Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), August 1912, p. 278

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278 ; THE MARINE REVIEW August, 1912 ua reaeacas Location. ; Nature of accident. nal sen B. Wood ae. i260 Lost an anchor... 2... ass). Vie hia hase 4 sense cdesersesess Miggie-"Neebisn Clandel, July (7. Str. Merida Ce .., In leaving channel in dense fog, ran aground on Canadian side; : released after lightering on July 8 and went to' Cleveland.......Soo. Biro Ndtiatic ee. ks .. Hit the bridge pier and dented a few plates....... tte cnet eeenes Soo. oO : . July 8 Str. 'Wainwright ....... ...... Ran aground; released by a tug from Buffalo; slightly damagedPoint Abino, Lake Erie. Str. Ho GE, "Bope.. isi es ee Struck; released and docked at Superior; bottom badly stove in . | under boiler; 22 plates damaged; two weeks in dry dock; repairs : : - 'completed on July ae ay cee ieee a ae an a Ballard's Reef, Detroit river. . CG Kinet. 3. .... Crashed into east pier while entering lower en t. Clair Flats . per ec Bee eo ee canal; bow smashed and seams opened; sank immediately; : : { raised July 23, temporarily repaired and left for Port Huron to os i eee oe cat Gi Nertkccs se en ee rhe estes oe i Po) Nady Clair river. | OG 4) Grammer... .s:0s4. ollided with Str. Northern Queen in heavy fog; sank immediate- 4 Ses oo Bed ts : ly in 27 ft. of water; floated on July 17 and was temporarily 7 _ patched up at Port Huron; big break in side and decks badly | damaged; docked at Cleveland July 22; will. lose three weeks' : i ' time in making repairs....... 6 a wn Gla RIES fate S edleon beanies . Near Corsica Shoal, Lake Huron July 14 Str. Northern Queen ....... .. Collided with Str. G. J. Grammer in heavy fog; bow, badly dam- _a@ged; accident caused by parting of her wheel chains; tempor- : é carly repaired at. Port) Prurom 20660. 6 vain oS inisies we 6 oe pele ss Near Corsica Shoal, Lake Huron july 14 Oi Bees Now 962. oe. es . Hit by Str. B. F. Jones on port side abreast of pump room; : : bulkhead leaked and considerable other damage done; tempor- eo. arily repaired at Sault; to be docked at Cleveland............. Near Poe Lock, Sault canal. July: 147 Six. W. OK Bixby..i.. os ... Hit lightship Kewaunee stationed at wrecked steamer Joliet when 7 her steering gear gave out; floated over the Joliet, doing con- _ siderable damage; forepeak full of water; tmporarily patched at "Port Huron and docked at Ashtabula on July 18; 70 plates : damaged; will be out of commission about four weeks, and : é repairs will cost approximately $30,000............+sseeeeeeees St. Clair river. Jily 14 tr, We. LL. Saath, os casa Ran on east bank; released by tug after lightering 300 tons of | : : ' : i o ore; reloaded lightered cargo; not damaged..........+-seeeee- Limekiln Crossing, Detroit river. ty 1a Dred Re ce laa es es «lapis Sank in 70 ft. of water when line parted in storm; crew rescued. Near Ontonagon, Lake Superior. ye 15 Str. Js Be Nielson oe. sie ee Ran aground near T. & O. C. docks; released by tugs......... Toledo, O Waly 15estr ow, He Macki... 0. ces Hit breakwater; lost her shoe and rudder damaged; arrived at Detroit in crippled condition, unloaded there, and was towed to South Chicago and docked; repairs completed July 30......... Buffalo. Waly lO Sth INdiana as oF che Crashed into Grand. Trunk Ry. bridge, putting structure entirely ' -out. of commission; vessel only slightly injured. Misunderstand- 3 me ing of signals said to -have caused. accident ..............-.- Port Colborne, Ont. Oily TO Sit Blo ra: ig ees es cies os Sank at dock seams, "OpenimMe ss ftw ve ewes cao sae ew eg pear Saginaw river. July 16, Str Andrew Carnegie 2.000.453. Collided with Str. Iron King; four plates damaged; repaired at CVS VeCLANG (Gos yes cee Wie ek aslo lau score oe auc ale 6 sale o ecstye: evi shin iy) wile ..+ Detroit river. j Walyte vot. bron. King... lic. she. Collided with Str. Andrew Carnegie; bow badly damaged; tem- i porarily repaired at Detroit and took on steam 'pump to finish ( trip; left Detroit on July 18; docked at Manitowoc............ Detroit river. i Vulye 10. Sth (BuUlSaria sl ck. ites oles Hit by Str. Theodore Wickwire Jr., while unloading at elevator; ; ; Gockccomewhat, damaged. 65). teases a asi ees visa ese aren cinsis sare Buffalo. Q Str Gerona fe ei os tae Struck in canal and was beached at Picton; floated on July 17 : and. docked at Wiontteal es orcas ce cael eile salaie sw scieieais 6 ot Lachine canal. -- Sch. Chippewa ........ mene Sprang a leak and had to: be beached at Ashtabula.............. Lake Erie, near Ashtabula. Sch: UROb ROY so). a el eee Sank: in harbor, 'loaded 'with coal. oo. 0.03.4 MU oes Oe ae es Le Kingston harbor, Str, Rosedale ie. see... Hrt-a canal: lock: "docked at Kingston "pully 19... boo. ce ok ce oan ----_----_---- dig 18 Sir. Paipoonse 27. .43..0.0 5. Struck; teleased: herself on' July 19... 