382 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. .. Aug. 20 Aug... Aug... Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. 21 21 23 23 Aug. .. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. eee: ep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 25 26 27 30 - woh Nw ONNN 10 10 10 11 ee ee Sepa: Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. Sep. 11 12 12 12 13 15 Bge. Str; Bge. Str. Str. Str. - «Bge. Str. Str: Str. Str. Str. Str. Bge. Str. Str. Str. Shs Str. Str. Str. Str. Str; Str. Sir. Si Str. Sie Str. Str. Str. Str; Str. it, Str Bge. Str. Str: Str, Str, St, Str. Bge. Str: Str, Sir. Str, Str Str, Str; Tug Str: Str: Str. THE MARINE REVIEW Date--Name of Vessel. Nature of Accident. ; Her wheel 2 oss inc ce 60's o's wets ee ae en coseee ea era July 25 Str. Ward Ames ....... es Collided with Str. G. A. Tomlinson while unloading; damaged gun- i wale Dar (004.066 ets eves cess iweceeee cress Dees ceves July 25 Str. G. A. Tomlinson.......... Collided with Str. Ward Ames; stern slightly damaged............ July .. Str. City of Hamilton......... Broke her shaft and lost a trip....-..+--seseerrrertterts stirs July .. Str. Saronic ........-+.-6060. Machinery became disabled ......- ee or ae Ores ea: : uly 28 "Sch; Eleanor 32 /0..-2-.53>:::. Ran aground on mud bottom............++ Lge ee ae ca sete uly 2. Str. Sindbad 3.2.2... <se06%5. Struck; damaged two plates and two frames...+---+++++++ertreess July 29 Str: Luzon... tween ee ee Struck bottom hard with starboard bilge... <6 5: acbeee CEE me July 30 Str. John Sharples............ Struck and punctured two plates; temporarily POPAILOUs foc owe cs ae Aug. 1- Str. H. W. Smith.......:..... Grounded; released on Aug. 2........++++- coe kaeee sees eee teens Auge 2. Str, Lenieh oes ees. ss Carried away two gates of Lock 23, closing navigation for 24 hours. Steamer slightly damaged. Later hit by Sch. Augusta and sent to bottom; floated on Aug. 8, leaked, went to Montreal ; stranded again on Aug. 15 at Coteau, third time on one trip; docked for repairs at Ashtabula on Aug. 28; 43 damaged plates PRUE cya eres us Collided with unidentified vessel, opening some of her seams; towed? toe Port: PUrONn 1.0. ai oss Se os here pene e seen teen ee eee cans Ghasee5. eriCey coat ss. Ran aground near entrance to harbor owing to low water; re- a leased on Aug. 6 after lightering ......-...eseeees Beep b a eae Crete oo een ee Collided with Str. F. B. Squire and sank; tow line of barge thought to have been caught by suction; (in tow of Str. Rou- mania) floated on Aug. 12 and towed to Erie; constructive total loss. Str. Squire not damaged.........c cece ee reece eee ee ce eeens Wines Mackey s ic... o Struck; released herself and reached Detour in crippled condition ; shoe and rudder broken off and starboard tanks leaked; tempor- ily repaired at Detour; docked at Ecorse, leaving dock on Aug. 22; 18 plates damaged, new shoe and stern post installed as well as pintle for rudder and four new buckets......++.+s++seeeeeees Je W. Westcott.c.. 2.0... Gracie on Canadian: Dati: 0. sce ce ae oe oa ee ie eee merece 8 sieve North American ....... ,. Grounded; released by tugs; slightly damaged.............-.++.