number, class, hull, charge, machine, 362 THE MARINE REVIEW November, 1912 | Mel ntars Canis 'etc. The principle of the' thing is 1357 911 Mater'l : simplicity itself. As stated before, 2:46 8 10 12 class. Code. Cl's, Hull. | Charge. ane Quantity. Value. ee Guachine is electrically operated. he, - The brush which passes over the 09 00.000 00°°0.90 0.010 G0 00017 06 000000 0000000 Oe es Grd comes in ceatsct Pi Atl Pie tiie ie Piai1, 41 111111 Leite 1 eat the cinetallic roller back of the 2209288 82 298 22:2 22222 22 2.9 2 22093 893 2 card, through the small hole. This Ogee a 853 3393 34 se 593-33 9 88 3°9.39-3:3 3 forms an electrical contact and oper--- Base 48 Cada AA 4-404 4 an 44 444447 44444 474 ee ee oe, 88555 SS. 5.5.5 5. 5.5 op 5a 8 Ben BOS as ue he oe sche tc a $6. 60666 66 666. 6 pee 66666. 6666666. justed, will be thrown together. They eT PT 7 7 7:7 FTE 7 FET RI Lee 'may then be passed over to the add- Pe 88688 88° 888 8. 8.8 88888 88 88888. 8888888 ing machine and their total values ee eee determined. Fic. 3--BrErorE PUNCHING _. The same method is employed for . : ee the distribution. of )-material used. crete Cons 'This -- card is red. in: color and is shown in Fig. 4. The data is punched 135)7 911; Mater' ' out from information furnished by 246810 12 class. Code. Cl's. Hull. Charge. ae Quantity. Value. cr Fe en sad the store houees) and Pea a be 6 oo oe hooks 0 600 Fe ot the' sorting and adding machines per- ee form the same functions for. them li Pet bl 8 oe 4 Pico OC te lel td Oe ate iy : Tn as-tor the time cards. O22 22 aye) 2.2 2.2.2) 2" 6 2 2222 2.82 2 02-9202 2.22: 270-0 2 'To sum up, the system has un- Be 6388 e 85 78338 8 8 3 3) 3 Beh 3 3) 3)3.353:3°3 3 3 3.3 3°3 <0 failing accuracy of the actual time Ca 4444 4 44 44 4 oe ae Geek 44044 ean te which "cach men is entitled, no ee a ee padded rolls is possible, and with the Gr: : Ss mechanical devices used, the distri- 6 66666 66,666 6. 6-0 oc 66666. 066666. bata oP ihe dime And caiech jc MOT TOP COI AD FF CE eee accomplished with great rapidity and ee 38888 88° 888 8 88 BR RRS 88 RES SS 8888.8 88 carries with it the assurance that the #869999 599 99:0 9 99 G09 00 96 8 54:55 459-9 89.9 9 human agency and its attending ten- Fic. 3--Arrer PUNCHING 2S dency to err is reduced to a minimum. work. Arithmetical machines which MATERIAL CARDS _ will add, multiply, divide and sub- ta oa wees | | tract have been on the market' for 24681012 class. Code. Cl's. Hull. Charge. Unit. Quantity. Value. some years and reasonably familiar He i Oy Be Bere we come to a ina. 00 60000-0060 30040 Oo poe 88 0000900 0000000 chine, electrically driven, which will Pte ee fd Pi ae Pa a take several hundred or several thous- 22 20920 Bo 92> 2-22 2 ee and cards, and separate them auto- 8 ak 53s 3339333 matically into whatever divisions the Pec Vv 'operator may elect. Standing along = !4 AAR AG? 4A 4 4 ge a A toe a 44444 AAAs A fee 35 another electrically opetated "= 25: 55555 55 555 5 55 55555 - 5.5 55S 6 eee SB gi 55.5 5. machine which will take any given $6 60566 66 666 6 66.66 666 66.566666. 6666666 group of cards and by feeding them AP eee OR a r7777 "77 ZR. 7777 ITITT into it, will add their' values with Bu BY ak ee BR so oS 8 8 S88 Re 8. 8 ke ee 8.8 8 8S Be. 8 8 Bee 88 great rapidity and absolute accuracy. : Bbl It is thus possible to. distribute the eo 8 099, 9908199 0 Oo 08-9199 899 999909. 9999999 time of 2,000 men within a few hours, HOG, fe Deroy EuNCHING whereas by the old methods it would 'require a half dozen clerks several MATERIAL Carps days. : But a little more in detail. When re i 12 Pee Gane Cl's. Hull. Charge. Unit. Quantity. Value. * the clock card shown in Fig. 1 comes : a a into the accounting repartment, a OG 00000 00 000 0°00 00006 00 000000 0000000 girl will take the card shown in Fig. OP 10 ot Stoo 1 i 1 El 1ito111-- Fe data on. No. ee 2222022 o No. 3 by punching out the: cor- Ft Portis Hilormdtion. Card' No. "3 Qe ae as 3 8 3 83 8 33 8 a S33 0.5 3 se 3-8 0+ then forms the basis of operation for io 14 44444 44 444 4 44 44444 4404 4444.0 4°54'0 4°44 4:0 the distribution. When all the cards © 25 55555 55 555 5 55 g5 pa 5 ss 5 Oe a 5555505) are ready, or any part of them, for 96,6666 666 66:6. 6 6:6 Sere 6 6666.6 . Seca ee » that matter, they may be sorted. The Bg IC SS iachine: can be Aieted th AD GI PIE TRG ee ee Perr 7. (PRT a, one of the several 8 88 68 8 8 Ss ee "es corey 88 S888 8 84899 68 classes; man's number, operation Hoe 6 2G eo 99 9890 8 GO 908 699 99999 +9995 9.9 9 Fic. 4--Arrer PUNCHING