April, 1910 eee I TAE Marine REVIEW 167 E.iverything for the Ship aS A SHIP CHANDLERY Sa 3 Groceries, Meats, | @ = gee AA (4 U Y Engineers' Supplies ee and Ice Y Y a ees Launch Delivery Service. Our business is to give you WHAT you want WHEN you want it THE GREAT LAKES SUPPLY COMPANY Y itis Main Street, BUFFALO -- 245-7 Lake Ave., South, DULUTH | heen een ee ae Se eee te ee ee SS EE > The Marine Boiler Works Co. Manufacturers of ; Lae CCSBEH + 2% Ra titties High Grade Marine and Stationary Boilers of all types, Stacks, Tanks, Plate and Steel Work of every descrip- tion. Repair work attended to promptly day or night. ESTIMATES FURNISHED PROMPTLY ON REQUEST LONG East 460 Toledo, Ohio TYPE A Over 100,000 H.P, in use in United § States, Russian : Mexican and a Brazilian Na- vies, Commercial Vessels and Fast Yachts. Any tube can be replaced without disturb- ing any other tube. Forty tubes can be re- moved through * one hand hole. Curvature of tubes just suffi- cient to avoid expansion troubles and not interfere with circulation. TYPE B Greatest facility for repairs and s alsofor cleaning interior and ex- terior of tubes. | . No. screwed joints. No cast parts. All wrought materi- al. Largest grate surface for floor space. Lightest, most compact and easiest ' steaming boiler made. MOSHER WATER TUBE BOILER CO. WORKS: OSSINING, N.Y. OFFICE: 30 CHURCH ST., ei Ballin Water Cube Hoiler Company Portland, Oregon The only truly SECTIONAL BOILER with VERTICAL TUBES All Generating Tubes and Headers seamless drawn steel tubes PERFECT CIRCULATION --- NO SEDIMENTS --- DRY STEAM SIMPLICITY OF. CONSTRUCTION Terminals of tubes expanded in place Every Tube or Header can be Inspected and Cleaned INSIDE and OUTSIDE Every Tube and Section can be taken out and replaced without disturbing any other Tube or Section Perfect Combustion --- Light Weight --- Greatest Efficiency CATALOGUE AND PRIGES ON APPLICATION