90 a common discharge, is 150 lb., while by working in series, one pump deliv- ering into the suction of another, the pressure is doubled and the quantity cut in half. The Seattle boat, how- ever, is designed for 9,000 gal. at 200 lb. pressure, and is thus the equal in pump duty of the Duluth boat, although the latter has the largest volumetric capacity of any fireboat in. the world. In order to readily com- pare the Chicago, Duluth, San Fran- cisco, New York and Seattle fireboats, Table 1 gives the principal features of each - Since the design of every fireboat problem controlled is an individual The Marine REVIEW est docks on Elliott bay proper is 3 miles; the most important of the shipping and harbor property, how- ever, are within a third of a mile of the station. In addition, there are several large saw mills and other lum- bering manufacturing plants on Sal- mon bay in the northern part of Seat- tle, which are dependent to an ap- preciable extent on the fireboat for protection and to reach these mills from the Madison street station a trip of 11 miles is necessary. It will be seen that the conditions require a boat of good capacity, with fair speed, capable of coping with such fires as may break out in a closely built, tim- SECTION AT ENGINE Room Friresoat DuwAMISH LOooKING AFT. largely by local conditions, the follow- ing information bearing on the service which the Duwamish will be expected to give, is inserted: Seattle is a city of 310,000 population, situated on El- liott bay, a well-protected body of salt water of ample depth and sea room. There is no auxiliary system of salt' water fire mains through which the fireboat might be required to pump, although the Duwamish has been equipped to pump into auxiliary mains should any be constructed in the future. The boat is of use only when fires occur in the immediate vicinity of the water front where the flames can be reached from the fire tug's monitors or by means of hose lines. The shore line of Seattle harbor, including dredged waterways, is 20 miles in length. About 10 miles of this is closely built up with wooden piers and docks of very inflammable construction and the remaining 10 miles is improved by scattering struc- tures. The fireboat station is at the foot of Madison street; the distance between the fire station and the farth- ber constructed water front crowded with traffic. The principal dimensions of the Du- wamish are as follows: Feet. Inches Menthe owe Vo eo Ge A 115 10% Length. "over? allies sec os: 120 0 Beam, molded... so. 28 0 Beam on deck, molded....... 26. 10 Depth, molded....... Bees. LS 0 Displacement at 7 ft., 11 in, GANONG aie le i oo 450 net tons. The hull is single-decked, with orlop decks forward and aft. There is no cabin, but a trunk for ventilation and the convenient arrangement of piping is built from frame 18 to frame 49, with a steel pilot house forward, fitted with round deadlights. Access to the hold may be had through seven scuttles located at various points on the deck. There are two smoke- stacks set abreast and situated just abaft the pilot house. The topsides of the hull are tumbled home 7 in. to prevent contact between the sheer line and the dock alongside under any probable conditions of trim or approach to dock. The forefoot and stern are cut away to give the great- TABLE I.--COMPARISON OF PRINCIPAL FEATURES OF RECENT FIREBOATS. 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