PISA SPER Se PW EEN NC he HE oil-carrying vessel Oil Carrier Sebastian Sebas- tian, which has been built by the well known Caledon Ship- building & Engineering Gos Ltdss6f Dundee, for the Sebastian Diesel Mo- tor Boat: Go., Macandrew, London, is Ltd. (Messrs. Lane and managing the first oil-tank vessel Owners), of constructed in Scotland to have two- cycle Diesel oil engines. The general design of the ship, as shown in Fig. 1, is very similar to other bulk oil-carrying vessels, except LAWALL 4 A ONS HOB 2' VXI" The First Vessel Built in Scotland Having Two-Cycle Diesel Oil Engines that two pump rooms are fitted. The following are the leading particulars of the ship: Length B. Poy 310: tes breadth, molded, 45 ae deptl molded to upper deck, 26 ft. 3 in; height of tween decks, 7 ft. 6 ine tea draught, 22 tt as deadweight on above draught, about 4,600 tons. -- The vessel has' been constructed with ordinary transverse framing and to the highest class of Lloyds Register and under their special survey, the scant-° lings and construction in way of the PLATE COVER © FO" Sx38 x20 srenod STEEL Once 2B" 70132" V6 mare PLATE COVER 0 FO aa SRS Or 55 = A 'e foxs0 BAG PL ave SSeS ST Te St SES oil tanks, the machinery space and forward hold being shown in Figs. 1, 3 and 4. The vessel also conforms to the regulations of the Suez canal for the carriage of petroleum in bulk. There ate six main oil tanks, sepa- tated by pump rooms into three pairs, sco that three kinds of oil may be car- ried without fear of contamination, and a cofferdam is fitted at each end of the oil tanks to isolate the oil cargo from the other parts of the vessel. The center longitudinal division in the =/- DS et ey ee WE oAe OAS BERS FO ONES FT f BENMS BRI FO RNCLES yor on 46 Le. 8+ 0" a EVERY FRAME el SEL: = 6570 eT Hl, ON EVERY FRAME Ox: ° S SMELASTAAHE Hie 3 ; ke spas Wine oe amen 8 awed Sane DERI: 90 "BrcLe OOUILE AT FRONT OF POOP & INNIS RIVES. IN EACH PRN WR OF HATCHES { WAY OF BRIDGE ; 4 XIK* 0 "NeLe A ee a SF 70 ETH SE x3%s. 90 acer i 278 AAT Gs Sey Nay) 7-3 4 es LX %S © - SRS SF 2 g CAT 83 TO%SO COX 40°70 FF 8" ; syne '66 0 °° SRIVS: POH BEAVIS OKI FO 1 EPR FY i a OQ EVERY FRAME jee | A eriote ag! SF 70 +827 . a SE; d FRAMES SPACED eh APART & FUN PEKS #70 €: ee : a 3b 38 990 "CLE 8 x38 + 40°89, TOY oncrs, meee. oot QOWBLE FOR 3 SPACES IW EROY - IN TWEEN 080K 6x 538x138" BA. & 3S X33 -70 cd ob nD oe ean | ; + BRIOCE TWEEN DECK 6 38 308.7. a | OWRINEL las ad ena eae : oe * - PERKS 68x 38 X*F0'3.A. ee Ky 6S x3E SBN TERCOST A, . 3 MRCMINERY SrRcE (SEE SEPARATE SECT/ON) ie . 9 4 - + CARGO SPICE FOR" « - ; 5 Cons sghass: "40° oly REVERBE FRAIIES ON FL , ee ae 59 1082" si WER ARAMES /8°x*F0° (SEE SEPARATE SECTION ). sels a FLOOM FRATES 29° F670 +38" AF ENOS Ol BULHMERD PLATING * FOTOS FF "SEIN CX PBNEION TRUNK 4 - a ~ x * £38 x 50%, / Ove x10 S409" TONES, BNNERe Bae 7) eee oe te es 38 35.98" ' 3 ; ~ = GET Be SIDES OF EXAANSION en ae 1S 57 . as 0 ~ @: 4 sp _-. , 1 sven SE 88 STERN POST SEXO RUDDER TO RLLE 9 wn ee : : es SO RE BR Fx td rn PEOCTE. = 75 STANGER FS 'i Stes rire Wid ale A ginttiesl e150 : SO ae Soe ECE at ae | CENTRE PLATE JOO ES 79*23 4 Bae ee > S 4 : RS y Ex 6S 020 728 9.25 : ye a : 6 f f, : £ OLS a ab soiree ro ce oyses Nees a8 VASP Ere INNER MEELSON 135.62" 70. <a Ss PUIVET ED, -- bx Ex OS. as a wits ae ; Se SI S : ade de 2 333 oo 953|" ~~ eas ide Do a]e > > fo ly GXS ED FO "| ¥ - Soe gi = ee "BOIL FE INN: os 'TO+es" INTERCOSTR, L4G ake EXSLET FOR BAR IAS Sars 2 EACH SIO 9 TRANS & Mant 22025 xK0 PP LISS ARS FTTET AELL SIN ISS ro FA" LES AI OMT APPL? G AeA S RIVETS.) 4 FIG. 2--MIDSHIP SECTION OF THE SEBASTIAN