April, 1910 GRADES BEST, U. S. NAVY and NAVY BOTH SPUN and UNSPUN ALSO PLUMBERS' SPUN OAKUM AND COTTON Established 1840 OUR MOTTO: "QUALITY, FIRST, LAST, ALWAYS": Nearly 70 years of active business made possible only by 'Square Dealing" W. 0. DAVEY & SONS Offices and Factory 164 Laidlaw Avenue JERSEY CITY, N.J. Geo. L. McCurdy 169 Jackson Boulevard CHICAGO ILLINOIS INSURANCE HULLS and CARGOES DIRECT REPRESENTATIVE OF LEADING AMERICAN AND FOREIGN UNDERWRITERS TAE Marine Review "HARD AGROUND" Records show over 300 wrecks and accidents on the Lakes in 1909, a large percentage of which were due to groundings in fogs and heavy weather. Practically every case of stranding could have been prevented by the use of a first-class sounding machine. UPSON'S IMPROVED SOUNDING MACHINE ------ PATENT DEPTH GAUGE are insured against delay, as soundings can easily be taken with vessel running at full speed. Boats using Printed matter, giving full information, and Showing what is thought of the machine by those who are using it will be sent on request. THE UPSON-WALTON CO. CLEVELAND The Thermit Process enables you to have broken sternposts, or rudder frames welded in three days or less. The saving in the cost of dockage alone is very great, not to mention the saving effected by returning the vessel to active service in so short a time. We make the welds without removing the broken parts from the ship. Write for Pamphlet No. 20-E. Estimates furnished promptly on receipt of blue prints and specifications. Process sanctioned by the British Corpor- ation for the Survey and Registry of Ship- ping, Glasgow. Write for Pamphlet No. 20-E which gives full information Goldschmidt Thermit Co. 90 West Street, New York 432-436 Folsom Street, San Francisco 103 Richmond Street W,, Toronto, Ont. lca ieaiameailall alia nie 163