130 56 ments of coal and water consumption were made. A progressive trial of eight double runs was carried out on the Whitley THE MarINE REVIEW | 70 74 76 78 Fic. 2--LoNGITUDINAL SECTION OF VESPASIAN THROUGH ENGINE AND BortER Room, SHOWING RECIPEOCATING ENGINES. from a model experiment 'of the vessel as obtained on the voyage, plotted to to a scale of 3% in. to the foot. Fig. 7 (full lines) shows the results of comparison, the indicated horse- a basis of revolutions. For the sake RESULTS OF WHITLEY. BAY. ae 5 N a | tT ee Oe 7.438 7563 7.80 «11.009 9399 100 Pees per hour and the data' of 'the Ro POM PO ee eS hs oo ae oe a He : : : : Boiler. pressure in' hs: . 12466... 12 i oo ae Hines o ar . oe i. a receiver pressure. coi css a a pS as es ure 1 . herewit a1 TOM :2t ata obtaine oe TCCOIVED + PLCSSUUC oe sic vies 6 8 : 4 . i pone ee. A - heady L. P. receiver pressure ......... -- 4.75 --6 -- 5.37 3 3.62 3.31 on this trial. and on the voyage to dy; oR. exhaust "pressure ¢.¢5,.2..,. 27.0% foe Hy acae pies ae Malta, the diagrams herewith have NAC TOS BU haalae ti On te i ennai 22 25% 28.3 aod 26, oor 6.5% aLOMmeter eyed cee eh os 29.96" uvais ois ee ries nine been plotted. Mean' H1..P. pressure 000.00. 30.75 30.35 30.55 47.6 47.95 47.77. : ° : Mean Top. pressure. sn. 4 13.8 E5285 13.82 24.8 24.65 24.72 Poe © (full les) shows the results "Mean L, Po pressure. 3.91 4.125 4001 8.86 9.51 9.18 ee i ses sce cc ce hh mh hUmDhUCUCUE OOO Peet o Vescel: «Fhe ehéctive Horse. bk EO OP be Pee 113 122 117.5 359 387 373 : E ; Se SE Poe Total ear 376 SOLS 383.7 979 1007 993 Power own on this diagram is cal Temp. Circ: Inlet 0 55.5 ae eo oe ee . : MenpacvCine, | Disese, pe: 76 81 78.5 106 107 106.5 ul E oe Fe Festonce ag obtained get Howell 73 71 72 118 119 118.5 BALLAST BUNKER BUNKER DONKEY FEED DONKEY Peer ile BUNKEP BUNKER Fig. 3--PLan or EncINeE AND BolLer Room oF VESPASIAN WITH RECIPROCATING ENGINES.