THE MARINE REVIEW THE NORTHERN QUEEN ON THE ROCKS OFF KETTLE POINT thoroughly examined. The tug Horton patrolled the water along the shore, using row and motor boats to make a more intimate search of the numer- ous inlets. The tug went northward as far as Cape Hurd and with the help of the natives, who were very earnest in assisting in the search, all the bays and islands were thoroughly explored. Meanwhile the »Canadian revenue cutter Lampton cruised in the open lake, covering an area of 25 miles from shore. The Lake Carriers' Association issued a standing. order of $25 reward for every body recov- ered. While this work was going on, the Lake Carriers' Association, through the Welfare records, obtained from relatives detailed descriptions of December, 1913 these, as they were received, were telegraphed to the headquarters of the searching party, where a _ systematic record was kept of them. As the bodies were recovered they pia UE tia ed Ct eee ts 2 EL Mey Se Sb bP (CH A RE ES 725: PRIGE were taken to Southampton, Goderich, Kincardine or Sarnia, whichever might be nearest. Comparisons were then made with the descriptions filed with the committee and as soon as the body was identified, the Lake Car- e the members of the various crews and THE WOODEN : SUPERIOR BY HER CREW, A TOTAL CONSTRUCTIVE LOSS STEAMER MAJOR, WHICH WAS ABANDONED IN LAKE riers' Association communicated with relatives as to the disposition of the remains, meanwhile embalming and preparing the body for burial. Of the 32 bodies recovered from Lake Carriers' vessels, 28 have been identified. Of the 26 recovered from ANOTHER VIEW OF THE PRICE Canadian vessels, 13 have been identi- hed. Of the identified bodies, in only one instance was the Lake Carriers' Association unable to turn the remains