a 8, : Average Lake Freight Rate There is appended herewith the us- ual annual summary of freight rates on the great lakes for the season of 1911. The ore rate was cut ten cents at the opening of the season, making it 60 cents from the head of the lakes, 55 cents from Marquette and These rates . 45 cents from Escanaba. are in effect the same as obtained during 1908 and 1909, as the unload- ing charge to the vessel was reduced from 20 cents to 15 cents a ton in 1910, and this reduction still obtains. An effort was made to establish the coal rate to Lake Michigan at 35 cents, the same as in 1910, but this rate lasted only for a month and was reduced to 30 cents, which sum was paid to all ports. The lumber rate appears to have worked out consid- erably better than in 1910. The open--- ing rate on grain from the head of the lakes was 1% cents and from Chicago, 13g cents, though in mid- summer a great deal of grain was carried for 7% cent. During the clos- ing days of the season stiff premiums were paid for the movement of both coal and grain and those vessels which were so fortunate as to be enabled to take advantage of it made more money on the closing trip than _ they did in all of the preceding trips of the year. Following is the sum- mary of rates: L THE MARINE REVIEW AVERAGE FREIGHT RATE ON IRON ORE PER GROSS TON FROM PORTS NAMED TO OHIO PORTS--TABLE COVERING WILD AND CON- TRACT RATES FOR 20 YEARS PAST. Ashland and other ports at head of Escanaba. Marquette. Lake Super'r. " ~ ~ th ~ Ob 3 Sy Sas By Obs & 3 a+ pe ort te pt om 4 oe BGG €f Soe geeae ge S Os Oo 8 oO 1892.50.74. 1700: - 0.98. 1.15.) 1.15 1.25 1893 8 ee, 0:56. 0:85 70.710 1.00 0.77... 1.00 1894...... 0.46 0.60 0.60 0.80 0.78 0.80 B95 as 0.73. 0,55. -0,92. 0:75 1.13 .0.80 1896...... 0.52 0.70 0.66 0.95 0.77 1.05 1897 85 ee 0.45 0.45 0.55 0.65 0.57 0.70 LSOR ca: 0.51 0.45 0.60 0.60 0.62 0.60 LE9O as 0.95 0.50 1.08 0.60 1.29% 0.60 1900. ao 0.69%4 1.00 0.78%41.10 0.84% 1.25 TOOV ca, 0.64 0.60 0.79 0.70 0.89 0.80 19083 ie. 3 0.59 0.60 0.66 0.70 0.77 0.75 1903 ec 0.61 0.65 0.72 0.75 0.81 0.85 1904 oe. 0.53% 0.55 0.62 0.60 90.70 0.70 1905...... 0.61 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.77. 0.75 1906. ..... 0.60 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.7555 0.75 TOO sees 0.60. 0.60 0.70 0.70 0.75 0.75 1908 ese. 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.60 0.65 0.65 LOO Ce 0.52 0.50 0.61 0.60. 0.66 0.65 LOTITO Vee 0.55, 0.55 0.65 0.65 0.70 0.70 LOTS St 0.45 0.45 0.55 0.55 0.60 0.60 Charge to: vessel in 1911 for unloading iron ore was 15 cents per ton. The wooden vessels that required trimming paid an additional charge of about 3 cents per ton for that ser- vice. Average ore rates for the entire period of 20 years: Escanaba, wild 59 cents; contract 61% cents; Marquette, wild 71 cents, contract 74 cents; Ashland" and other ports at the head of Lake -Superior, wild 80 cents, con- tract 80 cents. | Average for past 10 years: Escanaba, wild 5514 cents, contract 56 cents; Marquette, wild 65 cents, contract 65% cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Supe- rior,. wild 7114 cents, contract, 71% cents. AVERAGE DAILY RATES OF FREIGHT ON THE GREAT LAKES. 