Average Lake Freight Rate There is appended herewith the usual annual summary of freight rates of the great lakes for the season of 1913. The ore rate was cut ten cents at the opening of the season of navigation in 1912, making it 50 cents from the head of the lakes, 45 cents from Mar- quette and 35 cents from Escanaba. At the same time the unloading charge, which is borne by the vessel, was reduced from 15 cents to 10 cents a ton, making the net reduction in the freight rate 5 cents. It was proved pretty conclusively, however, during 1912, which was a year of ex- cellent movement, that the modern carrier could not do much more than break even at 40 cents. The ore rate was therefore restored in 1913 to the basis of 1911, that is to say, 55 cents from the head of the lakes, 50 cents from Marquette and 35 from Escan- aba, making the net rate to the ship 45 cents from the head of the lakes, 40 cents from Marquette and 30 cents from Escanaba. The coal during 1913 was restored to 35 cents to Chicago and Milwaukee and 30 cents to the lesser Lake Mich- igan ports which have fast plants. The vessels received demurrage at these smaller ports, however, if they were not promptly unloaded. The lumber rate, which opened at $2.50, fell during the summer months to as low as $2.00, but during the fall months advanced to $2.75, working out at an average of $2756. The grain rate was excellent through- out the year, and vessel owners reaped a harvest from it. While the closing rates were not as good as those ob- taining in 1912, when 3%, 4 and 5 cents were paid on final cargoes, the opening rate was better. While the rate. opened at 154 cents from the head of the lakes in 1912, it opened at 2 cents in 1913, and while it fell in 1912 to 1% cents during the sum- mer months, it at no time fell during 1913 below 1% cents, and even that rate obtained only for a brief period during August. THE MARINE REVIEW AVERAGE DAILY FREIGHT RATES 10 YEARS, ENDING WITH 1913. Cents. Iron ore, head of Lake Superior to : Ohio "ports, eross< ton. 4.0 eee os 66% Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, RrOss = tO ye eee 61 Iron ore, Escanaba to Ohio ports, AtOss: AON oe On eee 51% - Soft coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, Het OW se eas i ae ew 38% Soft coal, Ohio ports to Duluth, net COM Ons Ca ee ee ee a se oe 31% Hard coal, Buffalo to Chicago, net ton 39% Hard coal, Buffalo to Duluth, net ton 31% Wheat; Chicago to Buffalo; bu... ::.. 1 At Wheat, Duluth: to. Buttalo; "bux :. ii. 1.78 Lumber, head of lakes to Ohio ports 255.50 AVERAGE LUMBER RATES, DULUTH TO LAKE ERIE PORTS. TOE Gi Seen eae 2.76 LOO S eee avec es $2.45 TOT rice ae 2.60 1OOAG esate 2.54 NIU reat cere 2.34 OOS. ae ee es 257 OO ee rie os ree 2.40 DOOD cites slau 2.54 NOOB. esis os 2.61 DOOM eiactdre sree se 2.66 1907 aes 20S O00. nee 2.33 LOO GT co he 2.71 OOO ere es 3.08 OAS cries seen ceate $2.56 AVERAGE FREIGHT RATE ON IRON ORE PER GROSS TON FROM PORTS NAMED TO OHIO PORTS--TABLE COVERING WILD AND CON- | TRACT RATES FOR 20 YEARS PAST. ; Ashland and other ports at head of Escanaba. Marquette. Lake Supe'r. Wild or Con- Wild or Con- Wild or Con- daily tract daily tract daily tract fates rate. rate." rate. rates rate: T8945... 