Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), January 1913, p. 34

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34 comparable to it, as it exceeds by 'over 200,000,000 bushels any previous movement. Much of this grain was moved at figures that worked out from 90 cents to $1.00 as compared with ore, and vessel owners who were in position to take advantage of it were fortunate. Lake grain shipments during the past eight years have been Year Bushels. NOOR os a eine pole Wad ck 259,168,109 1906 eo ee ek 289,929,614 NOT eats oe 297,150,861 TOO ees ce eb se 255,487,572 O09) eel Sie ies 284,679,486 ~ DOU ees Bohai. 245,171,763 FOI Fee oe ieee on 274,029,130 . VOLO ee el eee 485,150,683 | | Iron Ore on Lake Erie Docks -- Figures compiled by The' Marine Re- view from the returns sent in by the various dock companies show that iron ore receipts at Lake Erie ports during the season of 1912 were 37,- 465,853 tons, out of a total movement of ore by lake of 47,435,777 tons. Lake Erie docks on Dec..1 held a balance of 9,497,168 tons, which is the largest - store on hand in the history of the traffic, the largest previous amount having been 9,426,881 tons, held on Dec. 1, 1910. un During 1911 the total shipment by lake was 32,130,411, of which Lake Erie docks received 25,531,550 tons and held a balance on Dec. 1, 1911, of 9,131,664 tons. During 1910 the total shipment by lake was 42,620,201 tons, of which Lake Erie docks received 34,042,897 tons and held a balance on Dec. 1, 1910, of 9,426,881 tons. Dur- ittg 1909 the total shipment by lake was 41,683,873 tons, of which Lake Erie docks received 33,672,825 tons and held a balance on Dec. 1, 1909, of 8,965,789 tons. During 1908 the total shipment by lake was 25,427,094 tons, of which Lake Erie docks received 20,414,491. tons, and held a balance on Dec. 1, 1908, of 8,441,533 tons. The reserve of 9,497,168 tons is more than will be needed for winter con- sumption. Never in the history of the trade have 5,000,000 tons gone for- ward from dock to furnace during the winter season. Shipments to furnace between May 1 and Dec. 1, 1912, aggregate 33,849,- 930 tons, compared with 23,178,370 tons in 1911, compared with 30,060,096 tons in 1910, 30,077,304 tons in 1909, 17,453,258 tons in 1908, 29,737,018 tons in 1907, 27,615,392 tons in 1906, 24,- 311,720 tons in 1905, 16658806 tons in 1904, 16,903,013 tons in 1903, and 18,423,364 tons in 1902. The shipments to furnaces during the season of navigation, as referred to, are determined in this way: First, we have the amount of ore on Lake ° Erie docks as of May 1, last, 5,881,245 ' THE MARINE REVIEW tons; add to this the receipts of the season just closed, 37,465,853 tons, and the total is 43,347,098 tons; deduct the amount on dock Dec. 1, 9,497,168 tons, and we have 33,849,930 tons as the amount that was forwarded either direct or from dock to furnace yards. It is understood, of course, that the difference between the total output of 47,435,777 which was shipped from the Lake Superior mines during 1912, and the receipts of 37,465,853 tons January, 1913 in 1904 in a similar craft. The boat is in the shape of an egg and is obvi- ously entirely eovered over. It is provided with a sliding keel to pre- vent drifting and rolling. On the top there is a railing and lookout tower from where the helmsman has a com- plete view all around through four glazed portholes. The bow is" pro- vided with a double bottom which is divided into four watertight compart- ments, through which there is access at Lake Erie ports, is ore that went through manholes. The compart- ; IRON ORE RECEIPIS AT LAKE ERIE PORTS, GROSS TONS. : 1912. 1911. 1910. 1909, 1908. 