(158 5B x/S MOM WOOD. Ley x. Q oe SN STRAND OF ¢ Ny "4 a / OAKUPT. ™ : er. AT EACH ENO. at eo TOP PANO BOTT OFT. Sat ee es "i s ie 3 ee r a Wey a ' A 4 oe ~ 1, ae : m4 z YA WOOD STRIP. y yer e S 5p*/9 OF MOR wood. 5" ee ¥™34A 17 ux rd 7g PLATE. 73 TAP BOLTS. ENDO ELEVATION. Nome: At. Niirs TO OF FITTER HANP LOOSE ON BOLTS. FIG. 2--COLLAPSIBLE SAND BLOCK 150 tons power, and two of 100 tons, te give initial motion to the vessel ii necessary, but their use was not required. The lubricant applied to the ways had a total thickness of about 5 in. and consisted of beef tallow as the principal ingredient, the other ingredi- ents being stearine and _ launching grease. The launching grease was softer, and was intended to give the initial lubrication until the harder tallow melted under the friction. To prevent the grease being squeezed out during the period which elapsed between the time of application and way, filled with grease, THE MARINE REVIEW boxes, one at each end of the sliding and fitted 2 Rare <i Direchion S4rp will roke When releosed & SAP May, 1913 _ with a weighted piston to force the grease out as the ship moved down the ways. The wedges were spaced 14 in. apart, and were of oak 8 ft. long and 6 in. square at the base, One hundred and thirty four-handed oak battering rams, 6% ft. long and 6 in. square, were provided to drive the wedges, which were rammed up in four rallies each of six minutes duration on the morning of the launch. The force for ramming up consisted of about 500 men. The fore poppets were constructed as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. In order to provide for the distribution of the load over the entire cradle and over a considerable length of the ground ways during and after pivoting, a circular sliding joint or trunnion was fitted on each side having a radius of 50 ft. They were greased in the same manner as the launching ways. To distribute the load on the pop- pets over as large a surface of the hull as possible, three. straps, each about 40 ft. in length and 5 ft. wide, of steel plate, were carried under the keel, and the space between these straps and the keel was filled with cement: concrete: Dump Barges for Isthmian Canal Commission The Isthmian Canal Commission is in the market for six dump barges of 1,000 cubic yards capacity each, to be used. in connection. with the 15 cubic- yard dipper dredges, recently contracted for with the Bucyrus Co., South Mil- waukee, Wis. Delivery is to be made by January 1, 1914, and they are to form USS NEWYORK MSA the day of the launch, steel separators % in. thick were fitted between the sliding and ground ways at intervals of 10 ft. Lard oil was poured in the openings left by the separators just before the launch. In order to grease the submerged portion of the ground- ways for a distance of about 30 ft. be- low low water mark, two cofferdams were used, one on each way, which permitted of exposing a section of 30 ft. in length. Grease distributors were also provided, consisting of FIG, eR RRR ESI RASS 3--HYDRAULIC RELEASING Pipe fo Freleasing Velye My draulic Cy liyder 2 Ces far TRIGGER