April, 1913 THE MARINE REVIEW 151 U. S. G. Co.'s Mexican Boiler Graphite Its action 1s gently mechanical--not chemically severe and it cuts the cost of Boiler cleaning one-half. W orks-- Owing to the unequal expansion and contraction of the metal of a boiler and the scale in it, the latter, during alternate periods of heating and cooling, becomes more or less cracked and checked. It is this condition--the presence of these little cracks and checks--that gives to US G CO'S MEXICAN BOILER GRAPHITE its power to disintegrate and break down old scale, regardless of character and . thickness. It does this, too, in a manner that is GENTLY MECHAN- ICAL--not, like "compounds", chem1- cally severe and correspondingly hard on the boiler itself. While circulating with . the water: US: G. CO's MEXICAN BOILER GRAPHITE works into these minute cracks and checks (which otherwise are almost immediately re-cemented by the scale- forming matter carried by the feed water), and deposits itself on to the inner surfaces of tubes and shell, with the result that the scale will no longer adhere tenaciously and may be removed with comparative ease. Then, after a boiler has been cleaned of its accumulation of old scale, the continuous use of this Boiler Graphite in the correct quantity and manner will prevent the subsequent formation of that hard scale so difficult -- to remove, for it forms in and with the scale matter, and keeps same in such loose condition as to permit of its being easily taken out. "After trying some five or six boiler compounds, both in liquid and dry state, with very poor results, we decided to give your Mexican Boiler Graphite a trial, and secured results far better than we expected--and we have used same exclusively for the past two years." (The above from a well-known Kansas City manufacturer. Copy of complete letter will be furnished to interested parties upon request. We have thousands of others in our files, similar in tenor to the above.) What U S G CO'S MEXICAN BOILER GRAPHITE has done for others, it will do for you--it has ""MADE GOOD" our every claim, in thousands of power plants throughout this country, Canada and Mexico, and is endorsed by them as the surest, safest, most reliable and least expensive of all scale remedies. Acting MECHANICALLY, not chemically, Uo S G COs MEXICAN BOILER GRAPHITE is effective in any feed water, regardless of its character, and for the same reason, has no destructive effect, chemical or otherwise, on the boiler itself, neither can it be the cause of foaming, nor under normal conditions will it carry out with the steam. : All this--and more, has been proven beyond the question of a doubt in thousands of exhaustive tests conducted under the most trying conditions. U SG CO'S MEXICAN BOILER GRAPHITE will "stand-up" under the closest investigation, it has proven its merit in actual service, and today is universally known as the one Scale Remedy that lives up to its record and its reputation, day in and day out--always the same. Put up in 100 pound drums and barrels (about 400 pounds)--quotations on request. Clip the coupon. Get our latest booklet. Ask for testimonials. Learn more about MEXICAN BOILER GRAPHITE. BRANCH OFFICES: 1 UNITED STATES GRAPHITE CoO., NEW YORK, N.Y. Saginaw, Mich. PHILADELPHIA, PA. l Send me your booklet-"The Management and Cleaning of Steam Boilers"; elso full details ITTSBURGH, PA. . J of your MEXICAN BOILER GRAPHITE CLEVELAND, OHIO DETROIT, MICH. DENVER, COLO. I Name: 255 ee a ee eee SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. CHICAGO, ILL. : | Company. eect ee re ca tee yee i LONDON, ENG., 118 Holborn, E.C. ; BERLIN, GERMANY, 26 Berg Strasse 1 Clty ee ee Copyrighted 1913 by The United States Graphite Co. J State ...... cece cece eet eee reece et et tee ee nes The United States Graphite Co. Miners of Graphite and Manufacturers of Graphite Products SAGINAW Tw MICHIGAN