- MOPADUS ees ae c's cs oe In passing through Superior avenue viaduct had one of her spars Heed OIE ice ies a re laele Wik sn ve Ce oenane apeer sana a eh et' o's 6's 6 eee MACE POLS Cita eee soe Ran ashore in heavy fog; released on Aug. 14................. eps AMCUTret * COMbt as sess es Struck and damaged her bow; temporarily repaired............... Wexford 3 Heche cse. se cs es Ran aground; released after lightering 50,000 bu. wheat. No. 1 ee and 2 hatches leaked and cargo damaged; temporarily repaired. : Docked at Collingwood; 44 plates taken off..........0+-eeeenes B.D, Cofinberty.... 0... Ran aground; released on Aug. 18, uninjured...........-.+--+-0:- Atikokan oe. oes Geeta « Steering gear became disabled and she ran on bank.............. ICKCTONIKG - 6 ae se ss Ran ashore in heavy fog; released on Sept. 14.........--ceceeeee Donaldson +. .5 osc. oes seo Milled with water and sank to: bottom... 0220.05 ccs cs ee e's ASIA ene ae ie Ran ashore; released on Aug. 21 after lightering 15,000 bu. wheat; ee lightered cargo and left Mackinaw for Toledo on Aug. ONG eee Sie gis Ok ses er te i ees Gewese ANBEIIME 25 ioe cies cos 010 0 Struck D. & C. dock, damaging it to the extent of about $200; : Wessel, HOt dhjlited ors aise tes osc oleate we via wees Soe eee sons Hamiltonian. <...0..36.... Collided with Str. Hamonic; bow considerably damaged; repairs will be made at Kingston and will cost about $4,000........... Oscoda ey eos cee age tie e's Host net «wheel and: fan "ashore. eck. ocean ees ass vee aca PSEA VEECOM: 2c ore svaicclele'c cs ws 5 Struck and damaged her bow; probably repaired at Kingston..... Worth. ands ccs. 3c. S Steering gear broke; stopped at Detroit for repairs............... TEOUUOIS: 2555 5. ce eee. sees Hit by Str. Ansonia; 75 ft. of bulwarks aft destroyed and top of boiler house damaged .......... ee ess Cee Crt iis we = GeOrgia. =. ee cess se Itva, cess qOLbEelGh Gaius has Ren rie CeCe Era ee RUT c 1 o Or G eey mene erie RROSeCINOUNE esse ee 8 es Hib ock No. 2; docked..at. Kingston: Aug. 260.556. 0.6 265 reas ontiaGs. ee css ss Rane ashore; released by. tugs, uninjured: Go... es ee SS TS. MOnMOW. cas. se While coming out of old river bed, hit B. & O. bridge, damag- : ine a spats went to. ship yard for. repairs: 2.65. «e. ect ce oes Americar vie ees ks so Engine went through itself; towed to Manitowoc; will need new cylinder head, connecting rod and crosshead; about two weeks TOr PODAING re ey ees cio s 5 Gina so sce aeune a nets; DG a Vames: GW atts ccc eee ce os While leaving port, picked up cable in her wheel; diver put to : WO te CO Wen ee eres Sie ce cbse wits ein «we Ie Ue Een se eee AS SPs eNV Heitecce sy 5 ion 8 Ran ashore; released after lightering 15,000 bu. barley; leaked; stopped at Soo for repairs to steering gear and reloaded light- : PROG CATCOn iain ces earns Goes wok elses weir Cee eels oo wee ke Ac Wee Mekanstiya.c ss... Struck; No. 3 tank filled with water and she was beached........ Beye Batineton vs... 6s. ae rolled under her bottom, damaging 21 plates; docked at Seeandbee Fethees Caeoek es Cylinder head cracked ee Dee oy Ob Naples. 60450. 6... couiaed wah Stree Niagara (dic cick oe Ae ee Ss oo ces BAW Geer nae. ss) s'+'s it a dock; docked at Cleveland Sept. 4 for repairs PLOEKLOM tats oie le ees ss Struck, docked at Ecorse for eps Gees i os H. H. Brown............. rouble with <steerine. Sear ee hee oe a ee hb bc oe ee os (Chickamausa = 2.40. osc. Sprang a leak and was beached; stopped at Marine City to de- : liver her Coal CareO 8 i oc ies et eee ee ete WV Re ochillenie. sis css Repaired at Lorain after having hit a bridge and colliding with Str, Mindat OURENE t,o, hela Goce. Sik 6 hens ee Ce es de He Cy _ Osborne Ree cues as Ran-qeround ine heavy foe: released. 