THE MARINE REVIEW VOL. 42 CLEVELAND AUGUST, 1912 NEW YORK No. 8 Electric Drive On Collier The Jupiter, Building at Mare Island, Will Be Equipped With Electric Propelling Machinery--Description of the Drive The Jupiter is one of the new gov- ernment colliers and is a sister ship to the Neptune and Cyclops. The Cyclops is equipped with reciprocat- ing engines and the Neptune with a turbine drive connected to the pro- pellers by gearing. These ships have a displacement of about 20,000 tons and carry something like 12,000 tons cargo. They are designed to operate at 14 knots. The Cyclops in her 48 hour trial averaged 14.6 knots, with a coal consumption for the main engines enly of 1.485 Jbs: per J.-H. P: per hour, the total I; H,. P)..of both en- GENERATING UNIT, gines in this run being 6,705. The average speed of propellers was 92 R. P. M. The results of trials of the Neptune cannot be given here but the fact has been published that her performance was not as good as that of the Cyclops, the difference being attributed to less efficient propellers and to inefficiency in the turbine. It is reported that the gearing works in an entirely satisfactory manner. The following table shows compari- sons of the known data concerning the equipments of these three ves- sels: Cyclops. Jupiter. Neptune. Displacement, tons. 20,009 20,000 20,000 fo SHoeP., 142: knots, BL6O0 Gs wera Presa Engine or turbine speed, 14 knots, fie Pe IN ais aes 88 2,000 1,250 Propeller r.. p. m., Ta nots 72) ou. 88 110 135 Weight driving machinery, tons.. 280 156 nese Steam consumption in; lbs... per: S.7 Hy PROT is a teers +14 wD ee ae 'Character driving machinery--Cyclops: Iwo triple expansion engines. (Character driving machinery--Jupiter: One turbo-generator and two motors.. 'Character driving machinery--Neptune: Two turbines each with gearing. +Estimated. *Tested, The collier Jupiter, which is being built at the Mare-Island Navy yard, Unitep STATES COLLIER JUPITER