Jitne; 1913 deck is covered with linoleum and the passages with Dreadnaught tiling. In the holds this deck is not covered. The bridge deck is framed with steel beams the same as the deck below and is plated with steel outside of the deck enclosures and covered with 3-in. pine decking with teak margins. , Inside the houses the covering is of 1y4-in. T. .& G. pine covered. with canvas. Crew Accommodations Accommodations have been provid- ed as follows: Deck department, 34; engineers' department, 28; steward's department, 83; miscellaneous, 8; total crew, 153. There are accommodations for 416 first class passengers, 120 sec- ond class passengers and 150 third class passengers. The boat deck is entirely of wood, except certain steel framing under the boats, and is wholly covered with No. 2 canvas. Special steel structures are carried up to take the cargo winches for Nos: 3 and 4 holds and the winches are set on heavy teak beds. The plank sheers and margin strakes round the hatches on this deck are all of teak. , On the boat deck are the following structures: On the forward: end of the, boat deck, which commences at frame 52, is a structure containing the captain's quarters and the first class smoking room. The captain's room is finished in mahogany and ex- tends the full width of the house, being 26 ft. wide. This room is en suite, consisting of bed room, bath room and reception room. The first class smoking room is in flemish oak and is furnished with toilets and an enclosed bar.. The sides of this house have been worked into alcoves with heavily upholstered settees. The floor- ing is covered with Dreadnaught til- ing. The heating, here as elsewhere throughout the ship, is done by elec- tricity. Two large heaters of the luminous type are worked into built- in fireplaces with mantels overhead. Navigating Bridge Above the smoking room is the Navigating bridge, at the forward end of which is the wheel house. The bridge is entirely closed for a width of 26 ft. with a door on either side Opening to the open wings which ex- tend 4 ft. beyond the beam of the ship. Immediately aft of the en- closed bridge is the chart room with officers' toilet and locker and aft of the chart room the quarters for the officers, deck engineer and _ wireless operators. Aft of the smoking room and ex- tending between frames 78 and 85 is THE MARINE REVIEW the forward deck lounge, forming an entrance for the grand stairway which extends down through three decks and terminates in the main dining saloon. This room is finished in quar- tered oak and is carpeted. The stair- way is mahogany and the treads cov- ered with Dreadnaught tiling. Aft of this lounge and also of the uptake enclosures and the special ventilating trunk from the galley is the wireless operating room and office. Aft of the wireless room and the engine room hatch is the after deck lounge extending between frames 140 and 146 and forming an entrance for the after first class stairway. This room is in quartered oak. At the after end of the boat deck between frames 160 and 196 and extending the full width of the deck is the ball room. This enclosure is constructed without stanchions, giving a clear floor for dancing of 35 x 45 ft. Seats dre built in around the sides and ends of this room to give the necessary stiffness to the walls. On the bridge and forecastle deck the house commences on frame 52 and extends to frame 178. Between frames 178 and 180 is a cross passage completing the first class promenade on this deck, while aft of frame 180 and extending to frame 195 the house is continued to accommodate the pub- lic rooms for the second class passen- gers, who have their own promenade extending from frame 180 to the stern of the vessel. The forward end of the house on this deck is occupied by the first Zio class lounge, a handsome room fin- ished in mahogany and 40 x 48 ft. in size. The forward end of the house is of steel and the sides are worked into bay windows housing window seats. The windows are especially large, being 40 in. in depth. Six fire- places are built into the finish of this room. Just abaft of the lounge there are four suite rooms with pri- vate baths and toilets, two in oak and two in mahogany. Aft of the suite rooms are wide entrance halls from the deck outside, all the rooms opening into the inside. corridors or lounges. The balance of this house is occupied by 44 large first class state rooms and two _ suite rooms - with: private toilets. The public toilets on this deck, as on the deck below, are in the center of the ship between the two boiler hatches. A vent enclosure at the center line divides them into two sections. All the sanitary piping is run in this vent, which is carried up through the boat deck, where a large exhaust fan draws air from the pas- senger quarters in the midships part of the vessel through the: toilets and then up into the open air above. The second class deck house, aft of frame 180, is occupied by the second class smoking room and the second class lounge, two comfortable and_ airy rooms. The lounge, which also serves as an entrance to the second class stairway which terminates on the upper deck in the second class quar- ters, is finished in quartered oak and the smoking room in flemish oak. The- staterooms on this deck, as elsewhere ONE OF THE MAIN ENGINES OF THE STEAMER CONGRESS