July, 191i takes and funnel above. One set of uptakes is shown in Fig. 11 and well illustrates their numerous ramifica- tions. The four funnels have an ellip- tical cross section and measure 24 ft. 6 in. x 19 ft. The average height above the level of the furnace bars is 150 ft. Figure 12 gives a striking view of the last funnel of the Olympic leaving the shops. The arrangements for loading and storing coal and feeding the coal to the stokeholds are the result of great experience. The bunkers consist of 'tween deck space on each side of the ship between the lower and middle decks into which the coal is first ship- ped and from thence distributed into the cross 'bunkers extending the full width of the vessel in each boiler room. The stokers obtain the coal from doors in the cross bunker end bulkheads at. the stokehold level im- mediately opposite the furnaces, as shown in Fig 13, an arrangement which reduces the amount of handling of fuel for each boiler to a minimum. A further advantage of the bunker ar- rangement is that no watertight doors are required in the bunker ends. as each set of boilers has the necessary coal supply provided in the same wat- er-tight compartment, the watertight bulkheads dividing the 'boiler rooms being placed at the center of the cross bunkers. The arrangement for discharging ashes consists of ten See ash ejectors, of which there are two in each large boiler room, placed as shown in Fig. 13. The ash ejectors are worked by the large duplex feed pumps placed in a separate room adjoining each boiler room. One of the See ash ejectors is shown on the right hand of Fig. 10. The ashes are discharged by shoveling them into the hopper placed on the stokehold floor whence they are drawn down by a rush of air to a water jet, which is being discharged through the long enclosed pipe shown at a pres- sure of about 150 Ibs., the jet being maintained by the pump already refer- red to. The water jet carries the ashes up the inclined pipe till, at the upper end, they are deflected and dis- charged well clear of the ship's side. No forced draft is provided, it be- ing the practice of 'the White Star Line to have forced ventilation only in the boiler rooms of their ships. For the latter purpose 12 Sirocco fans, two for each boiler room, have been supplied, fitted with motors. The fans are placed at the middle deck level and draw in air through ventilating shafts from the boat deck, supplying the same through trunks led down the TAE MarRINE REVIEW bulkheads to the level of the furnaces. Eight of them are 55 in, diameter, two 50 in. diameter and two 40 in. diam- Cler: The steam supply is carried from the boilers tothe engines bytwo main steam pipes made of welded steel with a butt strap riveted over the weld from which branches are carried to the vari- ous boilers and which gradually in- crease in diameter as they approach the engine room forward bulkhead. On the forward side of this bulkhead on each pipe line is placed a balanced emergency stop valve (see Fig. 13), which can be closed in'a few seconds in casé' of need. On the after side of the same bulkhead are the main stop valves, 2114"in. diameter (see Figs. 14 and 15), each provided with a large separator and a cross connection which allow either range of piping to be used for either or both engines. The main stop yalves are ofthe equilibrium double beat type and are operated by hand wheels' and screws from the starting platform, which is. situated in the center of the reciprocating engine room. From the stop valves the steam passes to the reciprocating engines and after expanding through the var- ious stages is led from the low press- ure cylinders of each set by a 61 in. pipe to a huge change-over valve 64 in. diameter situated on each side just abaft the forward bulkhead of the turbine room. By means of these change valves the exhaust steam 'is deflected downwards through large strainers to the turbine or directly across to the condenser. The ar- rangement will be better understood by: reference to Figs. 14; 15:and 16, from which it will be seen that these! parts are in duplicate, there being an exhaust pipe, change-over valve and steam admission: to the turbine and a