess Ashtabula, Str. Geo. ©, Markham. 3. 3. :. xen pate a closed bridge; pilot-house badly wrecked and _ spars fh oe a ie ce pee es cee he sa Chicago _ river. Str. Pentland «0565 ie ees Ran on rocks; released herself and went to Milwaukee for repairs.Plum Island, Lake Michigan. Str Stadaconae eee eee Ran aground: out 22 in. forward and 16 in. aft; released on 23rd : arter lightering 90,0000 bu. of wheat .........1.--ne econ ete e es Near Bar Point lightship. Str. Polynesia. .........22+065 pallided with Str. H. C. Frick; three damaged plates; repaired . ' : MIPEMIOT oo cin os ae ce ce eters eect sees cece ene tate e en awe es oor Str, a CG. Brick.......<.3.:.- Collided with Str. Polynesia; gne plate cracked above water line. . Sault. ae at 0. ae weet ene e eee Ran aground; released on" 23rd after lightering .........-.+++.-> Mackinac Island. ge. ex. Olleys S65 acc: Collided Wal ee oo City; docked at Superior for slight repairs to er Wd ic rer ce ea niece Oo wlarece ls perene Gabe Rais Coie cue ie ake i i Bge, Chattanooga ............ pers a alate disabled; crashed into Str. Hamonic ce oe : up a One sPawarad ftreieht sheds leaked 3... ss iive sense. ce i "i mit, Hamonic) 2s creer het Hit by Bge. Coe eae frames broken and os Me paneling ime -barber shop cracked: 3... 2.1.45 eee ees Port Huron Tug William D.............-. Tae. ae and coae i 21 ft. of water; raised; machinery saved : _ hu otally wrecked ........ cece eee eee e eee eee e eee e serene eel Ashtabula. Sit SHCMANGO 6. cee. s es Went onto riprap on the west breakwater; steering gear damaged; eee Oe ey bos nea cae ence neath es Ashtabul Str. J. J. H. Brown.......... Arrived at Sault with broken steering gear ...........-csseeee fe noe Str. E. W. Oglebay........... Broke air and feed pumps and returned to Port Huron "for repairs. Mugs Mation.. <2 62s. 6 7. ee Puveed turtle: Grew rescued: faised Oct, 26: 2... .0i 5. cence ces Old riverbed, Cleveland Str. E. C. Pope .....-....eees ee a anchor in the channel; repaired at Superior; 26 dam- : . aped. plates: cc. .2 ess oa ce... Pe ee ea ion i Str SaLOIIC fee eee Threw one of her buckets off wheel; opposite bucket ie Pet whem she teached: 'the 'Saulte....3....03scs4 00° Lake Hur Str. John A, Donaldson....... In distributing her grain cargo to several elevators she broke ae her shoe and bent her rudder; docked at Cleveland; repairs Sino Meta ee ed OVO GANS ees sc ccc e cans eee ee ws Buffalo » Myron .ee eee eee eee eee onned at Sault for renairs to her boilers, i ted haat ' se Str, .Wm. <A. Rogers.......... Became disabled: Str. James Cupican cent Nae boa ee pare Sancrion Bir zon ee ee Hi : : ae er ae es Above Fort Gratiot St. ; it a dock; damaged a few plates; repaired at Buffalo i Str. City of St. Ignace....... Crosshead cracked: repaired at Cleveland ...................... Superior, Bite Contin ca ees esos Aes Broke her intermediate cylinder and was picked up 'by Str. North- Bak a Greene em Oueen atid towed to Marquette ... 4... 02 ols ee Cake Superior k Pads rt rh eee ees aoe Ee a eae the ea oad and docked b : L ; : nd some new np TOG. cs. oe ry's ri RECS ALT te ee ieee ee eats Picked up in disabled condition after dating. ee nices fo eed et Nee Str. Amazon ok oe oes, and towed to Marquette for repairs......... oe ree cytotec itis ey eee cece ee cis Cleveland. poe pew Ae ee er ea ee i heros) weet cece es Buffalo harbor, ' of ani oe Gir s Choctawe ca, i eevees iG Two merce covers broke in heavy sea; brave won oP cnee Ee neetone chaneet: Sia ee a sue ce going down in deep water: renaired at Marquette....Lake Superior, off Grand Marais. § ee oo by owners to underwriters on Nov. 12 and : : Str. 'Centurion ee ee a ee as Mae eee ce oak Cae ae Fox Island, Lake Michigan. str. I, L. Ellwood............ Rammed upper gate and demolished south half of it; steamers ae See Sg and she will be docked for repairs; only slightly Sir. Philip D. Armour........Ran 'ashore ai iarbor entrance' on' rocky' botioni; "released "Now! ig? Se mel ioe ae ieee ics cc cu ue ; Bifa panata ace. cas eter ees -Went into dry dock this date; 15 damaged plates 9 of Boies be replaced; 20 floor frames damaged tf Str. "Ward Ames 566. Collided 4 Meine eisierelee alls 5 oc0 ales gale a 6 tie . ided with steamer Charles Weston; proceeded on up trip; paired in five days at Superior a Sir. Chas. Weston... 755 3. 684 Collided with Str. Ward Ames: 'beached by h or ante ie ele oe pats port side amidships 2 ft. wide from eae deck ae hole on sence Of 19: ft.; No. 2 tank full of water; lightered 5 ane 8 Sie, Wen, Edwards, .ccy..s.. Ron Grr gtGmPOrayy reraire completed Nov. 22; docked at Lorain... Sault : g; out Nee eae, Vin eee are ee Colchester Reef, Lake Erie. ee ereres