106 for the quantity lost by evaporation and through the overflow pipes, is constantly adjusted by the attendant in such a way as to keep the scale at all times in perfect balance. Fig. 1 is a general view of the tur- bine, the reduction gear, the dynamo- meter and the arrangements for weigh- ing the load. On account of the heavy pressures to be dealt with, the resist- THE Marine. REVIEW Fig. 5, between the two innermost rows of blades. With the aid of the diagram, Fig. 6, a developed cross section through the blades, the action that next takes place will be readily understood. The moving blades are shown in solid and the sta- tionary blades in cross-lined section. The water emerges with a whirling motion from the port A, and immediately meets Hie 1 ance of the radius arm is not taken up directly on the platform of the scale, but is transmitted through a knife edge bearing to an I-beam, one end of which rests on a solid foundation and the other end on the platform of the scale. The I-beam also rests on knife edge bearings at either end, and forms a lever of such proportions that only one- fourth of the total stress comes on the scale. At the top of the dynamometer will be seen the flexible hose pipe con- nections for admitting the water to the ititerior of the casing. Hig. 3 is a. view of. the interior of the upper half of the casing, and shows the stationary vanes which resist the impulse imparted to the water by the rotor. These vanes are inserted and supported in precisely the same manner as the blades in the cylinder of a steam turbine. Figs. 4 and 5 are two views of the rotor, bladed with regular steam turbine blading sections, the rows on one side of the center being of what is called "right hand section" and on the opposite side of "left hand section." The water enters the top half of the casing through ports on either side which register with the passages in the side of the rotor clearly shown in Fig. 4, just inside the rim. Through these passages the water is carried to the middle of the rim of the rotor and is discharged through the ports shown in the broad central row of stationary vanes which check its angular velocity. It escapes to 'the right and left from the passages between the central row. of stationary vanes and is picked up by the first row of moving blades on either side. These moving blades again im- part a high angular velocity to the water, and by reason of the curvature of their section project it into the ad- jacent rows of stationary vanes, where the velocity is again checked. This ac- tion is repeated as the water passes through the successive rows of moving DYNAMOMETER the stability of the braking action. REDUCTION GEAR March, 1910 are baffles to again check the angular velocity of the water. These baffles are shown plainly in Fig. 3, inside view of upper half of casing. The passages in the casing re-direct the water into the rotor--or at least so much of it as has not been already evaporated--and the entire cycle of operation is repeated in- definitely. : Fig. 8 is a section through the as- sembled dynamometer. The passages through which the water enters are in- dicated by the letters C and C. D and D' are vents for the escape of the steam generated by the transformation of the mechanical energy into heat. It is not practical to carry off all of the heat by evaporation alone, as the gen- eration of 15,000 lbs. of steam per hour in the casing would cause such a violent boiling as to interfere with Con- sequently the quantity of water admitted into the casing is considerably in excess of the quantity evaporated, and the sur- plus is discharged at boiling temperature 'through the passages E and -E'. The dynamometer measures the out- put of the gear with the utmost preci- sion, but in order to determine the transmission loss, it is imperative that the input should also be known. An extensive series of tests was carried out in which the power was measured by a dynamometer attached directly to the shaft of the turbine. It was found that for each speed and load, with a constant vacuum and with steam of uni- form quality, there was a corresponding - inlet steam pressure. By often repeated trials it was found that by reproducing any particular set of conditions of speed, inlet pressure and vacuum, the brake Icad could be predicted with unfailing accuracy. The dynamometer, notwithstanding that it was an entirely new creation, TURBINE Bic. 2. and stationary blades, until it reaches the outermost rows of moving blades. From these last rows of moving blades the water is projected into circumfer- ential passages of semi-circular cross section in either end of the casing. These passages are shown at B in Fig. 7, a partial- cross sectional view through the rotor and casing. At in- tervals in these circumferential passages has operated in the most gratifying manner as regards steadiness, sensitive- ness, and capacity, and in general has creditably upheld its part in what is perhaps the most extensive laboratory experiment that has ever been under- taken and carried out by strictly private enterprise. When the Melville and Macalpine ex- perimental reduction gear was first erect-