February, 1910 that if vessel owners decided upon some fair equitable percentage for de- preciation and made it uniform that congress would be likely to allow it... He. suggested._that. 7. per might be a fair rate. The executive committee was in- structed to prepare a resolution pro- testing against the building of a bridge over the Calumet river of less than 200 ft. width. A resolution was adopted asking the government to establish wireless telegraph stations on all life saving stations. A resolution was also adopted asking the govern- ment to maintain a light on Michigan Island. A light and fog signal station is also required on the outer break- water at Sandusky, Mr. Ashley saying that it is: badly needed. President Livingstone stated that he had _ al- ready taken this subject up with the government engineer. Upon 'motion 'of J: oH. Shéadle a vote of thanks was given Supt. Sabin of the American canal and Supt. Ross of the Canadian canal for courtesies received throughout the year. The annual dinner of the association was held at Hotel Cadillac on Thurs- day evening, Jan. 20. It was the most elaborate function of its kind that the association has yet given. The prin- cipal speaker was Congressman Denby, who addressed the members on the Panama canal, illustrating his lecture cent with numerous. stereopticon _ slides. He was followed by Col, Townsend, A. C. Pessane. Rev. Dr. John. H. Boyd, Major Charles Kellar and others. President Livingstone acted as toast- master. RECEIVERSHIP FOR GILCHRIST TRANSPORTATION CO. Judge R. W. Tayler, of the federal court, has appointed S.. P. Shane and Gen. 'George A. Garretson as re- _ceivers for the Gilchrist Transporta- tion Co. upon the application of F. W. Gilchrist, vice president of the com- pany. The Gilchrist Transportation Co. controls the second largest fleet on the lakes, numbering sixty-one in all, including thirty-two steel steamers, twenty-five wooden steamers and four barges. This fleet was brought together a few years ago by J. C. Gilchrist, but during the past two years, owing to failing health, he has not tbeen active in the affairs of the company, S. P. Shane being appointed as general man- ager to succeed him. The direct cause of the receivership was the in- ability of the company to meet a debt of $300,000. Judge Tayler the receivers to has just authorized issue certificates in "TAE Marine Review sum of $600,000 bearing 6 per interest, which, it 1s expected, extinguish immediate obligations the cent will and provide a working capital of $250,- 000. The officers of the company are: F. M. Osborne, president, & WW: Gil- christ, vice president, S. P. Shane, gen- eral manager, C. L. Mosier, secretary and treasurer, H.. P.::McIntosh, -Gen. Garretson and J. C. Wallace, directors. PITTSBURG STEAMSHIP COS ENGINEERS. The annual meeting of the officials and engineers of the Pittsburg Steam- ship Co. and Pickands, Mather & Co., was held at the Hollenaen on Feb. 2; 3, and 4. Atbout 160 engineers were present. At the opening session the engineers were addressed by President Coulby, A. F. Harvey and F. B. Smith. This was the second annual meeting with the engineers though meetings have ibeen held for several years past with masters. There is some talk of having masters and engineers meet to- gether next season. At any rate this meeting of engineers was most suc- cessful, the engineers the company getting closer together than they have ever been. A most significant feature was the spontan- eous regard shown for Mr. Coulby, three cheers being given for him at the conclusion of the meeting. Mr. 'Coulby left immediately after the meeting for Panama, as he is in need of a prolonged rest. The appointments of the Pittsburg Steamship Co. and the _ Pickands, Mather Co. were announced as fol- lows: Pittsburg Steamship Co. Steamer. . Engineer. Baker soy os hoger e s E. S. Stoddard. Bessemer vience ic ee H.. Edmondson. Blackcote i sy rears R. Mastin, Briton i407. een: Fred Beebe. Buthinetons: oo. sle John Dupont. Bunsen. ce. ees Jee Walsh, Coles a H, T. McLecd. Colgate .2 Nes ea, J. A. Brickley. Coralia. 50 ee: M. B.. Sturtevant. COrey.s ae M. Toner. Cornell) ate S. D. Graham, Corona.) oe Harry Flood. Cotsica: Ha eee eee A. L. Roberts. Corte see ee R. H. Richmond. Créscent. 