January, 1913 THE MARINE REVIEW JOHNSTON BROS., FERRYSBURG, MICH, Ferrysburg..| Mach. boat.| 54 17 Gop ot ce eis 1 OA ec Ae oa 80 |New Aetna Portland Ce- : ' ment Co., Fenton, Mich. Ferrysburg..| Suction dge.| 114 56 9% PlEG, DOWEL |e a ee | ee 450 |Calumet & Hecla Mining Co., Calumet, Mich. Ferrysburg..| Placer dge. | 110 40 9 Elecs power 6s ca oe oe oie as 350 |Andrada Mines, Ltdij Pa- ris, France. COWLES SHIP YARD CO., BUFFALO, (N.Y. siifalo. es: | Tug 75 67°20 10 20 x 22 8x 14 Natural 159 ese Wickwire Steel Co. Biusttalos eset Barge Canal | Tug 65 59 16 i 15% x17 6 x12 Natural LAS Cees a8 Benj. L. Cowles. Stiffalo<...% Supply Boat | 45 40 12 5 40 FEPeGasoline | 2 iti ee eke SES ee eae Connelly Bros. Buffalo... .. Supply, Boat. |...45 40. 12... 5° J/400R BGagoline 1 2,50) | oe John Gehm, Merchant Work in Coast Yards Every Shipyard on the Coast is Filled With ae Work -- Varied and Excellent Program HE coast ship yards have a_ boilers; estimated horsepower, 7,000. 4 in. over all, for Standard Oil' Co., fine program of merchant work Two steel car floats, duplicates, for Richmond, Cal.; engine, 23-3234 - as well as a number of war- New York Central & Hudson River 49 x 71% in.; three Scotch boilers; ships for foreign account. This pro- gram will doubtless be augmented as the time for opening the Panama canal approaches. The Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. has Railroad Co., New York; 337 ft. over all; 1,015 gross: tons. Steel freight steamer Tyler, 344 ft. over all, for old Dominion Steamship Co., New York; estimated gross ton- estimated horsepower, 3,000. Two car floats, duplicates, 342 ft. 3 in. over all, for the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad. Three steel trawlers, Wave, Billow, under construction the freight and nage, 4,300; triple-expansion, recipro- Breaker, duplicates, 129 ft. 6 in. over passenger steamer Lenape, the freigh: cating engine, two single-ended Scotch all, for the Bay State Fishing Co., steamer Peter H. Crowell, the oil boilers; estimated horsepower, 1,700. Boston, Mass.; estimated gross ton- steamer Illinois, 'the freight steamer Two steel car floats, duplicates, for nage, 255: engine, 1234 x 22 x 36- Lorenzo, the freight and passenger Delaware, Lackawanna & Western 24 in.; one Scotch boiler; estimated steamer Matsonia, the freight and Railroad Co., Hoboken, N. J.; length horsepower, 450. passenger steamer Monoa and an oil over all, 270 ft.; estimated gross ton- Bath Iron Works, Bath, Me. steamer and oil barge. nage, 840. Passenger and express steamer for Two steel bulk oil Stedia bes Vesta Maine Central railroad, Portland, Me.; ~~ i Shipbuilding Co. Camden, and Socony, duplicates, 343 ft. 4 in. 195 ft. over all; estimated gross ton- a : : : over all, for Standard Oil Co., New nage, 600; four-cycle, triple-expansion Steel Chinese cruiser Fei Hung, York; estimated gross tonnage, 3,663; engine; one Scotch boiler, closed 322 ft. over all, for the Chinese gov- trinte expansion, reciprocating engine, stokehold, forced draft; estimated SER DS, eeu erate. bens ene two single-ended Scotch boilers; es- horsepower, 1,200. ment; estimated horsepower, 0.900; timated horsepower, 1,900. Two compound triple-expansion en- Parsons turbine and four express water-tube. boilers. Steel side-wheel passenger steamer Washington Irving, 414 ft. over all, for Hudson River Day Line, New York; estimated gross tonnage, 3,130; inclined engine and two double-ended and four single-ended Scotch boilers; estimated horsepower, 4,500. ' Steel first-class battleship Moreno, Maryland Steel Co., Sparrow's Point, Md. Six freight Pennsylvanian, Montanan, Ohioan, steamers, Panamanian, Iowan, Washingtonian, duplicates, 429 -- ft. 2 in. over all, for the American- Hawaiian Steamship Co., New York; estimated gross tonnage, 6,600; quad- ruple-expansion engine, three Scotch gines, 12% x 26%-14 in. for de- stroyer building at New York Ship- building Co. Staten Island Shipbuilding Co,, Port Richmond, S. I, N. Y. Str. F. D. Underwood, 118 ft. over all, for Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., New York; steam compound en- gine, single Scotch boiler; estimated horsepower, 1,000. $94 ft. 7 in, over all, for Argentine boilers; estimated horsepower, 3,000. government; 27,600 gross tons dis- Two passenger steamers City of nieneae ee e es it a ft. placement; Curtis turbines, eighteen Richmond, and City of Annapolis, ee were: 1 a a ae i. Babcock & Wilcox water tube boil- duplicates, 277 ft. over all, for Ches- a Aes 1 ae rae : ers; estimated horsepower, 45,300. apeake Steamship Co., Baltimore, Md.; ie Pee aa pot Steel collier Norfolk, 332 ft. 1 in. gross tonnage, 2,100; four-cycle triple- expansion engine, four Scotch boilers; Steam lighter James L. Morgan, 109 Coastwise Transporta- : : ae a oe Sits oe 3. estimated horsepower, 2,500. ees a for Gas ape Co.; " ' : a : : ae : estimated gross tonnage, ; steam, 680; triple - expansion reciprocating Fore River Shipbuilding Co., Quincy, compound engine, one Scotch boiler; engines, two single - ended Scotch boilers; estimated horsepower, 1,750. Steel passenger and freight steamer Mass. Steel freight steamer Frieda, 314 ft. 7% in. over all, for Union Sulphur estimated horsepower, 350. Delivery No. 3, 98 ft. over all, for Standard Oil Co., New York; Sane Congress, 442 ft. 6 in. over all, for Co., New York; estimated gross ton- engine, 100 H. P. i Pacific Coast Steamship Co., San nage, 2,994; engine, 22%4-39-63 x New York Central No. 28, 114 ft. ee Francisco, Cal.; estimated gross ton- 48 in.; two Scotch boilers; estimated over all, for New York Central & nage, 8,000; triple-expansion recipro- horsepower, 1,800. Hudson River Railroad Co, New cating engine, 10 single-ended Scotch Steel oil steamer Richmond, 436 ft. York; estimated gross tonhage, 508;