Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), October 1913, p. 381

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October, 1913 THE MARINE REVIEW Date--Name of Vessel. Nature of Accident. Mane 24 Str. Lewiston: visi eee +» Collided with Str. Louis R. Davidson when vessels were passing x each other; damage to Lewiston estimated at $10,000.......... Mune 24. Str LR. Davidson... . 7s -- Collided with Str. Lewiston; two plates dented............... aa mune 24. Str: W. A. Rogers.. (c.. iae - Ran aground owing to break in her quadrant; not damaged...... Hane. ott. Corallasc wii ses ee eens Ran ashore on rocky bottom; released on June 28; No. 1 tank punctured and she leaked....,..0.;.0.......4) mene 26. Str. Jo -T Kopp. gee. t. es Ran aground in fog; released on June 27; bottom damaged....... Pune «.- ott. Sacramento: sso cis ese Air pump disabled; returned to Duluth for repairs................ gone... ott. By, Li Bisher...2. oe Mate's quarters badly damaged by fire....,.:.....:.1,.... = : Mane... cotr.. Key west: oop, Struck and damaged her forepeak; leaked. uc, i ies eg ee mane. 6. Str. Acadian': 0.02 Struck; considerably damaged; docked at Kingstone .cicec.5 oe sane 27° Str. J. AH. Sheadle. se Ran ashore in fog; released on June 27, uninjured............... June <. Str. Geo. Stephenson ....3.02) Struck, upbound light 21... .6.0.c:.s5.0....,,. rrr June pe Str Henry 2Corter 336. ee ae eee of buckets and had to drop consort and return to ault lor TePalTS. ssw eter oe ca Oe Hume 27 Str. Chas. Weston (..<. 1.4700 Ran ashore in dense fog; released on June 28 by tug; forefoot badly damaged, including 27 plates; docked at Superior; 24 days in dry dock 3) uctwek. weet weeds ee Huhne 26° Str. Maruba .o....6.. ce Ran aground; released after lightering 300 tons of ore......+..... fone 28; Str. 1. ©. Waldow.. 6a While landing, rubbed against concrete dock, damaging huil plat- ing, some frames and SUUINSELS 7s a Gas Sinsscasvs aes 6 eee june 29. Str. Thomas Maythan....<csca: Struck canal boat N. J. Brown, doing considerable damage. 2... gune29 Bee. Aurora 3.0.05; ick oops Ran= aground? <0 lob falel weed whe: lin afb os 6 le nse odes ws GA cis eo ee dune 30 Str. QO, A. Shaws... 2: ie While at dock, loading, was struck by Str. Douglass Houghton, on damaging after tow chock, two bulwark plates, and rail bent... Maly 2. Otre bs Gi. Waldo 45 oc. Gees Took a sheer and rubbed against east bank. of: channel... > 720307. diily 3 Str. Wm: EL. Mack...2.05. 5, Collided with Jefferson street bridge, damaging bulwark plate; damage a Ss eee ae Ee hopin Oe OPUSiciw. ocean Stranded; lightered and released. on July 6......2\0 0.00.0 ful 4 eo fe Moet Sor ces oC Struck Str. LaBelle, damaging plate on Starboard boW.:..3.9.5..- July 4 Str. Henry 'Be Smith) s:5 3.92 Stranded when steering engine became diasbled; released on July : : (ae MPA ee ae er AS Be vAmesse saris: ag Ran ashore; released on July 9; No. i and 2 tanks punctured, a a six plates damaged; docked at Ashtabula July 12...-:........ ces Miny A. Tug: Mosher' 3730. ee Crushed ae a street bridge and badly damaged; pilot : house: 'demolished 3.4 3 uaa et ot ee ro, UUngava ea oo eee Struck; bottom damaged; docked at Kingston Se eee es i sees ee 5 ee Ge the (Straits... os Bumped Str. Frank H. Peavey; stern of City of the Straits slight- is ly damaged and two plates dented ........... Hed we stie c's © Beene Stroh Bi Ouse nn ee es Lost.:an anchor oe. ee eee oe ew bs scree sees us in 3 Str James "Lauechline 3.3. sek struck the. bank and ran "aground; released... scene. Jily 5 Str. Rufus P. Ranney. s.. While passing through' American canal, took a sheer to port and 7 : struck the pier,°damaging her bow 275... 5..0 70. 4s. eee ; LCtOLY = Ge ee ins oso ee Hit by Str. J. S. Morrow while tied up at ore dock ; three plates fe Oe ee ed butt Be and two plates dented, mooring cable parted. Morrow. not: damaged *. 3. iu. ee ee ee Wily. 0. Bee. "Peters es ices ee Driven ashore in fees 2 released on July Vico. 3. oe Stt. i tackhouse.::23.5. Hit by Str. W. Ko Bixby. 2206s sions yess sys eee 1 e ae re Porlinses Po eee Stern damaged by hitting gate of lock; damage estimated at July 8 Str. Alpenas at ee eee Grounded while leaving port; bottom damaged; temporarily re- : : : paired at Re Mich. eee oe cir Sie tis ee weno Ran aground in heavy weather; released, uninjured............... a a ae é : pees ues aac ciate Ran Som in heavy weather; released, uninjured... ... 0... me oe A bell Wilson © .. Cargo shifted in heavy sea and she foundered; two lives lost.... ae . Ee, Mey MeLstliss Sank in storm, after shipping considerable water; crew rescued; ey Sas raised' latér 'and 'taken to Boffalo..... 2. 3040s. oe ee Nay 13 Str. Re LL. Agassiz... 