One pile driver for the [Illinois Central Railroad. One 12-in. hydraulic dredge for the Jahncke Navigation Co. 'of New Orleans, La. Southern Shipbuilding Co., Totten- vile, S. I, .N. Y. -_ Twin screw wooden steamer J. A. Ellison, for the Haverhill Steamship Co., Haverhill, Mass.; 168 ft. long over all; 1,100 H. P. engines and Almy boilers to be supplied by the J. W. Sullivan Co., New York City. Valued at $50,000. _ Sea-going lumber barge of wood construction for the Cook-Cummer Steamship Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; 190 ft. long over all. Valued at $38,000. - Covered wooden lighter for New York owners; 90 ft. long, 30 ft. beam and 9 ft. deep. Valued at $6,000. American Car & Foundry Co., Wil- mington, Del. cue M. 2. Howlett, for Howlett, Philadelphia, Pa. Length over all, 75 ft.; 100 gross tons; com- pound single screw engines; Scotch 'boiler. Car Float No. 43, for the Phila- delphia & Jeading Railway Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 186 ft. long over all; 800 gross tons. Car Float. No. 44, for the Philadel- phia & Reading Railway Co., Phila- delphia, Pa: 186 -it... long over all; 800 gross tons. 'Nilson Yacht Building Co., Balti- more, Md. Auxiliary skip jack for James L. Brése, Havre de Grace, Md. 51 ft. Over ai: 16 gross tons; 20-H. P.. Van Auken four-cylinder horizontal mo- _tor.. Valued at $3,500. Gasoline tug for the Pennsylvania Railroad Co. 50 ft. over all; 15 gross tons; 60-H;. P. Standard, four-cylin- - der motor. Valued at $5,500. Gasoline yacht for Garnet Y. Clark, Baltimore, Md. 70 ft. over all; 35 gross tons; 125-H. P. Standard motor. Valued at $20,000. Arthur D. Story, Essex, Mass. One knockabout schooner fitted for "auxiliary power, for the market; 116 ft. long over all; 106 gross tons. Hull valued at $7,000. One knockabout schooner fitted for auxiliary power, for the market; 118 ft. long over all. Hull valued at $7,500, - A schooner fitted for auxiliary power, for the Atlantic Maritime Co., Boston, Mass.; 120 ft. long over all; 130 gross tons. Hull valued at $8,500, pe sl | { al MT one. TAE MarRINE REVIEW Frederic S. Nock, East Greenwich, mR. f - Yankee II, wood, 45 ft. over all; 11 gross tons; approximate value, $4,500; single screw, six-cylinder 45- 65 Sterling engine; for Miles L. Carter, Attleboro, Mass. Raised deck afternoon cruiser, 60 ft. over all; 24 gross tons; approxi- mate value $7,500; 30-40 H. P. gaso- line engine; for E. P. Lawson, New York City. Gildersleeve Ship Building Co., Portland, Conn. Four coal barges for Louis Gilder- sleeve, 1 Broadway, New York. 116 ft. long over all; 500 gross tons each. Four deck scows for Louis Gilder- sleeve, 1 Broadway, New York. 110 ft. long over all; 350 gross tons each. One coal barge for Thomas Scully, Tt Broadway, New ~Yiork: « 160.. ft. long over all; 1,000 gross tons. J. M. Hammett, Marietta, O. Steam' stern wheel towboat Vul- can, with composite wood and steel hull, for the Vesta Coal Co., of Pitts- burg, Pa. 160 ft. long over. all; com- pound surface condensing engines; two sets, tandem; 12 in. high, 24 in. low, stroke 7 ft.; three 'boilers 38 in. in diameter by 28 ft. long. Valued at $45,000. a The Skinner Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Baltimore, Md. Steamer George L. Potter, for the B. & O. Railroad Co., Baltimore; 118 ft. 6 in. long over all; 220 gross tons; compound single screw engine with cylinders 20 and in diameter by 28-in. stroke; one Scotch boiler 14 i im "diaizeter by 12. {t."6 in: long, with a working pressure of 150 Ib. Seaford Marine Railway Co., Seaford, Del. Schooner George N. Reed, 173 ft. over all, 498 gross tons, valued at $38,- 000, for Capt. H. M. Bell, Seaford, Del. Two masted ocean-going barge with 200 ft. keel, for the Valley Tie Lum- ber Co., Staunton, Va. George T. Davie & Sons, Levis, Que., Can, Two steel screw boats 146 ft. 11 in. over all, for the Quebec & Levis Ferry Co. Compound engines and boilers to be furnished by the Can- adian Machinery Co., Ltd, Ove, Can. Levis, Union Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal. Single screw steel passenger steamer January, 1910 Napa Valley, for the Monticello Steamship Co., of San Francisco; 240 ft. long over all; 2,100 gross tons; four-cylinder triple-expansion engines of 2,600 H.. P.;: four Scotch: boilers. Joseph Supple, Portland, Ore. Wooden hull for stern. wheel tow- boat for Willamette & Columbia River Towing Co., of Portland; 160 ft. long; 500 gross tons. Valued at $7,500. Machinery to be installed is taken from old steamer Garnecock. Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, Du- - buque, Ia. Side wheel steel transfer ferry Frisco, for the Frisco system. 305 ft. long, 1,104 gross tons; high pres- sure horizontal engines; four Lyons boilers, 72 in. in diameter by 18 ft. long. Valued at $225,000. Peter Swanson, Belvidere, Cal. Wooden towboat for E. E. Gross. Stockton, Cal.; 50 &. lene. aver all: 15 gross tons; 90 H. P. three-cylinder gasoline engine. Valued at $7,500. The Portland Co., Portland, Me. One towboat 99 ft. long over all, for the Central Wharf Towboat Co., Portland, Me.; 500 H. P. compound engines with cylinders 14 and 32 in. diameter by 22-in. stroke; one Scotch boiler. Valued at $40,000. Oliver Reeder & Son, Baltimore, Md. One wooden open harbor lighter for the Empire Coal :Minmme Co, Baltimore; 90 ft. long over all; 226 gross tons. Valued at $3,500. J. T. Sharpley, Franklin City, Va. Auxiliary schooner Surprise; 62 ft. tongs 19 -eross "fous: 37 'Ti. FP. three cylinder gasoline engine. Value when complete, $2,000. Percy & Small, Bath, Me. Six-masted schooner Wyoming, . 300 ft. over all; 3,730 gross tons; ap- proximate value, $16,500; for stock. The F. Wi Pickels Co., Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. three-masted use. A wooden for their own schooner Sawyer Bros., Millbridge, Me. Three masted schooner 150 ft. long and of 425 gross tons, for the market. The G. G. Deering Co., Bath, Me. One four-master schooner. Bath Marine Construction Co., Bath, Me. One raised deck cruiser 40 ft. in