October, 1911 of details which may be used in order- ing repair parts. This list is also furnished in blue print form for post- ing in the engine room. Pages 30 and 31 give an illustrated condensed catalog of the Wheeler line of condensing ap- paratus covering the following headings: Wheeler surface condensers, Wheeler Volz combined condenser and_ feed water heater, Wheeler dry tube con- densers, Wheeler rectangular jet con- densers, Wheeler barometric and _ jet condensers, Wheeler-Edwards air pumps, Wheeler rotative dry vacuum pumps, Wheeler centrifugal pumps, Wheeler- Barnard cooling towers, Wheeler feed water heaters, Wheeler atmospheric ex- haust valves. Copies of this bulletin, No. 103, will be sent by the Wheeler Condenser & Engineering Co., of Carteret, N.:J., to engineers, upon request. Front End Blower The Diamond Power Specialty Co., Detroit, Mich, has recently decided to put on the market a front end blower for marine service. The new model is illustrated with the accom- panying engravings and is a _ very simple and effective device. Provis- ion is made for cleaning both the fire tubes and air tubes with equal thor- oughness. This is accomplished by means of the oscillating arm, in which are fitted jets in sufficient quantity to thoroughly cover each tube end. These arms are controlled and rotat- ""TAE MARINE REVIEW 387 Front Enp BLoweER witH Door CLOSED ed in a quarter circle by means of a handle on the outside, and as a re- sult the corner tubes, which are most _ frequently neglected, are especially favored. Where special hinges can be applied with no inconvenience, a steam line to blower is made to act as a hinge pin upon which the smoke- box door hangs, as shown in the il- lustration. : Front ENp BLOWER WITH Door OPEN Where the blower is to be attached to a boiler already in service the steam line crosses below the door, the connection being made through a union which may be readily discon- nected when the door is to be opened. Another advantage lies in the fact that the blower is wholly withdrawn when the doors are opened, leaving all tube ends exposed for inspection and repairs. Schuette Recording Compass The Schuette recording compass was installed a few months ago on the steamers Peter White and Pontiac of the Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co.'s fleet. Both masters speak in the high- est terms of it as it gives them an infallible index of everything that occurs in the pilot house every minute of. the day. Capt. Johnston, . shore captain, believes that it thas resulted in better steering, which would be quite natural, as it puts the wheels- men on their mettle. The Schuette recording compass has been on the market only a few months and so far only eighteen 'in- struments have been completed. How- ever, these have found their way to all quarters of the globe, one having been recently installed on a Japenese merchant ship. The Woerman Line of Germany has also ordered two of them.