8 THE Marine REVIEW January, 1910 CARRYING LENGTH CAPACITY, OVER ALL GROSS TONS NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER. * WHERE BUILT, TYPE, NAME OF VESSEL Great Lakes Engineering Works, Detroit, Mich. i i i Steamship Co., Boland & Cornelius, Mgrs., Buf- Ecorse. . Degen eas BPCIONtET 6 cy co va res Citttord 2 Moll... ... 464 8,000 aes Ny : p oe i E WOTth WAKE? es sees os ove 5,000 Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Be ee Pe Pits ey re Roa aa Pe ee 372 5,000 Mutual Transit Co., aaa ss oe 5 Boa Peers ete ce ae peo ee 607 12,000 Shenango Steamship €o.; Cleve at ' "1 eee Shee Rie eee: ho nA ae eS oo ee 500 8,500 Inland Navigation Co., paeiien. nt. St. Clai See Pk ee ae ee North Star. f..c 3.0055... 372 5,000 Mutual Transit Co., Buffalo, ne es ae St al Lighter. 03.2. Biistae he Fo 125 ...... Dunbar & Sullivan Dredging Co. re ie: Steel elites. ee ae IMUnSter series ae: 125 oe : a hae Dretcine ge ee ep i Ss Deo eek Dunbar Sullivan Dredgi . es a 123 Otte © Gulliver Drcisiae "Co. Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, O. ; Toledo Pees ULCISNtCL sas oe ea ce gat Denmark cress) atk 460 9,000 R. P. Ranney, Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleveland, Mgrs. Manitowoc Dry Dock Co., Manitowoc, Wis. i Rocce: Soon BOUL sce sg Sor are ce Wnited States... ..5..... 215 1,298 Indiana Transp. Co., Chicago, Ill. Miles Nts Ae eee er Str Be bis aia Soars oS eters BMRINCER 66. ee se oe O04] kes Oe S. Government Engineers, Milwaukee. Manitowoc. e656 6.5. IPASS. Gthi arco. ores Alabama 5 ere Soe. 250 Goodrich Transit Co., Chicago, Il. Manito woe. Sve. APIS teks as. is ee ec ease oe em cep e tects 140.9 Chicago Lightering Co., Chicago. Johnston Bros., Ferrysburg, Mich. Sas eee PASS: Ol. ose, . Mackinac .c0o.6 oo. oo 150 George L. Craig, Toledo, O. Relieae Pee Tie Mule cick Castenet ra 76 Ranney Fish Co., Cleveland. John Bateman, foot of Washington St., Buffalo, N, x. PSII O ec os sais src ce SPURS ier. rene oon. Georce Edward......... 75 Reger & Werner, Lorain, O. Laird & Sons, Ashtabula, O. ASHTADUA Scns US as cee ee Margaret Dahlmer ...... POM a Capt. John Dahlmer, Dunkirk, N. Y. Record. Work in Lengthening the ae Steamship Howard HAT is considered the quickest lengthening job ever done in this coun- try, or perhaps anywhere, has just been completed at the yards of the John N. Robins Co., Erie Basin, Brooklyn, N. Y. The lengthened sip is the "6. S. Howard, of the . fleet of the Merchants & Miners Transportation Co., who operate a line of steamers between Baltimore, Savannah, Philadelphia and Boston. The Howard is a steel, single screw passenger and freight steamer of the hurricane deck type, built in 1895 at Wilmington, Del., and, before length- ening, was of the following dimen- sions: Eeneth on deck 00.777 77 528 293 feet Beam MOUded 4.255.586 42.7 Dentin. tov main. deck: .: 9. °.., 0 Gioss tonnage 2 ee... 2551 tons The vessel "has four decks, hurri- cane, main, lower and orlop. The loading and unloading was done, be- fore lengthening, through two hatches forward and one aft; also through two cargo ports forward and one aft, on each side in upper 'tween decks, and one cargo port forward and aft each side in lower 'tween decks. Accommodations for first class pas- sengers are located on the hurricane deck and on main deck aft, on which deck is also the dining saloon. Sec- ond class passenger accommodations ate located on the main deck abreast engine hatch. The machinery consists of a triple- expansion engine with cylinders 28, 46 and 72 in. diameter by 48 in. stroke. Steam was furnished by four Scotch marine boilers, originally built for a working pressure of 160 lbs., all joined to a single smoke stack. Ship had two masts, each having four shrouds and two backstays on each side, with topmast shrouds to spreaders at hounds. Alterations Specified. The following alterations were em- bodied in the specifications and car- ried out under survey of the Ameri- can Bureau of Shipping, viz.: Ship to be lengthened 40 ft. for- ward of engine room. New boilers of larger dimensions, with a work- ing pressure of 170 Ibs., built and installed, including piping, saddles, uptakes, larger smoke staek, and machinery completely overhauled. The two masts shortened 17 ft. and rigging changed, dispensing with top mast shrouds, one main shroud, and one backstay each side, the foremast being shifted aft 40 ft. New section of 40 ft. was disposed of as follows: On hurricane deck, newaccommodations for 32 first class passengers; upper and lower 'tween decks, freight space, with four new cargo ports; orlop deck and_ hold, freight space and new thwartship coal bunker. All decks, excepting hurricane, fitted with newcargo hatch and four additionak cargo ports, fit- ted in upper and lower 'tween decks. Two new watertight steel bulkheads were built forward of boiler room, forming the cross bunker. Bilge keels were fitted for 95 ft. on each side and the hull was strengthened by doubling the shell plating on four strakes each side of ship, also by fit- ting four extra double angle keel- sons On top of floors. New hawse Pipes were installed for stockless an- chors, and the ship's floors and frames in way of old boiler. room were renewed. Three new : William- son hoisters were installed for the rapid handling of cargo, and extra life boats supplied, to conform with increased passenger accommodations. These, besidés a number of other items to hull and machinery, consist- ed of the work to be done.