196 way, as it is believed that here it will be more practicable to begin a great scheme of port development. While the north end of Harbor Isl- and is admitted to be splendidly adapted for giving wharfage accommo- dations to large ships, the commis- sion believes that it will be more reasonable to build quays along the upper portion of the East Waterway, and as conditions demand, to extend these facilities along the west side of the waterway until eventually the outer portion of Harbor Island is re- quired. One of the commission's best reasons for desiring to utilize the south end of the waterway is its greater accessibility to the business and wholesale centers of the city. THE MARINE REVIEW channel of 30 ft. It is the intention of the commission to do considerable dredging and eventually to afford a uniform depth of 40 ft. for a width of 850 ft. This waterway is well sheltered from all storms, as in fact all portions of Seattle's harbor are, but the proximity of the East Water- way and the level haul to the level tidelands, which are capable of great industrial development, are factors in its favor, according to the commis- sion. Consequently the port desires to have the $3,000,000, voted for Har- bor Island, diverted to the first unit of the East Waterway plan, and for this purpose the special election is about to be held. While many experts. agree with the : June, 1913 extending to the _ right. These, of course, are only proposed, but the site is property whose control was recent- ly vested in the commission. Several years ago, it was acquired for the pur- pose of excavating a canal, but this plan was abandoned. Now the land will be utilized by the commission for the fostering of industrial enter- prises, which will be splendidly git- uated as regards both rail and water facilities. In planning for the first unit at the end of the East Waterway, the com- mission figures it will cost about $2- 400,000. It is planned to provide 5,390 lin. ft. of berthing space, 140,200 sq. ft. of wharves and sheds and 470,550 The improve- sq. ft. of warehouses. ae Maes ftal Myerovemeit he - ---- ------ -- - -- -- == Spokaz7e So t ee Re AC rsap Ave ee ee Ty GOT lyprovezegy, 394 BIS N riryre Liteg son Sarge La epsiop b "regi Shed Do SRC ee ee ee oo ee = co ie be eee + -- mi ee a so see See nd) 1 | \ 3 | '> =) [ s & Ss oe ee ee EAST WATERWAY : SQ Updustfia! = imypyovergeg?r Ave Whalcorn 3| g é huyard = ST Ove stead Foairtiy OUTLINE OF PROPOSED Harbor Island can be reached only by a long and circuitous route or by ferry and the latter plan is not re- garded as especially advantageous. The East Waterway is approximate- ly 1 mile in length and penetrating an already busy portion of the city's waterfront, it is deemed expedient to: erect wharves and quays along its sides. Its width averages 1,000 ft., al- though it is not believed that more than 850 ft. will be utilized when the plan is perfected. Authority over ' this waterway was vested in the com- mission by the legislature, to take effect in June. On a cross section: of 500 ft. there is a present depth in this Lander St HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS IN port commission, other influential cit- izems regard it as a mistake not to immediately develop the north end of the island, as originally proposed. Consequently there is a somewhat heated controversy at. present under way. Both. plans have their advo- cates and both have advantages so that whichever is authorized by the voters, Seattle is certain to be pro- vided with modern terminals. Either site is advantageously situated as re- gards railroad facilities and both have many acres of level land adjacent where industrial development may proceed apace. In Fig. 1 may be seen a row of warehouses and factories EAST WATERWAY, SEATTLE, WASH. ment contemplates the provision of sheds, grain elevators, cold storage plants and in fact every facility to take care of the varied shipping inter- ests of a great seaport. All of these features will be co-ordinated by rail- way, truck and other conveying meth- ods so as to make it practically one united system. While the plan is to initiate im- provements on the east side of the waterway, as the scheme is extended it is intended to provide for the im- provement of the entire west side by the construction of quay wharves and sheds, back of which on Harbor Isl- and, will be located a line of con-