Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), August 1912, p. 277

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August, 1912 May 7> Str (Smith, hompson..s..6.45 Str, «Shenango ..3.05. 2.04... May 12 Str. Stiltana o....0 6. Str. Pred. Ge Hattwellen. ©... -- Stra; Roman 3.....26.4.05,... May 15°: Str. Victory. ©: 5k Str By J Barling is, May: 18 Str. Ay R. Amesee a. May. 18° Sch... Bi ozen cee ta. May. 18 Str... Conemaugh May 19«sSte.gtona cies.) vie May 19 'Stro Victory. oo 5. i ee May. 190 2Str.. JoooB 2 Mallen: Bia ee oe. May: 20 Str 7A. Ex McKinstry. @..05. May 20 -StraxeCorunna. 65 6c Sue eae: - Others (Pe eBOpe sic ee ee | Str. Doiler 250. May..2F Str. James: Davidson... ... 0. . May 23> Sand: Str, Miulinix® osteo. May... 23's Str odandia 7. sen is cee ok Str J. Spaulding: 62.5... May 27. Str cBrontenaes 336 May: 27 .Bge.. (Chattanooga qn... Mayo28 Stro Imperial ee: -- Stre> Arabian ee. oo May 30- Str Andaste) i. sa. May 30 Bge. A. W. Thompson..... os May 31. Str. Joseph 4G. (Sintse) icc. s, June 4 Str. W. H. Gratwick......... June ¢ 4. 'Stee Rensselaer. Sy... --_----- Ste < City. of Bangorn. wakes on. Jaane. 4. "Steel "Scow 4 se ae es June: :.6* Stra; Prank J, <Hiecker.-..0. 3. Jane: 27. Stra JeoB. Nielson...) arc. ' June "130 Str, Mo - C. Smiths June 213-- (Ste Vikings oo eee toe jume -15¢ Str. "Bee. Pawnee... 30.0.4 3... : Str, City. of South: Haven: ..:. Jane. 18s Str, cRutlands es tice June = 18) Str. 2 United: Statesy.. 2.5. Str 7 Cadillacae. out Nine 6205 Ste. Canadian.) sous ee 3 06 -- Str Renvoyles. conus. ee ees Sit, Wanita, i cea er. ., --_------ Str Shenaneo. 2s ses ss ete 6 Ste. Wm Nottingham ..: 203. . June 20 Str. George B. Leonard....... Juines ode Str. tholland 2. aie a june 22> Bee. Marold 3.5 ee ee oe Nune 22 Stres SOCApA ls ies eee wee june +238. str Neptune...) ores. oy Str 3G, sOucyenkingu soy Jtine: 26). Str. (Bothnia oj... ee ee Jjnmec26- Sth. StS. (Curry se June 27 Str.'Sidney CC. Mcouth...-. June 27 Sch. Francomb .......,....:. June 28 Str. City of Montreal......... June 29 Str. James Corrigan.......... June 29 Bge. Alex. Maitland.......... June 3 Str. W.. P. Snyder. sc. +. cee July 7, Str. rete seas ee July 2884 ed. Si) Pynham: . 25. ess July 3 Pee. Alfred Rtupps. oa. -e-- a0 July 5 Str 'Viking <...-. 0... e ee es July 6. Str, Columbia"... 7. -5----+"+ July. 7 «Str. Normanie ...+ --+-2.++ +: THE MARINE REVIEW broken quadrant and possibly bottom damage.......,,........) Stranded, owing to derangement of steering gear; released on May _9 after lightering ' Struck, going up; docked at Ashtabula; six damaged plates and 12 broken frames Ran ashore in heavy sea; tugs sent to her; released on May 14.. Atrived at. Port Huron on May 14 with disabled steering gear; towed to" Detroit. for: trepaitse.5. i.e... Ran ashore; tug sent to her; large part of cargo lightered and released on May .17/sieccss cidass cans ou ee oan en ae Ran into dock and broke her quadrant; delayed several days.... Severely pounded in storm; rivets loosened; docked at Lorain May 20; one week to make repairs... 7/25 .p01). se Ran into Grand Trunk bridge, damaging it severely; harbor blocked about a week by accident......:.... RUS cue sietee c's a6 440 B20 020 0:10. 6 0 fale Of ile 6:8, 0\ 06) 6 08 je 050 e056) 168) 10\ 08) 6 018 jemvete.€ ie ef ete bible eases 8 66 6 6 a ae Hit light on extension of east arm; mot damaged. @..-.......... Ran aground; released. by Mavorite.......75 459... 3 48 Burned to water's edge and then sank; loss estimated at $29,000.. Collided with Str. Le By Miller; shehtly damaged: ...