0 00 Wo ae A. E, Buddemeyer. - Dinkey na as ae A. J. Armson. Badsee fie. ee es William Dornbrook. Edenborn':.. 4 ste 2 ae George H. Barth. Ellwood.) wii eee Floyd Lyons. Empire City: 12.5 eo: L. Haggan. Ericsson. 0, ae John Mraz. Bairbaicn 202.3 0 oe Thomas Treleaven. Prick ec o.e eee os S. W. Armstrong. Fulton: :3 cones ees William Densmore, GSALY cr eee oe H. Dupont. Gates oh ee H, E, McIntosh. German. 3c W. D. Killett. GUDETES So his ye ee W. G. Tilton. Goinn. James Goulding. Harvard. 5.02.0 ye ee J; H. Riggin. Bl ie eee eee aes L, L. Hineline. Houghton: 3... ee William Bourlier. Joliet... cic ee J. R. 2 Marshall. LaSalle: 2 es Urias Shoemaker, Lipnge. oi James Dungan, Lynch. os 65. 2 eee Jiact, Le Begert: McDougall: 2.525262 0; H. F. Schroeder. Mahetoa.: 3252 3 ie. C. E,. Lawrence. and officials of io Steamer. Engineer. Manola.. 3 0.0 ae H: W. Endelman. * Maricopary #0. 2 oeq ee J. H. McGlenn. Marina... 0.10. e714 A De 2 birdsall Mariposa.2.545 2, H. M. LEubahn: Mariska oie A: We Smith: Maritana.o3. 2. oc a W. C. McDougall. Marubasiy7. cee ees Joe ds Sheldon: Masaba... wie wee EF, Limpert: Mataatan.. ecu George, Ri Emrey: Matheracn (iil eee George Treleaven. Matodi 2. eae ee i Conroy. Maunaloa oy ea a @ W. Coder. Morgan acc. ohewonee: J W. McEachren. MOrse ie. ee W. <A. Marshall. Murphy oto oie) aa George Arnold. Neilson. .o sc James McKibbon. Perkins 0.73 060 JG ee Re One. PHIppS i See es E. H.. Learned. POE. he eg ae josteh Hasler. Princeton... 90 ose ee Birtrand. Queen. City. a es ane Wale P, Diamond. REAM ce Clehen ei: Beads Spencer, Rensselaers. i020 se. F. Schwartz. Rockefeller. xcauia, a George Schroder. ROsers ea Seas F. A. Smith, Roman too yas eae Gus Johnson. SAXON Weis aes Oe, R. W. Townsend. Shaw ss ae Ms ee las J. R. McRae. SICMENS. hr eee Lo. Oo Wiallix, Stephenson: oe woe es Eo eee Smith. Superior City. ete H. B. Moore. Van Hise 2 ae M. F. Sweeney. Watts cS es ee eae - John Skelly. « Wawatam cc oy F, A. Brenner. Widener. esi ea A. W. Armson. Zenith es ok er es H. N. Armstrong, chiller. Sao, ies ee Alex McKenzie. Moroan. Jini A... Jackson, Oleott i233 ae C, <A. Fletcher. Pickands, Mather & Co. Samuel Mather, 2.5) .3. Edgar Arnold. Amasa, Stone... 0 C. A, Heisner. Jo More gee: A. A. Mamon. DOs Mss aac He? Aa Woods: Crete: 53 cee se ee Ff.) A, Steadley. Verona. ae ea G.. AL Butler. Odanalit oc 330s ee en James <A. Southgate. ACtIatiC. St ties. as Herbert Kessel. Kiba ss ts ge On SU eee Aubrey Rivard, Calumet. ies Sie G. A. Brown. Hemlock. 25 a2 feo ase P. F. 'Canniff. NoOrmania. ote, Herman Falkerts. WietOry. die ee Ray Arnold. Pathfinder. 2. set 6. George Arnold. UNITED STATES TRANSPORTA-. TION CO. APPOINTMENTS. The United States 'Transportation Co. has announced the appointments of its masters and engineers as follows: Steamer. Captain. Johny B. Cowles ic.2 253, Id. 2: eyons: Loledo boaters a J. Hs." Driscoll. AccE, Nettleton 73.8: Alex Forbes. John: Dunnile a: W. D. Ames. Marry. Coulby.5.26:.0. 5 <. Z. Montague. byman Go Smith: 2.273)... George W. Pierce. Jn Durston (4. William McAlpine. Denmark. 5: 0k ae Rk. J. Walder. Charles "Hubbard. 3. 25.2 W. G. Rogers. Smith Tho pson........ A. W. Stalker. le Gee Smitha ee C. D. Woodward. Harlbut W. Smith: 7.0.2 A. R. Beall: William Nottingham.....William DeLany. George B. Leonard...... C, R. Ney. Monroe. Smith. s0..; Thomas Mepeogt B. Lyman: Smith... 02. B. W. Honner. Wilbert Ex Smith =. 220. J. N. Morrison. Horace S. Wilkinson....John Robinson, Charles M. Warner..... James Johnson. WW. Brow see sy Be. Carlton: Ap G-Browets 2 fo. es. William Heller, Steamer. Engineer. John Bs Cowley. 2.24.44 Andrew Haas. Toledo Boat. ssc. 2.0", EE, DD. Butler, A.B. Nettleton. 30. 0.5 Thomas' Reese. john Dune daw: ok 5s Peter June. Harry Coulby. 3 Se: George Nerriter,. Lyman C:; Smith. 2.25... Lik. . DeMay. Charles: Hubbard. 37 3.2 EG. Klasen: Smith Thompson........ 0: G. Schnyder: J: Durston... 0.364 2 Sust Johnson. Denmark... osc es O. P. Stevenson, LC. Sinha H.: QO... Smith, Hurlbut:W. Smith ...2. Bu As Ray, William Nottingham..... William Braden, George B. Leonard...... John Murnan. Monroe C. Smith... 76. Ed. Samson. B. Lyman Smiths... Charles B. Forgham. Wilbert Lb: Smith. 2.02 Charles Haas. He S. Wilkinson. <2... Robert Hannan. Charles M. Warner...... Charles Keller, W. W. Brown: 32.3. 38, W. H. Peterson, A. G. Brower....,......Dan McDonald.