1907. dO ee ar 1,405,023 493,345 1,225,202 1,374,224 680,553 1,314,140 ae ae 540,586 223,947 197,951... - pase 213,377 ae Sandusky eae ee oe as Seales eee tony 5 powaee ; Lorin i Oe 3°771,350. 2,937,605. 2;884;788 --°2,796,856 . 2,286,388 - 2,621,025 Cleveland): (eee 7,914,836 4,584,211 6,344,943 6,051,342 4,240.815 6,495,998 Pairports ooo ea 1,819,381 666,365 1,516,434 1.734,277 1,518.961 2,437,649 Ashtabula 38050. 2 056... 8,158,080 6,359,131 9,620,638 8,056,941 3,012,064 7,521,859 Conneaut 3). ee 7,839,831 6,931,278 6,309,548 7,007,834 4.798,631 5,875,937 Hes 547,067 289,400 942,592 1,235,057 828,602 2,294,239 Buttalo. 2 co en 5,060.642 2,802,976 4,704,439 5,002,235 2,835,099 5,580,438 Detroit) 655 0) ee 418,057 243,292 296,412 159,889) ee oe ae Matar cl inane 37,465,853 25,531.550 34,042,897 33,672,825 20,414,491 35,195,758 IRON ORE ON LAKE ERIE DOCKS, DEC. 1, GROSS TONS. 1912. 1911. 1910. 1999. 1908. - 1907. Toledo. i. eee 552,016 661,382 433,215 332,456 590,925 5183645 . Sandusky. 3.0.0... 2,472 2,471 17,728 39.557 36,079 44,546 Huron ee ae ee 385,810 344,371 375,118 477,333 458,158 415,730 Worains oe 320,713 314,321 259,448 407,129 426,274 366,271 Cleveland ...... Oe ee 1,888,560 1,589,491 1,638,795 1,547,142 1,458,392 1,281,335 Fairport, 30) ea 565,920 636,566 839,970 867,640 835,821 523,981 Ashtabula' 35.07.00? 3,350,553. 3,295,862 3,287,816 2,594,359 §2:203'531 . 2,056,829 COMMCRHE 6606 sas. es) 1,429,539 1,237,573 1,920,997 1,411,002 1,296,675 1,006,774 Brie tee ee ee 661,330 636,274 792.011 788,046 730,530 652,219 Butalo ye oy ges 3 340,261 413,353 452,783 501,125 315,148 435,407 Total Pcie ee 9,497,168 9,131,664 9,426,881 8,965,789 7,385,728 8,441,533 to places other than Lake Erie -ports, such as the furnaces at Lake Michigan ports. The amount of ore on dock May 1, 1912, as given above does not include April receipts, which amounted to 30,399 tons. The accom- panying table shows receipts at Lake Erie ports and amounts on dock during six years past. Lake Michigan Ore Receipts Out of a total lake movement of 47,455,777 gross tons of ore, Lake Michigan ports received 8,357,070 tons, distributed as follows: Port Gross tons. Tie Bepide, Miche 7.0240) 000) 8 : 47,947 Mast forcan, Mich Vc eae 42,878 Me waukee, GMWis. oe 138,065 Gary, Vr Ga ee ee 2,088,327 Jogiags Matbor, Ind) 2,05. oS 8 514,748 South Chicago, kes a, 5,480,105 Bowne City, Mich. 2020 et! 45,090 Gta i ee Ge ee 8,357,070 New Type of Lifeboat WA fest Of 2 new kind of lifeboat was made on the car ferry Ashtabula in Ashtabula harbor on Monday, Jan. 6, and as a result it has been adopted as part of the. life-saving equipment of the car ferry. The boat is of the Uraed type, invented by Capt. Ole Brude, who sailed across the ocean ments are intended for storing pro- visions, water and other necessities, If in the case of sudden disaster there is no time to get the boat over- board, it may be simply released from its tackles and will float on the water as the ship goes down. Coal Movement During 1912 Soft coal shipments on the great lakes, including both cargo and fuel coal, amounted to 23,335,000 tons dur- ing 1912, being 1,552,305 tons greater than shipments during 1911. These figures are rather surprising as the movement of soft coal through the canals at Sault Ste. Marie was 483,558 tons less than the 1911 movement, and it was generally supposed that the total movement would be less than that of 1911, as vessels certainly did not appear to be busy carrying coal from Lake Erie ports at any time during the season, The move- ment of cargo coal 'was probably higher than during 1911 and the dif- ference is to be found in fuel coal. There were many more ships in com- mission during 1912 than in 1911, and, of course, a great deal more coal was consumed by them. Hard coal 1912 shipments during

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