April, 1910 TAE Marine REVIEW 139 SUPERHEATED STEAM, 96 DEGREES. on several, coats of plaster made of nes : : ae ae Portland cement mortar, and troweled Date. rT ae ean effective pressure. Water =down to a hard surface. The plas- 1909. egies a Hp. |: tp nee ig Bo per ter will be laid on first. from the out- ° - ees vas U.P. -L.P. a side, and an additional coat laid on Oct. 12. 3:00 from the inside, so as to thoroughly | 3:5 1 84.75 . 10.25 ice cover the' %4-in, mesh and. steel rods. 3:45 2 91.50 35.00 14.50 12.00 The deck of the barge will consist 4:00 : 7,842 of concrete slabs 3% in. thick, having ae 3 hae 33-75 ves 11.00 spans of 10 ft. in length and 8 ft: i ue 4 7.50 35:90 13.50 11.50 sone width, reinforced with %4-in. rods, both 5:04 5 87.00 34.50 13.00 rice : longitudinally and transversely. Wells 5:26 ae 87.70 35.00 12.75 10,50 are provided for pumping. 5:30 3,920 The dredging pump, motor and Averages ......... 88.57 34.65 12.8 II.0 7,902 °duipment, weighing approximately De ee 60,000 Ibs., will be located near the Collective I.H.P., 498.27. middle of the barge. The maximum . draught of the barges when loaded, will UPERHEATED : : : ee oes ve oe be about 3 ft. They can be moved | M ; readily from one place t ther 1 : ean effective pressure. - y pee ee aie Pe 7 ee oe Gee : oe the channel, and each will be equipped 909. & | ELP. oe F.L.P. xT Pe hour. with four mooring bits situated a few oe = .. feet back from each corner, secured to Cet. 13, 2535 the barge by long bolts imbedded in - 3:00 I po 33.0 1125 | 10,25 : the concrete of the side columns and 3:15 2 gI.0° 35-9 13.00 11.50 diagonals. a 5 ono seu es 10,78 75793 The barges will be erected on crib- saa ; an ae (2.86 10.80 bing: 'built. for. the ~ purpose, and 4:10 Soe 65.0 -- 34.5 12.10 10.50 launched from ways, on the west bank 4:29 Oo. O25 35.0 12.30 10.90 of the basin, a short distance south 4°35 7,863 -- of the Miraflores lock site. 4:48 7 91.0 34.0 12.65 II700 Ge : a os tee oe The steamship Kentuckian, building | 5:35 : : 7,713. for the American-Hawaiian Steam- x : : 6 oC foe: : - ship Co., was launched from the yard o VSUae Sony oA 34. plas hae ' 119 of the Maryland Steel Co., Sparrows Collective I.H.P., 50215. Point, Md., om: March iG. : SUMMARY OF TESTS. oe : : : s - a as oO 68. Pressures. a CUDEE Ropane |S 5 atures. o a v pea ee ene ee od Sieg ti Se a Pa egy Oe c w n DioN See 's ' Go, |e op me is Date, : Be So) ae 5 = : of Conditions. cs ae oh = = oe ee ee feel BB et Be 2 |#/e|22/ 5) & | eye ~ H S S : Y = 3 an a a oe v OBS eee eile | ee : £ x o Se eile 6 oe ee ee ee an eed a ee e SR le Oct.11| Saturated.........., 190 | 68.4 | 9.7) 25.5 | 201} 116.0] 57 | 196) 194.3 512.3 | 9,397 18.3 ; 14|Superheat, 57° 196| 66.0) 9.2 25-9 | 200 109.5 | 56 198] 191.5 495-2 8,430 | 17.0} 7.10 14/ Superheat, 88° 201] 64.3 87) 25.9 | 205/ 115.0/ 53 196) 195-1 | 521-1 | 8,234 | 15.8 13.66 12| Superheat, 96°'198 61.9 7-8 25.4 , 202, III.5| 54 | 198] 191.5 498.3 | 7,902 | 15.8 | 13.66 : 13| Superheat, 105°) 203 | 63.0 | 8.4 | 25.2 | 200 ED 45 197) 193-1 | 504-2 179790.) aS 15-20 : on ne re ere ------ Note.--These tests and their results are of special interest and value in view of the fact that they were made on installation in service, and with such refinement and accuracy that the results may be taken as conclusive and as showing the actual economy to be obtained by the use of superheat with marine engines. .The tests are probably the first made on an actual installation for the purpose in which such "extensive refinements and complete apparatus has been used.--Ed. Journal.