424 October had a fair proportion of accidents, due largely to heavy weath- The. steamer . A. . D. Hayward was driven ashore at White Rock Reef; Lake er prevailing. Huron, and was - Blackwell THE MarRINE REVIEW Co.'s plant at Indiana Harbor, caused by the collapse of a portion of the dock. Fortunately she was not seri- ously damaged. The Conemaugh col- lided with the Alfred Mitchell in cana: Duttalo, and . was November, 1911 VESSEL ACCIDENTS DURING OCTOBER | followed. It is customary for a steamer leaving the lock to give a sharp blast indicating to the canal crew that she is ready for the flood. Capt. George Pearson of the Em- peror says that in this case the flood badly pounded. The steamer D. slightly damaged. was forced and the gates opened be- Leuty, of Cleveland, went ashore in The bulk freighter Emperor, the fore the steamer cast off her lines. largest Canadian steamer on the She rushed out of the canal at high a snow storm at Lighthouse point near Marquette and hit the rocks pretty hard. The lumber schooners also suffered, the Naiad being waterlogged in Sagi- naw Bay, and the Azov in Lake Huron. The steamer Odanah was thrown against the breakwater while trying to make Two Harbors and was laid up for several days. An unloading rig fell on the steam- er J. S. Ashley at the Inland Steel lakes, was sunk in a singular manner at the lower entrance to the Canadian lock at the Sault, on Oct. 17, block- ing the channel temporarily. The Emperor was bound from Fort Wil- liam to Midland, with 310,000 bushels of wheat. The usual practice at the Canadian lock is to flood the vessels | out, thus giving them the advantage of a few more inches of draught than is obtainable at the American lock, where the practice of flooding is not speed and the mate dropped an an- chor overboard in order to check her. There is not sufficient water at the point, however, for a steamer to over- ride her anchor, with the result that it tore a hole in her bottom and caused her to sink about 400 ft. from the lower approach to the lock with her stern against the north pier and her bow 100 ft. out in the channel. She was lightered and raised. Following is the list of accidents: Date Name of Vessel. Nature of Accident. Location. Oct 5 Str. Wvonne 606s a ee Ve Ran acround.: tue seit. to her assistance... csc hoes ce vele caine Middle Ground, St. Clair' River Oct 5 Bee. NO 96. ec ele ce eee Cable parted between barge and Str. Security which towed her... sae eco Ste Georectowd yc aa... | RAM eAOOUNG ee bee cet ce eie estes ce ses ss Ogdensburg Harbor. Oct? sO str. Corunia «ioe f ee ae ita Ran ashore: abandoned to underwriters as constructive total loss; released Oct. 8 and taken to Port Arthur where she will be docked: wreckers' bill,, $10,000: owners withdrew abandonment. Welcome Island, Thunder Bay. weet. Sr Nicci) a aSHOre Se als he Ee es ee a ete ee ee ee eee ss Biddle Point, near... Mackinac , island. Oct. 6 stt. Romania o.oo. ka While tied up at Gas Co.'s dock was hit by Str. Arizona on port quarter; damage estimated at $1,000; will be repaired at Cleve-. * MAACO es eee Creuse go cae oer Met sss) | ca veuetGveve cigia is we Gon cheno a aos Racine, Wis. Oot, 6. och. Ouickstep <6. yeas ay. dai .on peach. crew taken (Ola 0. wens aoe sys Geiss oe Ooiceme gate Glen Arbor, Mich. Oar Gee las Alva CB iis oe is Sipe ee es Hit by Central avenue bridge, damaging stack and whistle pipe.. Cleveland, O. Oct. 6 Str AD: ooaywatd. 20 Ae Driven ashore in heavy weather and pounded hard; brought to Port Huron Oct. 11 by wreckers who released her.............