January, 1912 ers; the Toledo Ship Building Co. one lumber steamer; the Manitowoc Dry Dock Co. two lighters, one sand sucker and two dump _ scows; the Racine Boat Mfg. Co., one lighthouse tender; Johnston Bros., five fish tugs and two gold dredges; and Robert Curr, at Cleveland, built and launched a tug from Murphy & Donnelly's boiler shop. The 20 bulk freighters have a car- rying capacity of 194,500 gross tons in a single trip, or 3,890,000 gross tons in an average season of 20 trips. During 1909, the lake ship yards, exclusive of Canadian yards, launched 39 vessels, of which 17 were bulk freighters, five were package freight- ers, five passenger steamers, six tugs, five lighters and one survey boat. During 1908, exclusive of Canadian yards, lake ship yards launched 39 vessels, of which 24 were bulk freight- ers, two passenger boats, one package freighter, three tugs, three fire 'boats, one lightship, two drill boats, one sand sucker and one supply boat. These 24 bulk freighters have a catrying capacity: of 101,400 tons on a single trip, or 2,028,000 tons in an average season. : During 1907 the lake ship yards, exclusive of Canadian yards, launched "THE Marine REVIEW 56 vessels, of which 40 were bulk freighters, three package freighters, one passenger steamer, one wrecker, one lighter, one mail boat, five tugs and four scows. These 40 bulk freight- ers have a carrying capacity of 368,- 000 gross tons on a single trip. How- ever, as one of the new steamers, the Cyprus, sank on her second trip, the net addition of that year was 361,000, or 7,220,000 tons in an average seas- on. : During 1906, the ship builders. of the great lakes, exclusive of the Can- adian yards, launched 47 vessels, of which 40 were bulk freighters, two passenger steamers, two package freighters, two car ferries and one sand dredge. The 40 bulk freighters have a carrying capacity of 381,000 tohs on: a single: trip, 'or ..7,620,000 gross tons in a average season of 20 Strips: During 1905, the ship builders of the great lakes launched 32 steamers, of which 29 were bulk freighters, two package freighters and one car ferry. These 29 bulk freighters have 260,- 200 gross tons carrying capacity on a single trip, or 5,204,000 gross tons in an average season of 20 trips. During 1904 lake ship yards launched _13 vessels, of which seven were bulk AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING CO'S YARDS. freighters, two package freighters, one car ferry and three passenger steam- ers, The seven bulk freighters have a carrying capacity of 51,300 tons on a single trip, or 1,026,000 in an aver- age season of 20 trips. During 1903, lake. ship yards launched 50 vessels, of which 42 were bulk freighters, five car ferries and three passenger steamers. These 42 bulk freighters have a carrying ca- pacity of 213,250 tons on a _ single trip or 4,265,000 tons in an average. season of 20 trips. It should be stat- ed, however, that ten of the freighters were built by Mr. Wolvin for St. Law- rence river trade and are actively engaged in that service, but as they are available for the ore trade, they have been classed as bulk freighters with an average capacity of 3,000 tons each on 18-ft. draught. During 1902, the lake ship yards launched 41. vessels, of which 32 were bulk freighters (two of them barges), two passenger steamers, three pack- age freighters, two car ferries and two: vessels for salt 'water service, These 32 bulk freighters have a carry- ing capacity of 171,910 tons on a sin- gle trip, or 3,438,200 tons in an average season of 20 trips. The particulars of vessels launched during 1911 will be: found in the accompanying tables: Length Carrying. ' Charles Barnes Co., Cincinnati, O. Where Built, Type. Name of Vessel. over capacity, Name and Address of Owner. all, ft. gross tons. Botan. sti, ao Balk obit Cn ee: W....C. @Ngnew «455. | Sag) 10,000 Buffalo Steamship Co., John Mitchell, Cleveland, mgr. Lorain. eel ses 2 Bulk Brit) ics cpa Thomas Walters ...... 