20s ~ While ae port, grounded on mud bottom, owing to low water; ee mot injured 20: se te ae eee hee tee ee weg ed cae oe es Collided with Bge. Sagamore; bow considerably damaged.......... at 3 ae eee eo ee Collided with fas ay two plates and six frames on star- : board side damaged ........... pei ooo ees sire ace nee eee ete = ee Hit obstruction shortly after leaving Sandusky; forward compart- ot eek Ce ont stove in ane leaked badly; cement patch put on at Detroit and 'she. proceeded, 062 au es a oes ee sien ees ees dee eee ae uty 14 Str (Calumet .c0t 2 52G5 we Ran egrees e : ieee meee i tr. Frank H. Peavey; two plates g ' yy . ete joo, oe oe eek and aoreaned stern and forefoot; docked at Lorain on oS ee July 18; 14 plates perce Se ee et en Cee kaa Hit government pier; not cece e cess eee e eens yay i: a8 Fea Moore ss ose ae ne oars oe Ran ashore in dense fog; released, uninjured................0+000- i i d punched hole in her bow; beached for tem--- ee ot Cherelle ae oun : qe and taken to Hancock to unload.. ele Grounded on a boulder ....... ee eee eee eres eee e rete eee eee eeee Tay ie Str OE Ba ee Collided with Str. Calgary; slightly damaged...... bette teen eee a oe a eS : ae Collided with Str. James Laughlin; bow stove in, hawse pipe ee tt Jone Be Cork damaged, anchor lost; repaired at Toledo; damage estimated at S10:000 : 20. ee ee eae es ca ea tie ls aie Paria. is i i i tr. John B. Cowle; 15 plates and 20 frames dam July 17 Str:. James Laughlin.........-. a repaived at' Superior; damage et $12,000... idi ; released after jettisoning part of cargo..... Soe eee aes py Ste. on ee a eer "Filer and badly damaged on starboard side; plates oe fee Bem Bike smashed and boiler displaced several inches........-.... ae ' Jul _.. Collided with Str. Sheboygan in fog; big goal oe nee: hoy Mv We -Stro Lowas ices ce ee sank; temporarily patched and floated on July ; docke pairs at Manitowoc 6... ceeece eet c eee e eee e terete nee ene eenns é : de over her anchor and punctured No. 1 star- guy 18 Str. Victory 2-2. 0s5sereceeee : bia Oo a Goa ee Clncland ow Tule ee completed on July 25; five plates damaged ..............+++0. : ilided with Str. Mary C. Elphicke; bulwarks damaged. EI- July 19 Str. Martin Mullen ....-.---- ' OC ieke not damaged ...... Bees SEO eee ey pea ree es - : leased after lig tering. ... +s sees errs sees Pe een ace se 22 us gs Nye a : ane er ee shifting from one elevator to another; released, Be othe ae. NE ie 8 ere ee : SN TA ON ee a ae oe a Se aa Wp a Sa Ok OO 8 ROL 6 18 OOOO. w wR O00 OOOO ECE Ae . ' LS : uninjured ......--+++- See a ea : July 23 Str. C. Russell Hubbard..... . Stranded; released herself, uninjured ......++-+-++++++- ee ; i torn out and : bridge; one anchor broken off, hawse pipe July 23 Str. Sonoma ..+.+++++ereee7* : Leste ulate On Starboard side dented. 20.2 .6s5 cn cee iwee cs caves 3 ; d by fire... cee e cece eee e ete et ete tenet ets e tees ees cates tee bey 22 Sch. CG. King: 5 pages' by a sien at Sault' 'igr temporary. repairs, July 23 Str. James Carruthers......-- : ee es Wee July 26, Collided with Str. J. S. Ashley..... Sank at the Hocking dock, having sprung a leaks ae foe. fuly 24 Bge. Granada .-.+-+++++017=* * Struck a boulder at mouth of river and went to bottom. abins guly 24° Tug Fred B..esiccsecerereees "sy ahpwe: Water io. cece sot es se cece ests pitttee teeter eee ee es pe July 25 5s Wheel chains parted and she crashed into two launches, doing Wy itr. Minnetonka .....-++++++** "04 $850 worth of damage to them. Broke two buckets off 381 Place. St. Clair river, St. Clair river, St. Marys river, Round island. Crab island, near Detour. Entrance to Duluth harbor, Lake Superior, Cleveland. Lachine lake. Welland canal. Near Whitefish Pt., Lake Supe- rior. Straits of Mackinaw. Off Whitefish Pt., Lake Supe- rior, Burlington bay, near Two Har- bors. Toledo, Superior. Chicago river. Portage river, Ashland, Wis, Livingstone channel. Cleveland, O. Hay lake. Canadian Soo. West Neebish channel, Salmon Pt., Lake Ontario, Chicago. : St. Lawrence river. Duluth entry. Hay lake, Sault canal, Cleveland. Crab island near Detour. Outer harbor, Cleveland. Canadian lack, Sault canal. Sandusky. St. Clair river, near Sarnia. St. Clair river, near Sarnia. Lake Erie, off Dunkirk, Near Long Pt., Lake Erie. Maumee river, Toledo. Off Ashtabula, Lake Erie. Off Ashtabula, Lake Erie. Lake Erie. Livingstone channel. Cuyahoga river, Cleveland. Montreal. Milwaukee, : Near Whitefish Pt., Lake Supe- rior, Portage entry. Detroit river. Welland canal. Off Presque isle, Lake Superior Off Presque isle, Lake Superior Off Bear Pt., Lake Michigan. Laké Michigan, near Racine, Chicago river. Point Iroquois. Ashland, Wis. Fawn island. Duluth. Round island, Straits of Mac- kinaw. Duluth. Outer harbor, Cleveland. Above the Soo. Toledo, O. Thunder bay river.

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