046-7 0,60 = 0.60: 0:80 2.0.78... 0:80 PSO es O73 0550.92.20 758) 1g. 0:80 18962520 Ors2 0-205. 0160 0595 0.77 1.05 USOT: 045°) 0:45-0:55. 0565-2. O57 ..0:70 1898. O50 0.45 0:60'3,.0:60 0:62 0,60 L899. 0595) 0750 1.08; 0:60. 21.29% 0:60 £900 os 0.6934 1.00 0.78% 1.10 0.84% 1.25 TOOT ao. 0.64 0.60 0.79 0.70 0.89 0.80 DOO 2, 0:59 0,60 0.66. 0:70) 0:77 2.0:75 POOS se: @:61--50,65-020.72>< 0:75, 018125 0.85 1904)... FOS S36 0:59, 05622 20:60: 0:70, --.0.70 19058 0:61 0.60) 20:20. 0.70. 0:77 0:75 1906. v3. 0:60 -0:60..2:0-70 0.70 2 0,7555:0:75 1907S 0:60 0:60-0:70. .0,70< 20:75". 0.75 LIOR. Se. 0.502 20.50 0,60: *0,60' -0.65 0:65 1909.2, 0:52 -0:50°. 0:61, 0:60 0.66: 0,65 TOTOR es O55. 0:55-0:65 0:65-0:70. 0.70 POU 0:45; 0.45. 0:55-0:55: 0.60% 0:60 1OVD sae es 0:392°40:35 > 0,49 0:45. -0.54-.0:50 TOUS er: 0.40 = 0,400.50 0:50 0:55 ...0.55 Charge to vessel in 1913 for unloading iron ore. was 10 cents per ton. The wooden vessels that required trimming paid an_ additional charge of about 3 cents per ton for that ser- vice, Average ore rates for the entire period of 20 years: Escanaba, wild 5614 cents; con- tract 56 cents; Marquette, wild 67 cents, contract 68 cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Superior, wild 75%4 cents contract 74 cents. Average for past 10 years: 51Y% cents, contract 51 cents; Marquette, wild 61 cents, contract 6014 cents; Ashland and other ports at the head of Lake Supe- rior, wild 66%4 cents, contract, 66 cents. 2 Escanaba, wild AVERAGE DAILY RATES OF FREIGHT ON THE GREAT LAKES. OAT 1912, 1913: Cents. Cents. Cents. Jton., ore, Escanaba to Obio ports, gross*ton.. 0.5... 2, 45.00 Iron ore, head of Lake Superior to Ohio ports, gross ton.... 60.00 oo d ony Iron ore, Marquette to Ohio ports, gross ton................ 55.00 48.72 50.00 Nyineat. Chicago tom Diutala: Dic... 1.08 1.3936 ' Wiel, Oalutito Babslo bu, 112 2.0192 oat Soft coal, Ohio ports to Milwaukee, net ton ................. 32.00 30.00 a putt cost, Ola porte to Duluth fet ton oe 32.00. 30.00 ae Soft coal, Ohio MOTs {0 Pottace, nef ton 972 31.00 30.00 et Soft coal, Ohio ports fo Manitowoc, net ton ................. 31.00 30.00 anne Soft coal, Ohio Norte tO-suebovean. net ton ......... 355." 31.00 30.00 aoe Soft coal, Ono porte to Green Bay, net ton,,,............... 31.00 30.00 ree Soft coal, Ohio ports to Pecanava, et ton) ©. .4.,........... 31.00 30.00 ae Hard coal, Buffalo to Milwaukee, net ton .................... 35.00 30.00 aa Hard coal, Buffalo to Chicago, net ton .....................° 35.00 30.00 ae Hard. coal,-Buralo to Duluth, net ton ................... 