Merchant Work in Coast Yards All of the Ship Yards Have Something to do but the Program is on the Whole Disappointing EREWITH will be found a sum- H mary of the more important ship building contracts under order of construction. Considering the proximity of the opening of the Panama canal it must be admitted that it is a rather disappointing pro- gram. Cramps are building two fine steamships which are probably _ in- tended for service through the canal, though no definite announcement has as yet been made of the interest for whom they are building; the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. are building three steamers for the American-Hawaiian Steamship Co., which has for many years maintained an Atlantic-Pacific service and which will obviously use the canal; the Fore River Ship Building Corporation are building two steamers for the Emery Steamship Co., of Boston, which will be available for Panama canal service; and the Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co. is building one steam- er for the Matson Navigation Co., and two for the Mallory Steamship Co.-- not an elaborate program for a coun- try with the second longest coast line in the world and a population of 90,000,000 people. Newport News Ship Building & Dry Dock Co., Newport News, Va. Steel freight and passenger steamer Manoa, 446 ft. over all, for Matson Navigation Co., San Francisco, Cal.; gross tonnage, about 6,900; single screw engines, six Scotch boilers; es- timated horsepower, 4,000. Steel oil carrier J. D. Archbold, 474 ft: 6 in. over all, for Standard Oi Co: of N. J., New York, N. Y.; estimated gross tonnage, 8,000; single screw en- gines, three Scotch boilers; estimat- ed horsepower, 2,800. Steel freight steamer Neches, 420 ft. over all, for Mallory Steamship Co., New York; gross tonnage, about 5,800; single screw engines, four Scotch boil- ers; estimated horsepower, 4,100. Steel freight steamer Medina, 420 ft. 9 in. over all, for Mallory Steam- ship Co., New York; gross tonnage, about 5,800; single screw engine, four Scotch boilers; estimated horsepower, 4,100. Steel oil carrier J. D. Rockefeller, 474 ft. 6 in. over all, for Standard Oil Co. of N. J., New York, N. Y.; gross tonnage, about 8,000; estimated horse- power, 2,800; single screw engines, three Scotch boilers. Maryland Steel Co., Sparrows Point, Md. Steel freight steamer Washingtonian, 414 ft. 2 in. over all, for American- Hawaiian Steamship Co., New York; estimated gross tonnage, 6,649; quad- ruple, single-screw engines and three Scotch boilers; approximate value, $675,000; estimated horsepower, 4,000. Steel freight steamers Iowan and Ohioan, duplicates of steamer Wash- ingtonian, mentioned above, for Amer- ican-Hawaiian Steamship Co. New VOrk | Four steel dump barges, duplicates, for Isthmian Canal Commission, Wash- ington, D;.C.; 160 ft. over all; approxi- mate value, $65,000 each; estimated gross tonnage, 1,000 each. Two steel lighters, P. R. R. No. 155 and P. R. Ro No. 156, duplicates; zor the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.. New York; length over all, 120 ft.; approx- imate value, $75,000 each; estimated gross tonnage, 549; compound single- screw engine, one Scotch boiler; esti- mated horsepower, 345. New York Ship Building Co., Cam- den, N. J. Steam steel cruiser Fei Hung, 322 ft. over all, for Chinese government; 2,600 tons displacement; three Thorny- croft watertube boilers; triple screw Parsons turbines; 'S:) H, £.,°8;300. Steel battleship Moreno, 594 ft. 9 in. over all, for Argentine government; 27,630 tons displacement; 18 Babcock & Wilcox watertube boilers; triple screw Curtis turbines; SoH. By danc. Steel collier Hampden, 395 ft. 3 in. over all, for Coastwise Steamship Co.; single screw, triple-expansion recipro- cating engines and two single-ended Scotch boilers; 2,100 I. H. P. Steel steam municipal ferry, 231 ft. over all, for New York City; single screw (each end) triple-expansion re- ciprocating engine and three Babcock & Wilcox watertube boilers; 1,950 I. EL P, Two steel car floats, duplicates, 292 | ft. over all, for Long Island Railroad Co. Steel car float, 256 ft. over all, for WN Ye Pen RO KR Co: Steel car float, 268 ft. 3 in. over all, for N. Yi Po & NOR. RCo, William Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Building Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Two express steamers, 524 ft. over all; estimated gross tonnage, 10,000; Parsons turbines, triple screw; 12 wa- ter tube boilers; estimated horsepower, 23,000, One car ferry steamer, 350 ft. over all, for Florida East Coast Railway; three-cylinder twin screw reciprocat- ing engines and four single ended Scotch boilers; estimated horsepower, 2700. Four coal barges, 110 ft. over all, 500 tons capacity, for quartermaster's department, United States government. Harlan & Hollingsworth Corporation, Wilmington, Del. Steel twin-screw steamer Narragan- sett, 332 ft. over all; estimated ross tonnage, 3,539; two four-cylinder triple- expansion engines; six main Scotch and one donkey boiler; estimated horsepower, 4,200. Steel twin-screw steamer Manhat- tan, 332 ft. over all; estimated gross tonnage, 3,539; two four-cylinder, triple-expansion engines, six main Scotch and one donkey boiler; esti- mated horsepower, 4,200. Double ended, all steel screw ferry boat Salem, 168 ft. over all; estimat- ed gross tonnage, 774; three-cylinder compound engine; two Babcock & Wilcox boilers; estimated horsepower, 700. Fore River Ship Building Corporation, Quincy, Mass. ; Steel molasses steamer Amolco, for Boston Molasses Co., Boston, Mass.; length over all, 329 ft. 9 in.; estimat- ed gross tonnage, 2,500; triple-expan- sion, single-screw engines, two Scotch boilers; estimated horsepower, 1,300. Steel freight steamers Atlantic and Pacific, duplicates, for Emery Steam- ship Co., Boston, Mass.; length over all, 405 ft. 9 in.; estimated gross ton- nage, 5,500; single screw, triple-ex- pansion engines; estimated horsepower, 2,100. Union Iron Works Co., San Francisco, Cal. Steel tank steamer Frank H. Buck, 426 ft. 9 in. over all, for Associated Oil Co., estimated gross tonnage, 5,900; single. screw, triple-expansion engines, 26%, 45, 75 x 48; four single-end Scotch marine boilers; estimated horse- power, 2,600; capacity, 62,000 barrels. Steel tank barge No. 8, 116 ft. over -- all, for. Standard Qi Co.; 2,060 barrels. capacity,