352 ee a. eg a0 4 fia of prism glass coyers the port holes, giving the appearance "of large win- dows:* Above the seats the room is finished in amsivory tint with parapan enamel, theyreof beipg flat white. The photo gives a very good idea of its attract- 'iveness. =oThe first class lounge has been designed. touineet he requirements of. the passenger who seeks an elegant and airy place to rest. This room is on the bridge deck and is 48 ft. by eo. tt, in size. ilere are three large bay windows on each side, between which the electrical heaters are worked into fire places. ~The picture Thiése open for ventilation. THE MARINE REVIEW KN' PE HO : .., RESULTS OF.STANDARDIZATION TRIAL OF STEAMER CONGRESS of this room gives a good idea of its style, the green carpet and green up- 'holstery making a fine contrast with the mahogany finish. "The first class smoking room is -on the boat deck forward and the "second class smoking room on _ the bridge deck aft. "Both these~ rooms are large, airy and comfortable and are 'both finished in quartered 'oak. "The captain's quarters, immediate- ly forward of the first class smoking room consists of a very handsome apartment en suite in mahogany. This room is directly under the bridge and the picture gives some idea of its size _and attractiveness. IN THE "A "CORNER SECOND CLASS LOUNGE -- -a sample. October, 1913 . "The second-class passengers have been provided with comforts unknown to that class of travel on the Pacific coast. The second class lounge at the after end of the bridge deck is one of the most attractive public rooms on the ship. The second-class dining saloon on the upper deck is also a very handsome room. These rooms are in quartered oak. There are some very handsome _ staterooms on the Congress, and the picture of one suite in birdseye maple with blue draperies and upholstery is given as The deck lounges at. the head of the stairs on the boat deck are a feature of this ship. The pic- -CAPTAIN'S ROOM ON THE BOAT DECK