2... i. 5a ee oe eS Wissahickon See ek ele see Ran aeround in heavy foe; releaseds......... 98-0. e oo. Midland. Prince .2.. 6.0... Ran aground in heavy fog; released... Pe Wipe eel ie es eo ses Stranded, released and went to Sturgeon bay for repairs. Hull Padivsedamarmed (ne ect n rec. oe, aes ee eee fe NorthernQueen:......... Stranded, floated on Sept. 12 after lightering; stopped at Port Ar- thur for temporary repairs; bottom badly damaged. Docked at Buneon. 640) plates; damaged 0... See cc es Watanzas -c.. t se oes Steering gear parted and she ran aground on mud bottom, released after lightering, reloaded lightered cargo. (In tow of Str.. F OO Ge ee ee Harold Ba Ne. sce... os Struck east bank, released after lightering 500 tons coal, reloaded NWehrered Cauca as eco be sha ce a i ee A ME BYERS isc ec oss Stranded; released after lightering 1,500 tons coal on Sept. 13 struck a rock after being released and punctured No. 3 tank, ; began to fill with water and was beached near Amherstburg, temporarily repaired, and went to Green bay...... : Wm. Se esi PR os Collided with a drill boat; neither vessel seriously damaged....... Tee). PYCHE corse ced ese ws ade an meds bank; released after lightering 500 tons of ore, ie NVCSLOD goer 5 sis's boned with Str, Conemaugh --..../....60 HADATA 8,06 ces obs he tees an onto rocks in thick weather; released; hull slightly damaged... ie Mrotean Ite. iss. 3 Hneke a bucket off her wheel; stopped at Port ge Pee cet es Badly damaged by fire; towed to Cleveland for tepa ae James Corrigan........... Ran aground; released, after lightering; oo ee Capt. Uhos. Walson....... Strong wind lowered water and drove her onto a shoal............ cy S. Potter. ...........-+ Polided With Sty Wairfax: sank, ......:,,.009 =... ee es cies ss Collided with Str. L. S. Porter; stem smashed.......... oe : October, 1913 Place. St. Clair river. Ore dock, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Ore dock, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Montreal. : Off Point Aux Barques, Lake Huron. Hay lake. Lachine canal. MtcKeller river, Fort William. Lower St. Lawrence river. Mather Shoal, Marquette. Welland canal. Lake § Erie. Ashtabula. St. Clair ship canal. Duck island, Lake Huron. Southeast Bend, St. Clair river. Goose island. Cleveland. Freschette Pt., Mud Lake. Welland canal. Mud lake. Near Detour. St. Clair river, near Marine City. Freschette Pt., Mud lake. Outer harbor, Cleveland. Gray's reef. Cuyahoga river, Cleveland. Fort William. Drummond island. Cornwall canal. Lake Erie. Montreal. Off Fish Creek. Welland canal. Lake Erie near Geneva. Cleveland. Off Mackinaw. Duluth. Vidal Shoal. St. Lawrence river. Livingstone channel. Lake Erie. Chicago. 'Duluth, Welland canal. Lake Erie. Lake Erie. St. Clair river. Livingstone channel. Livingstone channel. Off Marinette, Lake Michigan. Rock of Ages, Lake Superior. Little Rapids Cut, St. Mary's river, Ballard's reef. Limekiln Crossing. Ballard's reef. Detroit river. Buffalo harbor. Rattlesnake island, Lake Erie. St. Clair river. Fairport. Harsen's island, St. Clair river. Canadian Soo. Welland canal. Welland canal. Bo hos tk ae aS Oa ea DU