June, 1933 DECK VIEW FORWARD OF BRIDGE any tank, or transferred from any one tank to any otler tank'. There: are special connections to the ship's sides to pump oil from barges by means of the ship's pumps, as to lift the oil to the shelter deck level would mean an unnecessarily large suction lift for the pumps. The oil.discharge pipes are arranged so that there are two on each side at the forward pump room two at each side of the aft pump room and one over the stern. A long ver- tical pipe is provided in connection with the discharge main of each pump, to act as an air vessel and maintain the continuity of the dis- charge, Pressure gauges, indicating the steam pressure to the pumps and the pressures at the pump discharges and suctions, are situated on the after side of after pump room casing and the forward side of the forward pump room casing. As the vessels are primarily tended to carry liquid fuel, an elabo- rate system of heating coils, com- prising about 13,000 ft. of piping, is fitted in the oil tanks. Refined petro- leum, benzine and other light oils will, of course, be carried when nec- essary, and the 'tween deck tanks at the sides of the main expansion trunk for the length of the tanks Nos. 5 to § have drain valves to the lower tanks so that they may be utilized for this purpose. The remaining *tween decks are only connected to the oil- fuel bunker pipe lines, but they can 'be readily adapted for carrying other oils, if and when desired. in- LOOKING AFT THE MARINE REVIEW DECK A separate piping installation is supplied in connection with the liquid fuel carried in a large cross-bunker aft, and the 'tween deck tanks at the sides of the main expansion trunk... By 'reason, of the ol fuel pumps being placed in an _ isolated pump room any oil over 73 degrees closed flash point may be used as fuel. The captain and officers are ac- commodated in the bridge house amidships, the engineers' cabins are » OVERHEAD VIEW, SHOWING H VIEW LOOKING FORWARD in the poop, and several extra cabins are provided in order that appren- tices may be carried, whilst close to them are the crew's quarters. It will be seen from photos that a large towing winch is fitted aft for towing ocean-going oil barges. Marconi wireless telegraphy is provided, and throughout the design and equipment of the vessel--the largest oil carrier yet built--appears to be on the most approved lines. WN A i 7 : LAA 2 be Ava a Ne Ne , hs a TRANSVERSE BULKHEADS