Fic. 3: most boat detaching devices. The lanyard controlling the detaching de- vice can either be taken overboard with the boat or be retained on board as preferred or as may be necessary, in which respect this device differs from all others. The device can be released in 20 seconds. Figs. 3 and 4 in connection with Fig. 1 show plainly the method of operation. One of the strong points in connection with this device is that its operation is not liable to be in- terfered with by snow or ice because, as will be readily understood, though it should be iced up, it is a sch a form fhat a slight rap will readily restore it to condition for immediate action. The construc- tion of the device is plainly shown in Fig. 5, from which it will be noted that wrought iron and steel rod is used throughout. The device is being manufactured by Kinney Bros., 150 O'Connell av- enue, Buffalo, N. Y. even New Law Firm Messrs. S. H. Holding and F. S. Masten, who retired from the firm of Goulder, Holding & Masten on Oct. 15, have formed a partnership under the firm name of Holding, Masten, Duncan & Leckie, with offices in the new wing of the Rockefeller building. As noted elsewhere, Mr. Goulder con- tinues business in the old offices. Messrs. Duncan and Leckie were for- mer employes of the old firm. TRAE MarINeE REVIEW bie. 4 Mr. Holding was born in Philadel- phia in 1858. He studied law in the office of the Hon. Daniel Dougherty and was admitted to the bar on March O, 1880. -He came west«during<that year and entered the legal department of the old Bee Line railway, serving as assistant general attorney until 1886, when he resigned and went to Cincinnati, forming a partnership with C. B. Matthews, 'brother of Judge Stanley Matthews of the United States supreme court. He entered the legal department of the Big Four railway as assistant general attorney in 1887 and was with that railway until 1893, when he resigned and came to Cleve- land. In January, 1893, he associated S. H. Hoxrprne. November, 1910 Pac. 5. himself with Mr. Goulder under the firm name of Goulder & Holding, but continued to try cases for the Big Four throughout Ohio. He continued his association with Mr. Goulder until the present year, though the firm name had changed as new partners were ad- mitted. Mr. Holding jis the president of the Civil Service Commission, the only public office he has ever held. F. S$. Masten was born in Mahoning county, ©,, im 1865. He -¢raduated from the Northeastern Ohio Normal college in 1885, and studied law in the legal department of the Big Four rail- way under the direction of H. H. Pop- pleton and $S. H. Holding. He was admitted to the bar in 1893 and re- F.-S. Mascen,