378 steamer W. C. Richardson outside of Buffalo harbor, damaging about twenty of her plates. On April 27 the steamer J. K. Dimmick was struck by the steamer W. H. Wolf outside of Buf- falo harbor, crushing in her stern, the damage amounting to approximately $10,000. The steamer W. S. Mack had a succession of accidents on her down trip on May 2, finally winding up in the dry :dock- at Ashtabula. The steamer D. B. Meacham struck in the Livingstone canal, making necessary the removal of fifteen plates off the port bilge. The Jesse Spalding was in collision with the steamer William P.; Snyder Jr..on June 15, damaging her port bow and upper works. After temporary repairs were made at the Sault, she left for Ashtabula, where it was found that eleven of her plates had been damaged. The rig on the coal dock of the Pennsylvania Coal & Supply Co. at Milwaukee fell on the steamer I. W. Nicholas on June 16, doing considerable damage to her up- per works. She was taken to Toledo for repairs. The revenue cutter Tus- carora ran ashore in a heavy fog on Vidal shoal on a rocky bottom and Date--Name of Vessel. THE MARINE REVIEW was badly damaged. The steamer Lewiston was in collision with the steamer Louis R. Davidson in the St. Clair river and was damaged to the extent of $10,000. The steamer Charles Weston ran ashore near Two Harbors in a dense fog on June 27 and spent 24 days in dry dock. Her bottom damage was quite serious. On July 14 the steamer Kenora hit the dock at Montreal and damaged fourteen plates. The steamers John B. Cowle and James Laughlin were in collision off Presque Isle, Lake Superior, on July 17, and both vessels sustained damage amounting to about $10,000 each. The steamer Lehigh had a trip filled with vicissitudes beginning Aug. 2 when she carried away two gates of Lock 23 of the Welland canal, closing the canal to navigation for twenty-four hours. She was later struck by the schooner Augusta and sent to the bot- tom. She was floated on Aug. 8 and went to Montreal, but stranded on the 15th at Coteau. She was docked for repairs at Ashtabula on Aug. 28 when it was discovered that forty-three plates were damaged. The steamer Nature of Accident. October, 1913 W. S. Mack struck on Duck island, Lake Huron, on Aug. 7 and shook herself up quite badly. She was re- paired at Ecorse. The steamer Ham- iltonian was in collision with the steam- er Hamonic on Aug. 20 and sustained considerable hull damage. On Sept. 10. the steamer "Northern Queen stranded on Rock of Ages, Lake Su- perior, and was very badly damaged, making necessary the removal of sey- enty plates. : Quite a number of vessels encoun- tered obstructions in the Livingstone channel during the season, sustaining in certain cases severe bottom dam- age. ae The steamers Agassiz, Ishpeming, Verona, Joseph Wood, Elba, LaBelle and Crete reported that, while being moored in the Sault canal above the Canadian lock, they were put upon the bottom by the practice of flooding the vessels out. As far as known, however, no damage of any conse- quence has resulted from this maneu- ver. The tabulation of accidents is as follows: Place. Jan. 4 str Saxona 8.03 220. s eee Ran on submerged obstruction wad broke propeller wheel; then on wreck of Str. Richardson; 15 or 20 bottom plates badly damaged. : Repairs estimated: at $15: 000s... cea fee ok as cosets as Near Waverly Shoal, Lake Erie Jane 10 "Str. Spokate (.. s6. see Pure. destroyed her atter 'Cabins... ..% sas oe ws vo Cee Port Huron. Hebi t Str je Ce Wallace... .. icc: Torn from her moorings; hawser parted and chain broken........ Buffalo. Hebeo3> Str. J. 'G: BUEN IT Ass. ccna os Hire; in: one of her bunkers; damage sliohts....... 2... 5.3. oa... Fort William, peas ©. totermational.........5;.- Rudder disabled while breaking through ice..........0....ceccece St. Clair river. "Mar. 24° Str. City of Montreal......... WD ama sed: DY te ccs cies hs Sole ee ees ee ee a Montreal. Mar 75: Str, Presque dsie ...03¢. 25.05% Broke adrift in flood; released after three days' work on her by Great, Ihakes "Towing Co,. 206605. ec os eek eS Lorain, O. War 25° Str. J.B. Mads. ee ee, Broke adrift in flood; two bow plates damaged; dock April 12 for : : Lepains to; wer siloe and rudder... .....