@..2...... Collided with Str. Victory; Slightly "damaged../..3.,. Teorey y Collided with Str. Corunna; two plates damaged and five frames broken: 'Repaired' at! Kingston. igs 64 Collided with steamer McKinstry; slightly damaged..... Maes se aGot In backing out of slip hit dock and broke her quadrant........... Ran ashore; released on May 31 after lightering 35,000 bu. of grain: ~ Docked at Kingston June 10.,-:2-... Bt ete coe 5 Eight men severely burned by bursting of steam pipe; steamer hastened to Marquette where injured were taken ashore; two died Turned turtle, engines and boilers dropping out; floated June 14; considerably damaced: i 20.. (6 Se Lace h kes Got a line in' ber wheel and.ran on beach..c).37.....)..5... 3G Lost her rudder; anchored off Cheboygan; tug sent to her from Sault which steered her to Milwaukee, whither she was bound; docked" for .new, rudder ys ne a ee ee Collided with barge Chattanooga; hole pierced in her abreast the coal bunkers 4 ft. above water line. breaking the plates........ Collided with Str. Frontenac; lost an anchor and broke hawse pipe Broke four gates, delaying navigation considerably............... Collision; lost her rudder"in the rapids'. ..4527.- 7) Meslecoasets Collided with barge Thompson; hit on port side abreast of boiler- house; four plates cracked and damage extended down below water line; cargo hold began to fill and to prevent sinking she was beached. Accident occurred when Andaste endeavored to pass Str. Warner and her tow, the Thompson; floated May 31 after lightering 500 tons of ore and taken to Sault for tempor- ary repairs; docked at Cleveland June 6 and repairs were com- pleted on May 13; seven or eight damaged plates............. Collided with Str. Andaste; few plates bent; damage slight....... Struck by Str. City of Detroit III while on her trial trip, being torn from her moorings; sank; probably total loss.............. While' leaving 'port: hit«Str, Rensselaer... : 00. 30s iets se Hit by Str. W. H. Gartwick; cabin stove in and life boats carried AWAY. (5s Se WRI SUNS at ie see ece acetates, cient aus eucteisgers tay seatisie clave While turning around; struck an obstruction and lost her wheel ; towed to Cleveland; new wheel and hub put on........ Vemolesge Capsized in strong wind and sank; (towed by Str. Lakeside) prob- ably total loss; valued at $20,000.............+..0+- Bee ens Ran ashore in fog; released herself, uninjured..........+.....+++- In landing hit the dock; slightly damaged; repaired at Superior... Hit by Main Ave. bridge but was not damaged; bridge damage estimated at $4,000 or $5,000............. etna een eee teen tenes Ran hard aground; released on June 17, MMINJULCE ee tie eo ee sc. 6 56 Broke her crank shaft; towed to Detroit for repairs...........--- Struck a log; docked at Chicago for repairs to her TUE, Csi ss Collided -with Str. United States......... eee ee eee ee ee eee eee e eee Collided with Str. Rutland......... ccc cece eee cee cette eee ee teens Ran aground; lightered; docked at Ashtabula; 20 damaged plates, half of which must be replaced; repairs completed July 5....... Carried away four gates of Lock 22; break repaired on Jane 21... Struck; docked at Ashtabula June 21 for repairs........+++.----- Ran ashore; tugs ordered to her from Sault.........+seseee rere Lost 'an anchor' ..o bees sees oe ec ec oe olenee eta nen sees Mee os Tost (an anchor asics eco cs eels aS Te Re AIL Mees alee ohne a niece Lost an anchor <.,0- 4... Roe eels ov ect bt Oa ana maniagia et 5s be Broke her walking beam. cylinder and piston rod; towed to Chicago In tow of Str. P. J. Ralph when the steamer collided with the Str. Socapa; considerably damaged..........