October, 1913 The Babcock & Wilcox Co. NEW YORK and LONDON Forged Steel Marine Water-Tube Boilers and Superheaters for Merchant Steamers Yachts and Dredges These boilers hold the record for economy, capacity and endurance in the Navies of the World. They have shown the same characteristics in the Merchant Marine. Babcock & Wilcox Boilers and Superheaters in one vessel are saving more than I5 per cent. over Scotch boilers in sister vessels. Is a reduction in your coal bill of any tnterest to you? Babcock & Wilcox Boilers have all essential parts heavier than corresponding parts in Scotch boilers, giving greater security against corrosion. They are lighter, safer, easier to clean and to operate than Scotch boilers, and much more efficient. We are constantly receiving "repeat orders" from owners of merchant vessels who have had many years' satisfaction from the earlier installations. Write us for details Naval Vessels Ferry Boats THE MARINE REVIEW 383 or Marine Man Needs This Book It illustrates and describes the many repairs that have been executed by the Thermit Process of welding during the past ten years. It will show you how Thermit has saved thousands of dollars on these repairs. ' Full details are given in this book and it is known as pamphlet No. 3440. GOLDSCHMIDT THERMIT COMPANY WILLIAM C. CUNTZ, Gen. Mgr. 90 West Street, New York 329-333 Folsom St., San Francisco 7300 So. Chicago Ave., Chicago 103 Richmond St., W., Toronto, Ont. THE DAK E. Steering Gears Capstans - Windlasses Mooring Hoists Write for - Complete Catalog and Prices Dake Engine Co. Grand Haven, Mich. Federal. Solves - Boiler -- the Graphite Problem! It's the one logical solution of your Scale, Pitting and Corroding troubles and the cost is but 5c per 100 h. p. per day. _ WRITE US FOR BOOKLET "Actual Experiences of Engineers with Boiler Graphite". and learn just how economical and practical our product would prove in your service. IT'S FREE! The Federal Graphite Mills, BOILER GRAPHITE SPECIALISTS Cleveland, O., U. S. Manufacturers of the Guaranteed Product