<.s0e. . e a s Lorain, O. Mar. 25° Tug Tae es oe Slightly. damaged: ins flood. (60.2.0. s oe es oe Sk! aes Lorain, O. Mian 25. Vue Exeelsion 25...°. 2.70055. mllontly= damaged in ood... 22021... os ie, Eorain,. ©; Wien 26. Str Andaste 20.5. Se Torn from her moorings by flood and stranded; released on Mar. A/S UDAMIUTEE Gc eye csc Se ee ees Cleveland, O. Mari26. Str. Wied. 'Macks. 3... . 05, - Torn from her moorings by flood; eight plates damaged; about a ° weekatO make, repaints... ...0.0ccss oe ee ee Cleveland, O. poh. -C ©. Barnes. 3.5.5 ss Ran on a dock her entire length near Cincinnati slip during flood. Damage Slebte celal Ce vio eee oh Cleveland, O. poe ee. Donaldson 2... ws. ek oes Damaced: by food | ..5. 5. CRRA Ree ero Cleveland, O. tteenees Str. pee Misher, 6... s oe Ran aground near Central viaduct in flood... ......:.) 0) Cleveland, O. aig Pus. Alert: ac). Rs os tae = Broke: adrift in; floods had to dock for tepaire..... 22. oe Cleveland, O. ees ite Oona se os ay Wameged | Dy telnet Green Bay, Wis. Mar2s (Str. Jo jf. Boland... ........2 -» While being towed out, struck pier; damage estimated at $2,250.. Buffalo, N. Y. PADI tts GReRINA tee oe » Broke. adrift and damaged her rudder stock... 2... 0.,5.....5.., Sarnia, Ont. Aprils. Str sWeanda 6... ee - Cut through by ice and foundered; crew taken off by Str. Don- eldeon; totgl loss: not insured... .... 0640 9... Near White Shoals, Straits of : Mackinac. map to Sit. Wey. Olcott... -<.. 268 Steering gear became disabled while she was entering canal and oe she struck the south pier with her starboard bow, denting some plates and damaging pier. Docked for repairs later ............ Duluth ship canal, mow 19 Gir Prank He Peavey... 2% Collided with a pile driver, damaging it, .9 9: .:., "= 2 ee Buffalo. pr 19 Str Geo. BF. Baker... .. 6.0255, Rudder carried away while attempting to pass through Eight St, Nas ails aici sate ee Swe ecy et eC a oe aes i iS. Apt. 21 Str Joshua W. Rhodes.....2-. fovounded while entering' harbor....<i0¢¢, 9s parva le Aoioot eet, Maryland. 6s)... 3.60.68 Damaged in ae Str. S. R. Parent while tied up in ice; : : coaming of cabin damaged and hull dented....................- Strai f Macki mor cl) Sti. Ws He Browns......:..0.3 After having left Duluth about two hours, engine became disabled oe re. : ao ene Had to be towed back..-..) oe... Lake Superior. ite. ot JO. Riddle, -....,0.5 While leaving St reret all buckets knocked off her wheel in tee; two new blades put on and she proceeded................. F William. eee Ste. Kearsarpe ic. oc. oss co ce Bows crched ip by dee and forward peak filled with water, Grain as as : cargo lightered and temporarily repaired at Mackinaw........ facki Ape Str We oD Reis@....: 6... All buckets stripped off her wheel by ice........ See aes ee pt. ge Sit, A. B. Stewart...........: Collided ae a 'Caldera; struck on port anchor, breaking hee pipe and bending pipe plate. Temporarily repaired at Soon. Whitefish bay. ae Oe te Caldeta 4 6 ee ee Collided with Str. A. E, Stewart; plate dented Ebteast No 4 hatch Whitefish Bo Die in Meatotd 42.02... Buckets stripped off her wheel; towed to Fort William........... Whitefish bay. Wipe 2a. Sir. Kenora 7). 2. Collided with Str. Thos. Walters; hawse pipe broken and one [Plate etacked. Str. Walters not injured, 2. .:................. Whitefish bay. Apt. 23 Str, W. E. Fitzgerald......... Collided with aa K. Dimmick while working through ice, dam- : : egiue several plates and frames...../2 9 ..:., oS oe i ar, 28, Str, 7. K. SEMIOMICK 303 ec, <5 Collided with Str. W. E. Fitzgerald, dentiie one plate............ Whitten ee Apr. 232 Str. ee ee ee es es Sitanded in hazy weather; not damaged...,..-...........0°°°°°°" Lake Erie, near Cedar Point Boe 2) sie. LC, Smith....,......... Two plates dented in striking Str. L. R. Davidson; boats bumped i ee * eed eee: BUG 6 5 cles 0 ta MMee ee ccs es et Whitefish bay. : : ' : ACIICl oo s .aah hrust against lock wa y current; bow plates b Bor jette WB. Davock.........2°. Hit Strs. Spokane and Hartwell; dain Pe. = eves pen Doe? pt DB. Meacham........... Two plates and stanchions bent on port quarter.........°.°°°°"* Whitefish ba Apr. 27 Str. D. M Whitney..... seis Collided with Str. W. P. Snyder; slightly Opmared..c.8 2. a