-++ssseeeseeees ae tae Collided with Str. P. J. Ralph, towing the barge Harold; slightly damaged.) 0a. es Tee Sod Ges Gada eee a elole eve yecoy olelinva means eas Struck obstruction and broke two buckets off her wheel......... oe Grounded; had to lighter. ......:eeee eset e ete e tenet eee e eee e eee eees Collided with Str. Curry and nearly cut in two; one of crew drowned; total 10SS ..2...eeeere sees ee eer ect e tees seese? Pott llided with Str. Bothnia when her rudder became disabled ; hole on ie ft. in her side; towed to Milwaukee by Str. Favorite; new rudder put OM ....essccesecerc src ersecte reese essees uence te cae Burned: total loss; crew rescued........+.++ee rece pee e estes Became waterlogged after she struck a submerged object; 100,000 ft. of lumber lightered and towed to Buffalo by Str. Mohegan; lost cargo estimated at $30.000......-.-++eesseserees Poe ue Ran Bea: out 30 in.; released on June 30 by three tugs..... <% ' Colliged with barge Alex. Maitland... +..-. SRS e e Sook pee we neers Mercer net Collided with Str. James Corrigan; slightly damaged; docked at Vata Vuly8 8 ee a ie es et Ce re ee ets chee Aa ey We boa connecting rod of intermediate crank pin and cracked cylinder head; Str. Wilpen towed her to Ashtabula and from there to Ecorse for repairs; will need new cylinder head, connecting rod, piston rod and crank shaft; about two weeks to ake TOPAITS cose sens ees eine ere warren ese . Collided righ Str. J. S. Dunham; five plates damaged and eigh frames buckled on her bow; to be repaired at Toledo..........- Collided with Str. Crete; slightly damaged.:..... Ran aground; released on July 4 by tug, tons; leaked; docked at Cleveland July ee Ae ea ate Soave is eiele om Ran ashore in dense fog; hold filled with water and reported by tugs to be in bad shape; probably will be abandoned as con- structive total loss ..-.--++++ereee EG eel it ae x Considerably damaged by fire and may be total loss......-.-+++++- Ran Aeround 5 05 go ek case ees Pe eer ee ee ee eee eee ener eee oe ate. Sault river. Detour, St. Mary's river. Long Point, Lake Erie. Whaleback Shoal, Green Bay. Lorain harbor. Lake Michigan. Hamilton, Ont. Cleveland breakwater. Corsica Shoal, Lake Huron. Lake Ontario, near Oswego, Neos "St... Clair. fiver: St. Clair siver: Welland canal. Welland canal. South Chicago. Foot of Galops Rapids, near Ogdensburg. Lake Superior. Toledo, O. Shelldrake. Lake Huron. Off Grand Island, Lake Superior Off Grand Island, Lake Superior Cornwall canal. St. Lawrence River, near Mor- risburg. Hay Lake, St. Marys river. Hay Lake, St. Marys river. Detroit river. Conneaut, O. Conneaut, O. Escanaba, Green Bay. Near Crisp Point, Lake Superior Two Harbors, Minn. Cleveland, O. Toledo, O. ~ St. Clair river, near Port Huron Manistee, Mich. Chicago. Chicago. Deseronto, Ont. Welland canal. Kingston, Ont. . Lonely island, Georgian bay. Near Sailors' Encampment, St. Marys river. Below Poe Lock, Saulte canal. Sandusky. Lake Michigan. Se Head of Stag Island, St. Clair river. Head of Stag Island, St. Clair river. St. Clair Flats canal. Cleveland harbor. St. Clair river near Star Island. St. Clair river near Star Island. Green bay. Near Southeast Shoal, Lake Erie Maumee bay. Lower Detroit river. Lower Detroit river. Off Fairport, Lake Erie. Southéast Bend, St. Clair river. Southeast Bend, St. Clair river. Ballard's Reef, Detroit, Mich. Split Rock, Lake Superior. Near Ogdensburg. Ballard's Reef.

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