600 12,000 Jones & Laughlin Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Wyandotte .. 6. s.s0% Pass! Stir a ed >; Rutan Bayes, oka... 240 ...es.- Ashley & Dustin, Detroit. Ritalo. 2... eee Fuel lighter. .5% 2. s Pittsburgh. 7.563. 164 ...-.. Pittsburgh Coal Co., Cleveland. LOVain. sis iss ee oe Pialk 2itnig 6g gs Quincy A." Shaw... :.; 524 9,000 M. A, Hanna & Co., Cleveland, manages. Lorain' 025 3.73. thee Piste? tue. = v7 92. a... Pittsburgh 3... fo... 70-4... Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago. i LOTdin sie ec oe PASH Pee eee on nt Philadelphiag. cc). oe, 70 -.-:+ Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago. Lorain: i. ek eae BU STE SUS. 8k ce ak ore Baltimore on. We ore: 70 Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago. EOVait ue owas es PUSH VEUS eas os fs we es New VWiork i ais. pees 70 -..++ Booth Fisheries Co., Chicago. Cleveland ....... cer Oale Sthe? .20 7 ties Perfection "7.05 6. ea 260 ay Standard Oil Co., New York. gal. : BUNEHOr 055s fo pend Sire ee eee Ce We (Cadwell. uy, 164 -.2.+-. Cadwell Transit Co., Duluth, Minn. Lominc 6 ek Bulle. (Pitre. od he Plarvestér 3.5.43... 545 10,000 Wisconsin Steel Co., Chicago. - ~ Cleveland ¢:0...0<6. Oil, Daree 34.660 oxic. S: Oe NOV 87. 260 Sek Standard Oil Co., New York. gal. . Cleveland ..... gues Oil Street sca nae SOCORSE co ee ie 260 ne Standard Oil Co., New York, ga e \ ' GO sia s cnt Pass: Ste, oe esas ieeecCity, (ote Detroit: Ito e470 ee a Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co., Detroit. ae Cee oy ate peOu Daree ears ae S, Ov Nos? 12024%. ~ (258 Pron Standard Oil Co., New York, -- ga : Lotain (-45..4. oe Oil: barve ¢\ 60105 S. Oy Nor 72) ove 258 eae Standard Oil Co., New York. gal. : Lorain osiess .. Soe OU baree: 2e0. ic gee. OF ONO 1223 3. 258 Lay Standard Oil Co., New, York, ga Lorain oe 83.6 , Oils bated oe Se Ot Non B84. aay 260 Most Standard Oil Co., New York. gal. GREAT LAKES ENGINEERING WORKS, DETROIT, MICH. Pee Bike rir. 654s . Col. James M. Schoon- : oe oe an maker <5.2 ..0fi23) 617 14,000 Shenango Steamship & Transportation Co., Pittsburgh. BGOrse: 66 ics ss Gy Bulk Birten sc 4k i. 2 PenOpsCot ) i ieu sins 261 3,400 Harper Transportation Co., Boston, Mass. Ecorse 2.00. Bile Prt. eee. Seaconnet 2) <i. es: 261 3,400 Harper Transportation Co., Boston, Mass. Beorse ei. 2581.25. Bulk Prin. 60s Bod. (bisman. be ge. 261 3,400 Harper Transportation Co., Boston, Mass.. Bcorse<)0 60 oF ot cass Bulle Ceyrivs cs es MM. b.. Harper 33.2. 3 261 3,400 Harper Transportation Co., Boston, Mass. Reorse 2 ess, Gen Frere as Grayson 574 ke cos 261 3,800 Ocean Freight Tine, Inc., New York. corse. se, tec een Prins Sci eee Dorinduen. = 3, 261 3,800 Ocean Fieight Line, Inc., New York. : TOLEDO SHIP BUILDING CO., TOLEDO, O. , . T oe te ferry. oe. SE Se Chief. Wawatam ..... 352 25 cars Mackinac Transportation Co., St. Ignace, Mich. oo see = se ot eer Ge a 136 -.- Charles Barnes Co., Cincinnati, O Toledo <1. /<...5.-. bow boat ws a 136 ........ Charles Barnes Co., Cincinnati, O. Toledo <=, 2.5. Tow boat ..ccee eee ee mm ote ee weee 136 Loiwek ys