0°" 30.00 30.0 aye Lumber, head of the lakes to Ohio Pete 260.00 276.49 see be February, 1914 AVERAGE RATES ON WHEAT PER BUSHEL BY LAKE FROM CHI- CAGO TO BUFFALO. Year. Cents. Year. .Cents. Year. Cents, F860. x22 DBO 1817 oe ee SB FEC ORBIT 1.97 PSO1s.2.% 3 e535 1878 .54.5. 3.07 1896. = 1.70 POG 2 ecu 1049. 1879 se 4574 1897.50 = 1.56 TS G63 cee Feb 1 PLO SO 5 o-0. $75. 1898. ss 1.53 18646 055 O58 1881.03. 3.44 1899..... 2.71 1865.0... 078 1882.0... 2:50 1900; 1.79 T8667 3.565 P2346 1883 70 S4i ee T90T ee 1.42 PSG, 2 oe 6.67 1884..... 28 19028. |S: 1 SA TB68 35% 2% TAA AOSD 825 cs 20219035 1.41 1869.03. 6:81 2886 ee: Boe 1904522 132 TOO ee os SISO OOS fat a ao L905 1.67 ES es FiG2 VEO tos 250 < 1906.2 = iy i TB726 2 1146 1889s. oo. 2251 1907-3 1.57 ICA C Rae nin VOB OQO ea. ao. 1908 1.00 TETAS AOS er SOl ee ss 238 1909... 1.56 1875 a4 18905 MSS 1910, 2, 1.44 18767255 290s B98 iis 66° A9T Te: 1.08 1894 2: 7 1e7 S401 1.39 Wig: ae 1.43 Average for 54 years, 4.02. Charges to vessels for shoveling, trimming and tallying weights of grain amounted to $4.12% per 1,000 bu. in 1913. LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON WHEAT, DULUTH TO. BUFFALO. Rate, Rate, Yeat cents; (Year: cents PONS ee ce ees 2.01 POO ee 3.6 LOD Da ee 2:01 VEO Sie eee 1.8 Oaks St LebZ L897 eee 1:75 POLO eon 1233 PSO Go eRe eae 242 EO OO sisi. ets 1.96 - TSO5 Ae eee ee 3.50 10S Poo goa ee 14% @3 LOOP ee Bea 1.86 TB93 eo eee 1% @3% VOOGHe eee SS 2.19 ESOS ee ses 24% @4 LOO Ges ees ees 2.34 ESO ea, 1% @9% LOO Are eRe he LEO T8908: ae: 2 OS POO Bice tcc cas 1.6 TSS9 oe oe 227 @.5 TOO 28s eek ees 1D L888... 2A O35 1901s So eee Bid LSS eve ae 2 .@8 LOOO Bh eae 2.0 LS8Oo.. a 3% @8 Figures for 19 years past average of daily rates for full season; previous to 1895 rates given are highest and lowest of the year. AVERAGE OF DAILY RATES ON SOFT COAL FROM OHIO PORTS TO MIL- WAUKEE, ESCANABA, DULUTH, GREEN BAY AND MANITO- WOC. Mil- Esca- Green Mani- waukee. naba. Duluth. Bay, towoc. Year. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents. Cents.. LOA eas 47 40 OL 45% 47 TOOR ee 46% °- 41% 33% 42 41% POOG eee: 46. 42 35 42 42 TOO 7. Oo 40 35 30 35 35 TOS ees: 40 35 30 35 35 1909 eo 37 ol 31 32 31 ONO eee 35% 3D 31 36 35%. TOT ee ee. 32 31 32 31 3t HOV 2 ees 30 30 30 30 30 BOL ca ee 30 30 30 30 30 Average for 10 years... 381% 35 3114 0 35% 356 Chicago rate about same as Milwaukee. Coal of all kinds shipped in net tons and handled without charge to vessel. AVERAGE OR DAILY LAKE FREIGHT RATES ON HARD COAL FROM BUF- FALO TO CHICAGO, MILWAU- KEE AND DULUTH DURING TEN YEARS. PAST. Chicago. Duluth. Year. Cents. Cents.. 190A re ee 43 34 OOS ee 44 34 WO0G ee ee 46 ae TOO7 ee ee as 40 31 OG 40 30 TOO ee eae 41 32 OOO eee we ce 41 31%, DON eee 35 30 1OID er ee 30 30 LOUGR ge eee 35 30 Average for 10 years...... 39% 31% Rate to Milwaukee practically the same as to Chicago. Hard coal is net tons and is handled with out charge to vessel.