208 THE MARINE REVIEW -- No.2o___ . dx Fe OO beck AveLe { | | --/2% ds PLAYING -- ee: pee , |--- eae 4 T |kar She Mencia on f a ee eh c Tau Jae SEI I2 BULKHEAD he letters A, C, G, Hy K, N, 0, P, R are the longitudinal frame brack- ets showing the number of rivets necessary to compensate for cutting same at the bulkhead. The pocket at the top of the tank at side TSN with nine rivets shows the method of making the tank water tight at this point. Sometimes it is necessary to get into the tanks when the vessel is loaded and it is done by means of fitting watertight doors on the bulkhead, as shown. A ballast pipe is run into the fore peak and a valve is fitted on the bulk- head under the line of the tank top to drain the peak. Tank Division No. shows the after end of No. and like the collision bulkhead shows the starboard side; looking forward in the vessel. The bounding angle is 3% in. by 3% in. by 8.5 lb. and is made thoroughly watertight. The angles shown with rivets are for connecting the longi- tudinals to the floors and the neces- sary number of rivets are here shown. The watertight door here shown is for the same purpose as_ described on No. 2, On this division the pipe for the fore peak and No. 1 tank passes through, there being two pipes on the one side. Rivets 3, in. diameter, spaced 4% in. diameter. No. 20 is a watertight bulkhead above the tank and is the after end of the hold, there being only one hold considered in the meantime. The plating and stiffeners are the same as the collision bulkhead, like- wise the rivets and riveting. 12-. This: plan 1 tank ~ NO. 20 The side tank ends at this bulk- head and drops down to 2 ft. 9 in. above the base line. June, 1913 takes the place of longitudinal K abaft this bulkhead and the bulkhead js; made watertight by continuing the margin angle on afterside around and across the bulkhead at K, as shown by dotted line. The plan of this bulkhead is shown looking aft and represents the port side of the vessel. The stiffeners are bracketed to the tank top as well as the deck longitudinals. The coal] bunker runs from 20 'to 21, the bulk- head on 21 being like No. 20, but not watertight, with the longitudinal frames passing through same, the notching out for the longitudinals being made dust tight with plate collars. The angle for tankside will also be dispensed with on bulkhead No. 21. Bulkhead No. 24 is the engine room bulkhead, and is made watertight, likewise the division in the water bot- tom. This bulkhead is constructed of the same material as the others and the rivets and riveting are similar. This bulkhead runs from the tank top to the top of the house on spar The tank side deck. Looking aft this bulkhead euek esa Nee te 3x 3x ee Dele ANGLE. | ard Le _L| fers Pes r \ | ABI im PL eri g U TANS 7 op? CENTER Ww. Zz : meres LX 07 Doecr ||| |: BULKHEAD NO. 2 :