ig ee MT ree ek Sore See eee ne ae PO Oe April, 1914 one side of the harbor, has 3,500 peo- ple, and Port McNicoll and Victoria Harbor, on the other side, have also about 2,500 people. Work at Polson Iron Works The Polson Iron Works, Toronto, is extremely busy on general repairs. The Dominion government steamer Speedway is having a new deck and general overhauling of her interior work. The steamer Senator Derby- shire, belonging to the Brockville Transportation Co.'s fleet, is having the old boiler removed and replaced with a new Scotch boiler, 13 ft. by 11 ft. The machinery of the steamer Dundurn is also being removed and will be installed in the ferry now building at Levis, Que., for the Can- adian Steamship Lines. Dredges Nos. I, 2 and 3, belonging to the city of Toronto harbor commissioners, are undergoing extensive repairs, including new outfit of discharge piping. The company has also the following new work under way: Three steam steel lighters for the department of railways and canals, Dominion government. These lighters are each of the following dimensions: Béeneth soe ee ee 128 ft: 2.0 1n. Breadth, molded 2 3..2:4< 2b ft: 6 in, Depth sas.6. ce ee Spl O bees Ot: Weadeitie Oe ae i ite Oi. These lighters are to be completed by the beginning of June, when they will leave for Hudson bay. where they: are to be used at Port Nelson, the new terminal being established by the government. One buoy steamer for the depart- ment of marine and fisheries, Dominion government, to the following dimen- sions: : Re Mai Si eee ce EL ne ee 164 ft. 0 in. Length i Breadth molded ......5. 30 ft. 0am: Depth, 'molded: e308; Isat. - Oin: This buoy steamer to be used by the government for work in the St. Lawrence, and great lakes. Two dredge hulls and one steel der- rick scow for the Canadian Stewart Co., Ltd. The dredge hulls each 170 ft. long by 42 ft. beam by 12 ft. depth, and to be fully equipped as 24-in. suc- tion dredges. The steel derrick scow is 140 ft. long by 40 ft. beam by 11 ft. depth. Both these dredges and the scow are to be used on Toronto harbor im- provement work. Six steel dump scows for use on Quebec harbor improvements. Three of these scows are seven-pocket, of 500: yds. capacity. Length, 144 ft; - breadth molded, 31 ft.; depth molded, li ft. 6 in. To be built of -steel throughout, with oak doors in hop- pers. To be operated by patent steam winding gear, with double cylinder 8 in. by 8 in. engines placed in hold. ' Three five-pocket dump scows of THE MARINE REVIEW. 300 yds. capacity each. Dimensions: Length, 108 ft.; breadth molded, 28 ft.; depth molded, 9 ft. Built of steel throughout, with oak doors in hoppers. Doors to be operated by hand through worm gear. One twin screw car ferry for the Ontario Car Ferry Co., to run between Cobourg and Charlotte. This ferry to have a capacity of 28 standard coal cars of 68 tons gross weight each. sength< "over all. .ccyo os SLB ite On, Beam: "molded... sac. 23) 96 ft: 0-1, Draught, loaded L65ft." 3 in, The company just completed a steel car ferry for the Canadian Pacific rail- way, at Nelson, B. C., and a complete machinery outfit for a 3%-yd. dipper dredge, the hull of which has been built by the government at Ottawa. The company is also building twin triple expansion engines with cylin- ders 11 in. and 18 in. and 30 in. by 20- in. stroke, for the new steamer Lady ot Lake, for Lake Winnipeg, for the Dominion government; besides which it has a considerable number of marine boilers and engines on hand for vari- ous: other parties. Collinwood Ship Building Co. The Collingwood Ship Building Co., Collingwood, Ont., has put in a fairly active season. The company has re- paired some plate and- frame damage along the bluff of the bows of the steamers Glenmount, Kinmount and Westmount, caused by continued lock- ing through the canals from Port Col- 'borne to Montreal. The company has a small side damage job on the Ag- awa, and some bow damage work on the steamer Canadian. Repairs to the steamer Meaford include a steel deck and steel hatch covers on top of her coal bunkers in the deck house, as well as fender strakes on each side of the bow. Some small repair work is being done on the government dredge Industry as well as general repairs to the boilers and machinery of the few ships that are harboring at Colling- wood. The company has also placed new boilers and new steam piping on the Canadian Pacific steamer Mani- toba, as well as fitting weather bul- warks forward and new hawse pipes and stockless anchors. Altogether the company is finishing up about $1,250,- 000 worth of contract work. Bulk Freighter W. Grant Morden The bulk freighter W. Grant Mor- den, building for the Norcross inter- ests at the Port Arthur yard of the American Ship Building Co., was launched April 4. _ This vessel is the largest on the lakes, being 625 ft. over all, 604 ft. between perpendiculars, 59 ft. beam and 32 ft. deep. She has 127 double sides 5 ft. 6 in. wide, and the same depth of water bottom. Her hatches, 38 in number, are spaced IZ. ft; centers. -Thefe is 15° hee tween No. 1 and No. 2 hatches for the location of the deck winches and ll ft. 6 in. at the after end for the same purpose. The steamer is being built on the Isherwood system and to Lloyds class. The engine is triple- expansion, 24, 39, 65 in. diameter by 42-in. stroke, and the boilers are of the Scotch type, 16 ft: diameter and 11 ft. 4 in. long, allowed 180 Ib. steam pressure. Altogether 33 vessels were docked at this yard with a tonnage of 60,000 gross register, as well as a number of vessels repaired in the har- bor and at the works which did not re- quire docking. The New Howard M. Hanna Jr. The new bulk freighter which Capt. W. C. Richardson is' building at the Cleveland yard of the American Ship Building Co. to replace the Howard M. Hanna Jr., lost in 'the November storm, will also be named the Howard M. Hanna Jr. Her length over all is > 524 Tt: beam 54 ff. and depth 30 ft., and she will carry 9,000 tons. A number of new features are embodied in this vessel. She will have 18-in. deadlights, instead of windows. In fact the only windows in the vessel will be in the pilot house. The sky- light over her engine will be all steel with four deadlights in each section, and the skylight over the cabin or dining room will be similar. All riv- ets in the vessel have been increased in size % in. over the former type. She will have 15 hatches spaced 24 ft. center, 12: ft, for and aft, with 15 lb. plate covers. The covers will be 2 ft. 10 in. wide and will have the Mulholland hatch fasteners of special -- design for the large hatch. She will- be of unusually staunch construction and is being built under the supervis- ion of the Great Lakes Register. The Diesel motor liner Mississippi, launched Feb. 11 at Harland & Wolff's yard on the Clyde for the Atlantic Transport Line, will be fitted with two four-stroke cycle single-acting Diesel engines, each coupled direct to its line of shafting; and two four- stroke, cycle single-acting auxiliary Diesel engines, each coupled direct to its dynamo and air compressor. Each of the main engines has six cylinders 2634 in. in diameter and 39 in. stroke, and work at 105 revolutions per minute. The normal horsepower will be 1,600 i. h. p. for each engine. The vessel is 383 ft. 9 in. long over all, and 50 ft. 4 in. extreme beam. She © has a gross tonnage of about 5,000.