- Steamship Vaterland ' For the Present This New Hamburg-American Liner is the Largest Vessel in the World HE steamship Vaterland of the Hamburg-Ameri- can Line which arrived in New York May 21 is the. largest steamer in the world. While closely resembling her famous sister ship the Im- perator in construction and equipment the Vaterland is of greater dimensions and _ pre- sents many original features. The Vaterland measures 950 ft. in length, 100 ft. in beam and has a tonnage of 58,000. Inher trial trip the Vaterland developed a speed of 26.3 knots per hours + The construction of the S. S. Vaterland was commenced in September 1911 in the yards of Blohm & Voss at Hamburg, and the vessel was launched April 3, 1913. She was. chris- tened Vaterland by ~Crown Prince Rupprecht of Batavia before a notable' gathering. The Vaterland is built of the best Siemens Martin steel and conforms in every detail of her construction and equipment to the latest rulings of the German, Eng- lish and American laws governing ship building. She is constructed with a double bottom and a double skin extending well above the water-line. Her hull is divided by steel bulkheads, both longitudinal and transverse, of exceptional strength. The hull con- tains five steel decks, which with four superimposed, gives her nine decks above the water line. The Vaterland is equipped with Frahm anti-rolling tanks, which with her natural stability render her one of the steadiest boats afloat. An entirely new arrangement of the public cabins has been made possible by the unusual position of the funnels of the Vaterland. The funnels pass through the decks at a point near the side instead of through the centre of the ship.. By removing this obstruc- tion it has been possible to have one great cabin open directly into an- other, thus giving the ship a remark- able effect of artistic spaciousness. This vista extends~from the Ritz Carlton restaurant through the winter or palm garden and the grand _hall- ways, to the main lounge or ball room, The grand staircase, which is ENTRANCE TO GRAND SALON, HAMBURG- AMERICAN LINER VATERLAND one of the most attractive features of the Vaterland, extends through six decks. The several staircases are sup- plemented by three passenger elevators in the first, and one in the second cabin, running through six decks. The Vaterland is manned by a crew of 1,234 men. She is commanded by a commodore, four captains and seven officers. There is a chief engineer, three first engineers and_ thirty-five assistants and electricians. The boilers are operated by 12 chief firemen, 15 oilers, 187 stokers and 189 trimmers. The Vaterland has eight kitchens which are presided over by three chefs, fifty-two cooks, five pastry bakers, 36 waiters and 350 stewards. The crew also includes three physicians and three physician assistants, one female nurse, three telegraphers and _ three telephone operators, one stenographer and typewriter, a master of the bath. a book seller, cabinet maker, masseurs and a gardener. The Vaterland has a social director as on the Imperator. The Vaterland is illuminated by about 15,000 electric lights. In no other ship probably is electricity so generally employed. The elevators, both passenger and freight, the hoists, derricks) operating machinery, the kitchens, are all operated elec- trically. The cabins and state- rooms of the first cabin are heated by -- electricity. An abundance of fresh air is forced to every part of the ship by electric ventilating system. The Vaterland carries no ventilating funnels, common to most ships, thus economizing valuable deck space. A complete system of tele- phones, call bells and electric indicating devices assures per- fect service in every cabin and stateroom of the Vaterland. At every bell call for instance, a tiny white or red light gleams in the corridor and is not ex- tinguished until the serving steward or stewardess presses the discontinuing button at the door of the cabin from which the call has come. The supply of linen, to mention a single detail of the supply service comprises of 160,000 pieces representing a weight of 85,000 lbs. On a single trip the laun- dry list contains 10,000 pillow cases, 5,000 bed sheets, as many counter- panes, 30,000 towels and 45,000 nap- kins. The Vaterland carries only a few more passengers than ships of half her size. Her public cabins are the largest ever constructed. The main lounge of the Vaterland, the largest and most sumptuous of these cabins,. is provided with a concert stage and a dancing floor. The smoking room, located forward, directly beneath the bridge, is open on three sides thus affording an uninterrupted view of the sea and assuring perfect light and ventilation. The main dining room seats upwards of 800 guests.. The. Ritz Carlton restaurant of the Vater- land is oval in form exactly reproduc- ing the restaurant under the same management in New York. A special feature has been made of the palm garden which is decorated with a wealth of tropical foliage. The ladies' writing rooms, library and lounges are especially large and attractive. A new attraction is lent to ocean travel by the luxurious baths, enjoyed in such variety on the Vaterland, which rival those of a great spa or bathing resort. The sumptuous Roman jae elt Ota Silo SRE Bas tk i tata ea el ae