0... ee Beene Si Ang mic iaece ce Middle Ground, St. Clair river. Yaly 19° Str. United "umberman....2<. Ran on reef; released. ..3....5. Bilge a gare sleds Sicie Ses aida es wesmioele Wetec « Diawson Rock, Georgian bay. ~ Vailyelo Bee. | jeanetter (ire. .. In tow of Str. United Lumberman. and also ran on.........<.... Dawson Rock, Georgian bay. uly 20e2str. Ri. i Agassiz sa. Collided with Bge. Magna; bows pretty badly . damaged above 1 water Jine:.nine-plates..must (be: replaced...) occa es ee ee Detroit river. Jatin 20. Bee, Macna cic... cg eet. Collided with Str. Agassiz (in tow of Str. Alex. McDougall); big "4 hole in side; towed to Detroit for temporary repairs.......... Detroit river. Wills, 20h ott Praneis Waidlar' 5... 3.4". Stranded; released on July 22 after lightering 350 tons of ore; NO" SELiOuUsly. Mave pei lc oe ey seal ol owas eie coe egies ore Marine City, St. Clair river. Jilly 20 Str. Parks (Woster™ 2... .iGue.. ' Ran aground; released on July: 22 after lightering 10,090 bu. of ' eran; , Mot Seriously, injured?) ue ca: a de tye ace rik sea is aie Ballard's Reef, Detroit river. italy oe tr. Co E, Creen: tc. 5 5 as Struck obstruction; broke two buckets off her wheel and dam- aged -a third; docked at Pott: Puroiie os disses ak chee cs Soo river. Str: - Mary 'McGregor ....4.. Machinery became disabled; repaired: at Port Huron............. --_---- July 2or-str. America. init... 8 .... Ran aground; lightered 300 or 400 tons of ore; docked at Cleve- / land on July 25; 17 damaged plates; ten days in dry dock.... Detroit river Vuly 23° Str; Ogdensburg i200. ee, Ran. ashore in fog; released on July 24 after lightering 400 tons; docked at Chicago and will be out of commission about three weeks; 42 plates to come off, 15 of which must be replaced with : Hews pepo bill estimated 'at '$20;000 cw 6s oc ns bp ca ws eo o's North Point, Lake Michigan. ais, Goo Stes Bastland . 60002 . ieee Ran on east end of breakwater; few plates damaged and ,rivets WO GSGMG OG ete ee clicesitns ce sie ce rar nae ewes wee tie te hp alee cis Cleveland breakwater. =) ote, Britannia Sih... ee kos « Docked at Detroit for repairs: to: her wheel: i005 cee eae ees --_ ------ Str. Gen. Garretson ......... Struck; docked at Lorain July 27 for repairs; 17 plates damaged. Ballard's Reef, Detroit river. Bre Westmount 9555. ...cse Collided with Str. Turret Court; went to Port Arthur ship yard OL AVE oye OM EOD AILS sire cate ahs situelcdaais glad Gigs cle bieleie area cece ce o/s ive 2s Ste Nataata i. a. Collided with Str. G. Watson French; arrived at Detroit in almost sinking condition, where she was temporarily repaired and left on July 29 for Toledo where she was docked; hull. broken for a distance of 100 ft. on port side and deck forward bulged up; ; 50 frames damaged; will be about three weeks in dry dock; Tapa mil estimated: ate G29, 00 sch .as sees «alee s cies 6b elete o aise Lake St. Clair, Off Grosse Point. dave27 oir, G.. Watson, Hrench.. 775... Collided with Str. Mataafa; disabled steering gear cause of acci- : dent: port bow stove in above water line; lost one anchor; went back to Ecorse for temporary repairs and then left for : DORE 9 WN NAT ee i aces cee cise ce cn sg uric oie viele g lets o's o's Lake St. Clair, Off Grosse Point. aul 29 Ser, Republic': i406 hears Ran.ashore in fog; released on July 30 after lightering 890 tons of ore; badly damaged forward and tank top sprung, causing water to enter cargo hold; temporarily repaired at Sault.............: Brush Point, St. Mary's river. Nal 29: / Been le Bellies aes. oie 6 Hit by Str. Moses Taylor; three plates damaged, nine frames and cient: deck beams: docked at Worain.. 73 vi... ck eee. Lorain harbor. July. 29: Str Amasa "Stone. i; .. i035. Backed into dock, breaking quadrant and damaging her rudder; Wil be delayed four On five Gays... 6.6 6.06. cece ee ke seks 6 ces Duluth. Str. Theodore Roosevelt ..... Collided swith tue Perfection; rudder damaged.....5 0.0 0..00.0... 0. Chicago. Photographic Reference Library ' The Detroit Publishing Co., Detroit, Mich., has for some The Electric Rudder or time past been working upon a picture reference library, in Helm Angle Indicator which will be incorporated a somewhat elaborate marine Placed in pilot house or on bridge in division. This division will have several sections treating front of quartermaster, allows him with noted historical scenes and ships, such as the Frigate 1 gees he portion of the rudder . Constellation, Nelson's Flagship Victory at Trafalgar. The stalled on vessels with or CaME ning mai second section would show the various types of naval vessels. RAS Si as a Electro-Dynamic Company 'Waigiieg A third section would display the merchant marine divided Bavonne Naw Jersey, U.S.A into ocean sail and steam types as well as lake.

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