332 Argentine design; and it is to be ob- served, also, that contract time for completion of the foreign vessels is from five to six months less than for TAE MARINE REVIEW to guns of No. 2 and No. 5 turrets of the Argentine ships is taken into account, the all-around density of August, 1910 other arrangements in connection with the great new graving dock, 1,000 ft. lone, at Fort Levis-'on the St. Law- fire is even more conclusively in fa- rence. Sir Montague stated that the a ea | aS ye ; = | a o < ; il _ ~ ancehl the American. These last two vitally important questions are deserving of the most careful consideration. It is likewise manifest that the American naval designers have been heavily scored against--by one of their for- mer number--in the matter of main battery arrangement to secure great- est possible all around volume of fire, - as shown in the sketch, where the Latest AMERICAN BATTLESHIP. vor of that design than the sketch is made to show. The Big Canadian Dock Scheme Sir Montague Allan, vice chair- man of the Allan Royal Mail Line, who sailed from Liverpool, on June. 17) by. the. Canadian: Pacific ------ necessity for a new dock, capable of receiving the largest war or merchant ships afloat. or at present contem- * plated, was becoming more apparent each day, the present accommodation being altogether unsuitable in view .of, the splendid developments which have taken place in the Canadian shipping trade. The shipping trade of the St. Lawrence was rapidly increasing, and Ancag Latest ARGENTINE BATTLESHIP. Density of fire over all arcs of train, from main batteries of latest American and Argentine battleships. superiority of the Fore River design as to end-on and bow and quarter fire is clearly and forcibly indicated. Indeed, if the extreme train possible Railway Co.'s steamer Empress of Britain, observed that during his short stay in England he had been able to advance materially the financial and he stated it was anomalous that large steamers should be compelled to go to Halifax or New York, or be sent to England for docking purposes.