January, 1914 Ty 1HE MARINE REVIEW | 43 " Date.-- e.--Name of Vessel. Nature of Acci ccident, Oc ee 29 Bge. Redington Oct 09. Sina Seog Str ; Oct. 29 de a Tuttle. rUee un Germ by St . Janes = ties, soa awe Boi e damaged; tT. Sawyer s - Hoyt... , oiler ; repaired while shifti Ot . Se oo Ran a exploded; sank ao at Duluth hifting at dock; consi Ppeation. ~ lee Go Sith. , ia oe seltesed Toone ee ; consider- e ater a Vi a alegre I n ct. erself; eas « Sidiy te ate Gre Ne cece re ceee ul Nov. 1. Str ai Mines bs to 6 8o4 ree leaked slightly ; Bocked at Ach. ae O - D. R. Han hore and stra i re Boe mecca a ae at Ash- ee Nov B Ha? Po ee mor a mieay Telesded, ey harbor, got too close Seneca Shoal . x 'i =, e Ler od fork tenia ate Srelaliece ole Ov. z Poche 00 ; oa ; . cr oe ae Seog Oe are i Lake Eri. Nov 1 Str. J: i aa a ; : : i Ran ashore to make rcpt bearing ; towed : te vseceerss Buffal Ve 2 Bee. Scotia ME ca Pe ap eee assistance Peete e eee eens 0 Lorain; _ ee olli : a baa s I OS ot ae aes ee ae with Bee. Se a eects ce . Lake St. Clair, Noy. 2. Str. ; Bois 'Bie Str, Arizon eaton at Cent anitowoc......... Long Point Ouee jis Blan a), 2S at furnace ee bint, Lake : no Git her © Heht; truck urnace Lake Michi Ontar Nov. 3 Str. G Ses conided 83 Ont. . peaked aa ace channel bank abreast of Gndund ee o Nor 4° Se. W.. Perki : ided with Str, Siemens: eae aground; repai bd ha Ae Nov. 4 a J. J. Auprigne. vas ee, a Be te be Tae ae both eit che PEE 2 a at Am- : : e% BILE es lt acetate c i pases rari me ea a ivi Nor ; ee olen Cae Stak at nd Ogee Bei oa as oy repaired at ivingstone channel. } 5 Bee Re : Gn NOU Ud Beer ieee wesc 4 9 eae ORO a i Str, Opdenebare = Ran: on ari at Cleveland otk Moo Heteede © Wot dantane 2 o oe canal, Saul Nov. 6 Str Soe : Coltited: wi s. (In tow of St ov. 6; seven oF not damaged... ee co - Bennington ... water a Str. Bauinsen: ye Sawyer). ates damaged... Gre bese Nov. § Ste. H. P, Repti. .seoseveess Collided with ee ee of plates damaged above Niagara. yee © Nov. 8 tT, Mo il a ee Pick ve water line .. ensburg; stern and fiv thet te eee e ee ee ae 2 Str. Louswrs" a sees ees on Ran ar of her cables in her w ue five bow plates damaged Milwaukee. Jal eet eo ae Ran in low: war er eh at eel ee ; Nov. . 'Stren for Seo in storm, ek Se ey, yiue leaving port...... Milwaukee. No . Farrell ,000 agai al GE oid' WE Pict We hale Superi o Se Boe ee gainst fire nd becam seeeas al 2 Pueree Chistes ee Lost ae ee Wecetle ae e total loss. Insured Bar Point, Detroit riv ee a ee an ashore i eo ae : me N 5 ultoh ow, : ore in gal | to Sault. .... Washingt : Ov. Str. Wm. Wohi at ne eS eae Bees badly canter be against. ue " elaine © ake, gan. gton island, Lake Michi- Ghani ssa. Ran os owing to paces by seas; total cae "broke in 'two Gros Cap Point e: OlF : r3; repai 4s ructive , - ie nd temporaly rebated pars estimated 9200.0" Sat" Be, take'iene® J 5 fu r a : : released on Nov. ar »_ Lake ' oe Str, Major ey 875.000. the on porta! badly ee to ere ac be Pt., Lake Erie. pa dened eles Pe Ae ee lives 1 amaged ; ce So SA hand. OStai i ;- damage esti Nov S oned by her crew i treet eee ees as <i t Dec. ' eS a ee : Nov. . Sie : Jo Grammer = ..3: BG, tes eon te eerie es brought to Soo b > ee Parisian island, Lak oe Go yee ee -. fe y tugs on oe Le Su- Saye eee da ehates ; damage estima vols wine oe | Near (Wahi : N released al poe cargo hold he te $1,500.........5- rior. itefish Pt., Lake Supe- ov. -. str. Northern © ee to Toledo i no Sault on Moe 4k room full of aie Lorain, O. < Olen ois. as gee ee Sere eee a eae ae eae towed fas OV. Str. ed: tons packa in storm; released Se es ee oe . ne shoe Cae a eel : ge f ; eased on Nov. 17 after lighte & cs Hutchinson..... a damage eee Ce arrived at Buffalo. 17 after lighte Ne is ec mata Iroquois P No = eae in See ie $25,000.. alo on Nov. 22 eee 300 t., Lake Superior gS Stee Poa ig rock, i ; released o N 5p ctnsieies was ae uses pairs ; é s TAC Re IIo) imbedded i nm Moe 1k and went tbo ean we ee Boe 4 senate Souter at bottom, os onc 6 Sault where Kettle Pt., Lake Hur : . Edward Buckle repair damaged in storm; $40,000........ ved; docked at si Micro ies ev eseie se a S83 damage esti > arrived at Reaciawoe co a. : R mated at $7,500 aoe on hee Oh ae Point Iro : Nov an ashore; U0... ..-6. ov. 20 for quois, Lak : Str: D : eee ere : e Superior. - Oo Mills. dosket ou sgn bg cg dogma ee ee ; Noy. a ee oe a Re iets cee te) Port Puce fo. Be Cinag: ef, Straits of Mac- Andrews...... stimated at plewled Gee do at 1 eS ee Nov. Pe ae Ren aetouNe dey OD. pene aay 2 oc at Ecorse; vepaice Harbor Beach, Lake H . Str. Js M. Jenks choonmaker.. Ran a at "$2 ae on Nov. 12; Sosiced Steak ene. SS ie chose uron. ay gs meee pa Rag acho me released by eee eee ec" at Toledo; . r Beach, Lake H Nov. Str Roy as Lorain nee oe ee oe gee ee Corsica Shoal a N . P, Ranney.......++: phe eee anes 17; 17. plates a wou crs Tee ee <3 ie Poke Rucker ca bee Cae kaviecesiene cee ? airs ' : Now : e i Arbor No. 4 ceeded 5 ee off her wheel; eronped ieee E opronates at Nov... Str. Vices se ee ao ashore; pleased se teeeees ee at Soo and later pro- Near Midland, Georgian b Ce ee n aground; released after 1 eee A ee io eee ay. Bo Ran ashore in ee oe fouiedne oe ae G ee ee: of cargo; ewer patrenes? eee cient Green Island, Lake Michi Now Str. H. B. Hawgood ion Eee in storm; Seareened at $12,000 ased after lighter- ivingstone channel. tees i Sti We Ge Pollsck. ee Ran ce coree Heaters igs as constructive total loss; 35¢ Livingstone ch ee Ran aground at orm; damage ccteninted at 87,000. i Bo fee aoe a Nov. ¢ Bae ae ING: S20 as $5000 5 cave: entrance; released ca ae Saeua't Enea go Point Aux Barqu ee ee Gala ae ea ca gh Well Bogen ERS ron" on : Pou ee G rift from i Pease ec . Nav. Be ennee Broke f Oe ee . Lake : vo. ; a 1B ferry Broke pn So es. in storm eee od ae Sod ee Point Phe Canal. Sie ak Ouok Lost both ancho oorings in storm. a Wanber pier... Cleveland) ake Erie. ee Lay from os to Sault ee Sas ee Cleveland. ov. oe oats anch oorings in sto ee es : eveland. . Tie "Rive Dowae Se aia aa alongside and an demolishing sever weg Cage Lake Superi Nov iG Wales Hit by Str. St Stetny says ng great hole in her Sin aL es : . Waldo ...... : Some t esses: eee s i; dy Me Magee Ran ashore in ae of Ohio and upper wo fee a : pee e and , Bu Fert ee Thrown upon reef eas broke fa wo: = demolishe Gee : ; Sscte Ceenee | Noy... Str, A loss; cracked clear peti te nee an total loss... gates : ss eae: a Bo Samth... Ss, line on both side Bross: desk and: break ps; constructive IEA "anitou island, Lak : , Nov. ae pylons eae ae : eos in sees. Ste ee De extends below Gai » Lake Superior. . : ov, 'Str. tgus eg ee ... Foundered in storm; 24 erie a a oe Poi : Now s P fobn AG ee Se es Foundered i oh eek a ee oint Aux B : : tr Ree eater es F d in storm; 24 li OR ee eek ee --.. Lak Barques, Lal Nov. EQind eo ee een, & oundered in 's ¢ ives ee ee ee e Superior. e Huron : Nov. Str. Geo. Ee Craw eo wees es sees Foundered in co} 23 lives i ee settee eee ees ees Lake Huron. oo . Str. P Srawford.... siGes 20 Gees est ee tetera ee : = "Beter Wintel. ee coe her anchors in foe lo eee Ee ' To Be ov. 9 ee ae irty hatch cov et ee ieee ae ae ee uron. Nov. . -- J. H. Sheadle ... tabula Dec. 1 for Aerio to pieces in storm; docked ALE Toke Bae wea a et demolished: ee bee and caer ee at Ash- 'ee 6 COR Ne aes nee . eported ashore b he storm; os. ALE ea foas ee Noy. . ae ole SR eS : off rocks and eas searched for it ee Cee Rae Supenat Nov. | Str. veer ee ee. ned ne ig smashed on 18 lives neh believed she slid e Bacon : uronic .. Se Se . ounde ; ; "storm; stopped at Sault fo se eee - Noy. Ss Sic ee oe eae . lives eae d at Sault for repairs... Hp island, Lake S i Ne 6 a Ke Stepact nated at $30,000 adly pounded for three days; dam peers Bane Superior. oe ae poe se eae oe fan oe as Agee eotmcied a e days; damage esti- oot of Lake Huron ebede ene 8 an ashore in st Q e estimated ot eee ; . Nov. Str. Isaac M.S and temporary reoaiel ar line ee eek tae n Whitefish lee Scag Superior . Se e 5 = E , . a! ov. Sty. Chas "3. oe Poe Hiss Founlons eee dy 2), ees ar Boome' Dees ie ake 7 o ) Boundered in storm; 28 ieee Jostesssrveeseeseeseseeenen eee .. Thunder bay, Lak Jawa Ce aa. Lake Huron. ake Huron. wees te Lake Huron.