- White Rock Reef, Lake Huron. Str. Hamonio ee sslare es Hit Northern Pacific dock and damaged number of plates.......... Duluth, Minn. eens 'Str. John A. Donaldson......... Ran aground in dense fog; released................0...05+2-+e0e- Mud Lake. Och (str ©. Ro Van rises 8 While entering lock broke her steering engine; delayed three days making repairs at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich...:...........00+ Sault canal. ict Nise Str. Wasdba 3 Oe ee. Hit an obstruction in fog, damaging her bottom; repaired at Port FUUrOMy gy ois: este NES ine Sih e coe Ree he ac woe e curiae 6 aie Abreast of Sandwich, Detroit Reais it. James Cortiean....:1...... Steering gear disabled; stopped at Reid's: dry dock,. Port Huron, river. : OM Oct 14 .toc make Tepalts.. sie ce ne cc Ce tees Che as SU lens - Oct 13.7 .Car Ferry Anni Arbor. 44. Soc. Rtn MeC i ye Ae ere ae fii. Gui bates a i vie soe e cee ols Rock Island, Lake Michigan. Oct 140. Str Walkesbarre. oo. Collided with lightship Kewaunee stationed to mark Joliet wreck; Conetaerole dainage, CONC sors. ce a occ cb selec ects Gace ge tec Sts: Clair «river: Poe tr De Leute ee ees cose Broke crank-pin and broke down; towed to Houghton for repairs. Lake Superior. Wer 15. Boe WwW. Ki Moores i200... 6% Collided with lightship Kewaunee stationed at wreck of steamer Joliet, doing considerable damage. Moore lay across bow of Joliet: and tucs had to be sent to: her assistance. ..¢.0.......¢..0% St. Clair river. ete 15 Str Biicssom 62 ees ge eas Ran aground on Canadian side in fog and barge "Fritz, which she towed, crashed into her stern and stove it in about 3 ft.; released herself and stopped at Sault, leaving there on Oct. 17 for ocain, awherey she was docked: for repairs:.... 2c... ese Opposite Sailors' Encampment, Wer to Ree Brite eas ces ioe Hole in her bow a few feet above water line as result of above St. Mary's river. accident; temporary repairs made at Sault and then went to Toledo, where she will be repaired and will lay up for the winter. Opposite Sailors' Encampment, Oct Str Emperor. 22). e256 eos ee Flooded out of Canadian canal and in dropping anchor to check st. Mary's river. " , her, it tore large hole in her bottom, causing steamer to settle on bottom about 100 ft. from lower approach; moved out of channel after lightering part of cargo on Oct. 18; temporarily Mepaimed (wall: be docked: laters Gor. ve css Lees av ole wees vs Lower entrance to Canadian Oct-17 "Sir. Re W. E. Bunsen...-. 2... Ran ashore in fog; released on Oct. 18 by wrecker Favorite; not lock, Soo. CaO CC eth es ae wae ee Cee we cee Point Aux Barques, Lake Huron. Oct, 7 Boe Jenney 33 sek ews In tow of steamer Bunsen; docked at Lorain for repairs......... Point Aux Barques, Lake Huron. Oct. 17 Str. Mintland: Kaine oss on... os Ran aorounds released sherself on Oct. 18... 2.5.05. es scics os ec es Ballard's® Reef, Detroit river. Merete oir, Aiundell ce. te. Burned to water's edge as she was laying up for winter; cause MGTIO Ue UOtal OSs ns es oy cm class ses ese koe c es osc cic waigole Douglass, Mich. Oct. 18 Str, Briton... er a eso a Got chain in her wheel; detained a day while diver extricated Ue a eee Se Hay lake. Oct le Str. Robert Mills... 2 oo a.: Ua ROU ee ee Cec ge le scene Sac cele e's «obs Off Grosse Point, Lake Michigan. Octrogl Vstro Willis' Ib. King. 6.5 6... Ran into Great Northern ore dock; steamer not seriously damaged but about 150 ft, of fender to the dock carried away; damage Commmated, sat rene VOU. os samc. i see pa ies he eee eke r eee e recess Allouez hay. os. Str. ohn Dunn Jr...) ois... Broke her steering gear: tug sent to her and towed her to Toledo eyilcre. Sie) Was TeMAIted 0, heck cag cg os te becseescses Near 'Southeast Shoal, Lake Erie.