1908. 1909. 1910. Cents. Cents. Cents. Iron ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, gross ton ...........+++ 45.00 S173 55.00 Jron ore, head of Lake Superior to' Ohio ports, gross ton ... 60.00 66.41 70.00 Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross ton.......eeeeseeee 55.00 61.41 65.00 Wheat, Chicago to Buffalo, bu....... Te GG bane rr ere oo 1.0848 1.5641 1.4485 Wheat, Duluth to Buffalo, bu...... Pa hee Selec eset en ae in 1.1675 1.9587 1.3313 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net ton .....ccecceeeees 32.01 36.75 35.71 SOlt coal, Ohio ports to Duluth, net ton... 26 eee ee ee. 31.92 31.30 31.07 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Portage, net ton ............0. ee $1.25 30.61 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Manitowoc, net ton.........e0eeseee 31.12 31.25 35.61 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Sheboygan, net ton .............00% 31.12 31.25. 35.61 Soft coal, Mie porte to Green Bay, net ton ...-..2ccesecess 31.12 32.35 36.22 Soft coal, Ohio ports to Escanaba, net ton ............0000- 31:12 31.25. 35.31 gard coal, Buffalo to Milwaukee, net ton: : 5 ec ees ns 35.00 41.80 41.38 ara coal, Buffalo to Ciiicago, net ton .........ccccccsccces 35.00 40.99 40.85 mere GOal, Bugeio to Duluth, net ton 43.5... 62... e eee 30.00 31.98 33.50 Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio ports..............000008 260.05 240.08 234.59 AVERAGE DAILY FREIGHT RATES 10 YEARS, ENDING WITH 1911. Cents. Tron ore, head of Lake Superior to ee arte, Bree fon... flee ioe. FT dron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross TOD weiss wee Gea aes nd ls Glee sgn'. s 06 Mac: (Oa Iron ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, gross ! 55% ON Gia soft coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net POE ied ales wesc os oa cise bo ew cms eed 42 Soft coal,Ohio ports to Duluth, net MO eae ns eke as oe) cies e's 33% Hard coal, Buffalo to Chicago, net ton 41 Hard coal, Buffalo to Duluth, net ton 33 Wheat, Chicago to Buffalo, bu..... vee 148 Wheat, Duluth to: Buffalo, bu.i...6..: 1.73% Lumber, head of lakes to Ohio ports.. 253.40 AVERAGE LUMBER RATES, DULUTH TO LAKE. ERIE PORTS. Rate Rate Year. per M Year. per M. WOT ee a $2.60 DOG ee ys spin vo ccs $2.54 11D) ea 2.34 ONS ye 2°57 1909) i ees 2.40 TOO ie as ook ee 2.54 1908 tS iy 2.61 TOOTS gees ss rece 100 19075 eee 2.58 UEAS LO) SS a panne 2.33 WONG ss 2.71 WOO 0 eo ess 3.08 1909. a ae 2.45 AVERAGE RATES ON WHEAT PER BUSHEL BY LAKE FROM CHI- CAGO TO BUFFALO. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. T1860. cas ORO 1A 3.72) 1894... 1,27. VEOLs ees V3: 1878s ons 3.07). 1895 020 1.97 18697. 2, 10:49 1879... 46740 1896-5)... 1.70 T8635... Fle ASSO... BLO SOL. wee. 1.56 TRO4 a: 953 188l. es: 3.44 1898..... 1.53 WSOS DS iee UBBS © cose 2.50. 1899... 2.71 TOG. 6c. T27345 TRS. os Oar L900; 1.79 T6753 6,67 1884.00. Os, LOO ae 1.42 1868 FAG? ABR5 ok; 2:02) M902. oe. 1.51 VBOO eee. 6.61 <1886".... S708 = P900" 6 as 1.41 VBZOs oe ie SBS VES/ict 45403) 19046. cy 1.32 187 as oe: Z6e 1888.3: .. 