licate of the Byers and building for the Same company, was launched on Mon- day, May 9, from the Superior yard of the American Ship Building Co. The passenger steamer Ste. Claire, building for the Detroit, Belle Isle & Windsor Ferry Co., was launched from the yard of the Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, on May 7. -- OPENING OF LAKE SEASON. Navigation on the great lakes op- ened on April 15, the earliest in years, though full advantage could not be taken. of it owing to the fact that the American locks at the Sault were not in commission, all commerce being handled through the Canadian lock, with consequent congestion to. ship- ping, as high as 100 vessels lying in waiting to lock'through. This con- dition would have been very serious had business been urgent, but the ore trade took quite a slump, limiting ore shipments, while the coal strike prevented a normal quantity of coal reaching the Erie docks. Notwith- standing these obstacles, however, the business handled during April was the heaviest on record for that month. Hull insurance has been placed upon a basis of 6 per cent, which is 1 per higher than last year, but underwriters have offered to refund 10 per cent of "the earned or net premium to all vessels which operate throughout the year without accident. This is regard- ed as a very wise provision by vessel owners, who will share the refund with their masters. An insurance rate of 8 per cent has been established on ore and coal car- goes, which is an advance over last year's rate. The freight rate on coal to Milwaukee has been fixed at 35 cents. Milwaukee usually pays 5 cents ever tie xyate' customarily paid to Green Bay ports. During April ship- pers handled their requirements in their own vessels, but the chartering of wild tonnage has now begun and within two weeks it is expected that navigation will 'be in full sway. The dock swperintendents at Lake Erie ports have decided to give ore and coal handlers an advance of 5 per cent in wages. The new schedule went into effect May 1. The executive committee of the Lake Carriers' Association met in ~ Cleveland during the month and ad- vanced the wages in certain depart- ments aboard ship. The mates on first-class steamers get an advance of $5 a month, or $130. Cooks on first- class steamers get an advance of $4 THE MarINE REVIEW Preece h cori & oe ree: f VESSELS AT THE SAULT WAITING TO LocK THROUGH.