256. 1905. ..., 1.67 VS7 is L440 1689...' Orale 2906 ce 1.72 1873 Gs 7:02 - 1890. . 3. 1996; 1907.65; 1.57 TEL Aiee ec A053 18h eo. es 208 71908... css 1.00 VS752, 3 ss 3742" 189273. 2398 1909 es 1.56 VS76s cc. 2.90". 1893.0: 166... 1910... 3. 1.44 WOU. 1.08 Average for 52 years, 4.12. Charges to vessels for shoveling, trimming and tallying weights of grain amounted to $4.121%4 per 1,000 bu. in 1911. February, 1912 LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON WHEAT, DULUTH TO BUFFALO. Rate. Rate. Year. Cents. Year. Cents. 19tl a 117 : 1910 ee 1.33 O08 sci. 1.96 1908, 237,72 3 1.22 POOR 4S oR 1.86 006. 2.19 1057 2.31 18944. .52 8: 14 @3 19042 ek fk 181721898. «cy 1% @ 3% 1903). See. 1:6. 1892.3. 24 @4 A002 1.9 -189io ee. 1% @9y% TOOU G3 2.3.1 890). 2% oe 22 @ 5 1900 3 ae 2.0. | 1889). 2 @5 1899 6 3.6 ABBR ee, 2 @5 TOOR ass 18 1887s 218. 1807 0S. 175° 1886.0 420. 314 @8 $896.2 os ose 2412 PO05 ar eee es 3.50 Figures for 17 years past average of daily rates for full season; previous to 1895 rates given are highest and lowest of the year. AVERAGE OF DAILY RATES ON SOFT COAL FROM OHIO PORTS TO MIL- WAUKEE, ESCANABA, DULUTH, GREEN BAY AND MANITO- Wwoc, Mil- Esca- Green Mani- -waukee. naba. Duluth. Bay. towoc. Year Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. 1902 ees. 46% 41% $%334% 46% 42 1903.25. 3 50% 45 41% 50% 46 BOO 4 eed 47 40 37 454 47 1905 Cea 46% 41%. 33% 42 41% 1906... 5.26. 46 42 35 42 42 W9OF 6 ee AO on 30 30 35 TOOB ee se 40 35 30 35 35 LOO iss 37 31 at 32 Ds TOTO ea ee als 3534-35 Slice 8b ri soe VOT 32 31 32 31 31 Average for 10 years. 42 38 33%: 39% 38% Chicago rate about same as Milwaukee. Coal of all kinds shipped in net tons and handled without. charge to vessel. AVERAGE OF DAILY LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON HARD COAL FROM BUF-. FALO TO CHICAGO, MILWAU-. KEE AND DULUTH DURING TEN YEARS PAST. Chicago. Duluth. Year. Cents. Cents. D902 oes cue ea hea ateenes 42 33 TOUR ice ee Sake ee ewe ees 48 38 DOOR eee Carga aw Gas alae ates 43 34: LOO Se ieee Sargent woads weer geet ek 44 34 TOOG Pees oie eres ass On 46 35 POOF ie ore cts aiete eters kw cies sau 40 31 TOR re ica 's Siew cle aes 40 30 QO eae al shana rani e tie ae « 41 32 PONG ge hbo te ack 41 31% Li i ass Gia es eins ate ec fo va ews eee 35 30 Average for 10 years....... 41 33 Rate to Milwaukee practically the same as to Chicago. Hard coal is net tons and is handled with- out charge to vessel. The annual meeting of the grand lodge of the Ship Masters' Association was held at Detroit during the week of Jan. 15. Officers were elected as fol- lows: Capt. C. T. Bronson, Milwaukee, president; Capt. M. M. Stewart, Algo- nac, vice president; Capt. H. A. Murphy, Ogdensburg, treasurer, and Capt. J. A. Holmes, Cleveland, secretary. \ Lieut. Col. J. G. Warren, government engineer at Buffalo, will open bids on Feb. 15, for removing the sheet steel pile cofferdam about the Black Rock ship lock at Buffalo. This sheet piling has been in about four years and was supplied by the Lackawanna Steel Co. It will be interesting to note its condition and what' percentage will be fitted for redriving. steel